Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 657 The taste is very good at noon today

Today is Li Shuyao's birthday party. Although she said that she broadcast live early in the morning, there are still many people who came later, and they were taken aback after entering.

Hey, are you playing cosplay here today? Why is a female general sitting here, but it looks a bit weird. The armor on this body and the big knife on the back are still normal. What's the situation with that... a toy wooden horse?
Also, why is there a ghost mask tied on the side of the head, a ghost painting symbol on the side of the forehead, and a mahogany sword in his hand...

Is this to exorcise ghosts?

Li Shuyao is also very depressed, she also recognizes some weapons and armors, what the hell are these "magic weapons", such peach wood swords, ghost-suppressing bells, etc., and this talisman... you Let's wait to make a zombie movie, right?

Seeing these "birth", "day", "gift" and "things" of her own, she is somewhat disappointed. Generally speaking, what kind of anchor is in everyone's mind, what kind of gift will the water friends give.

Looking at the gifts everyone sent, Li Shuyao understood what kind of image she was in the hearts of the water friends...

Ma Dan, shouldn't I be a goddess image?Why do I always feel like a female nervous image when looking at these gifts? This is not right, it does not match my personality!

No... I don't seem to have any fixed character design, and Lu Yao didn't design any character design route for her, it's all up to her to play.

In other words, this TM is her true self?

Hiss, I'm so angry, no matter how I feel, I can't refute it even if I want to.

"Ahem, this, let's open another one. I'm really convinced by you old sixes. I want to see what you can come up with later!"

Li Shuyao puffed her mouth angrily, and then continued to open the box. The bullet screen was amused by her pouting:
"Hey, Yaoyao is so cute."

"With this body and a talisman on the head, it looks like a little zombie."

"Haha, where can such cute zombies be sold, give me a stack."

"It's too much, look at what has been sent here! Please increase your efforts."

"Happy birthday Yaoyao!"

"I feel like Yaoyao doesn't say anything, but she is already happy in her heart."

"Cute pinch."

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"Just here, did Yaoyao have such an exciting birthday?"

"My old man is talented."

"If zombies are like that, then I can."

"These gifts... don't feel like they are given to the female anchor."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard."


Opened another package, and soon vaguely saw a smear of red inside... Li Shuyao put both hands on the package, and then seemed to accept her fate:
"I knew it, I knew it! I had a hunch before, I knew there would be this thing!"

Li Shuyao took out two round boxes with a bang, which turned out to be the famous canned herring!

"One or two of you, don't worry about me, don't you... Look at what you are all about."

Li Shuyao picked up some things next to her, which were opened earlier.

There are two golden pillow durians, two boxes of blue cheese, a pack of real stinky tofu, a pack of shark meat, and a large pack of snail noodles...

"You guys really think highly of me, thank you... I'll just eat these for lunch today, but I want to taste how they are."

Li Shuyao's appearance of going to hell scares Fang Xuening next to her...

No, why are you so crazy... You can't eat all of them if you eat one, are you crazy?

Fang Xuening opened her mouth, and had already made a decision in her heart, if this guy was so troublesome today, she would go out and find a hotel to stay for the night.

Hmm... It's too troublesome, I'd better block the door of my room with a wet towel first, so that I can go back to the room at night.

Haha, witty as I am!
"Today, I'm going to drag Xiao Xiao Ning to live broadcast and eat these at noon, you all don't run away, show me all of them!"

Fang Xuening: "???"

When am I going to eat these things, you are crazy please don't take me, thank you.


"Ahahaha, this canned herring is a little bit smelly, just opened it... vomit... cough cough, it's a little vomited just after opening it..."

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening have now moved to the kitchen.

Although her house is not as smart as Jie Ge’s house, there are cameras everywhere, even in the refrigerator, but because she often takes pictures and videos of cooking here, and occasionally has a live broadcast of cooking, so there are still people here. camera.

Both Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening love to eat durian, so it's nothing but a bit of a taste.

The snail powder is something that the two of them also like to eat, so it's nothing, just put it aside and cook it later.

The stinky tofu is authentic at Jiege’s house, and it’s acceptable to some extent.

Blue cheese and shark meat belong to the dark Nordic cuisine. Just try it when the time comes. Anyway, there are not many. If you can’t eat it, give it to Brother Gou.

But this canned herring is famous, right? Many up owners on the Internet have opened it. I didn't think about trying it before, but this time it's a chance.


Li Shuyao couldn't help but retched a couple of times, among other things, the smell was really strong, Fang Xuening had already gone directly to the backyard, and the three kittens also ran to the backyard together.

Before running away, he took a strange look at Li Shuyao.

Ma Ma cooks such delicious and delicious food every day, why today... did he learn from the stray dogs outside today?

"Ahem, you have to be responsible, I feel that my cat looks at me wrongly when I go out... I don't believe it, I have to taste what the hell is this fish today..."

"I think this smells like vomit at first...cough cough, after you eat it, you accept the taste, and you can smell it...vomit..."

Li Shuyao wiped away the tears overflowing from the corners of her eyes, this life is to try bravely, since the opportunity is right in front of you, then you can't back down!
So Li Shuyao took out a baking tray.

"I saw that Brother Daxiang had eaten it before. He said that it was delicious when fried. I also prepared some bread in advance today. He said that we would eat it fried. Let's try whether it tastes good or not."

Li Shuyao took a basin of water and put it beside her, and rinsed the herring in the water before putting the herring on the baking tray.

She had watched the video before and said that the top layer was full of salt, which was very salty. In order to avoid being killed in a while, she still rinsed it in the water.


The rinsed fish sizzled on the hot grill pan, some water and oil splashed up, but evaporated quickly.

"Hey, don't tell me, this fried fish tastes better, it's not as disgusting as before..."

"What do you mean I've adapted? I can adapt to this taste. It's impossible. It's just that the taste of this fried fish is not bad. Really, if you don't believe me, try it yourself. It's really not bad. Brother Daxiang has something. Aww."

"Look at it, look at it, this Michelin chef's favorite burnt brown... well, I think it's ready, and it smells good."

"Let me take a piece of bread, let's have a taste."

"Hiss... well, it's indeed a bit salty, I've even passed the water and it's still so salty... But the taste is surprisingly good."

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