Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 658 Why do these humans always want to learn from dogs now?

"Fuck, did Yaoyao eat canned herring?"

"I didn't expect wow I didn't expect that."

"Is it really so delicious? I want to eat it when I see it."

"Brothers, I have eaten it, don't believe it, don't try it."

"It's all fake! Fake!"

"Sure enough, food bloggers can eat anything."

"Shocked, a certain beauty blogger actually live-streamed eating shi"

"It's over, I can't take this house anymore."

"It's over, I can't have this Yaoyao anymore."

"The mighty canned herring has been tamed by Yaoyao."

"Actually, I think canned herring is quite delicious."

"Cow beer!"


Seeing Li Shuyao gulping down canned herring, the barrage became a little uneasy... Didn't you vomit before, why is it so delicious now?

Whether it was a deception before or a deception now, we are a little confused. Hey.

Fang Xuening watched Li Shuyao eat so deliciously in the backyard, but wondered if this food was the same as stinky tofu, which smelled stinky but tasted delicious.

She can eat stinky tofu, but it doesn't smell that bad. It's a special fragrance. I've eaten a lot at Jie Ge's before, so I think it's okay.

Then she opened the door to go in.

"Meow!" Brother Gou looked at Fang Xuening in shock, the Twolegs are so brave today, they all want to try that thing, I don't even want to touch that thing, but you want to eat it?

My God, I can feel some smell constantly coming out through the door.

This family can't stay anymore, let's stay in the courtyard for a few days.

Fortunately, it's not cold yet, and I can still stay in the courtyard. I hope this is the last time. If it's winter, I really can't stand it.

Then Brother Gou watched Fang Xuening rush in holding his nose, vomited after taking a bite, grabbed a glass of juice and rushed out again.

After coming out, I pour DuangDuang's drink...

Brother Gou looked at Fang Xuening and then at Li Shuyao, and immediately felt that this white-haired man was just a normal person, and Ma Ma was the real warrior.

How about I go in and try?
Brother Gou probed his head and felt that as a real warrior, he must always face the challenges in the life of a cat, and he can’t just run away when he encounters something he can’t accept. How can he become the king of cats in that case?

Then it quietly opened the door...

It flashed back a moment later.

Forget it, it's going to be the king of cats, not the king of dogs, so it shouldn't have to face those things directly.

Li Shuyao let out a long breath after eating three lye breads and a whole can of canned herring: "Really, the taste is still good. If you want to try it again, you can try it. I think it should be better than directly It is much better to eat, and this thing is indeed quite salty, it is recommended to soak it before eating."

"Let's try this blue cheese for a while..."

After eating the canned herring, Li Shuyao looked at the blue cheese next to her again. It was soft to the touch, but I don't know how it tasted. It happened that there was some lye bread left, which could be used to spread on the bread try it.

These things must not be eaten directly, like our spicy bean curd and so on. It is also very exciting to eat directly. Generally speaking, you have to eat it with other things. This thing is seasoned, not dry food. .

It took a lot of effort to unpack it, and it should have a strange smell, but now the smell in the house is like this, and it can hardly be smelled.

Li Shuyao used chopsticks to spread a little bit on the lye bread, put it in his mouth and tasted it, then grinned:
"It's not good, it's not good, this thing is not good, um, you can't say that, after all, everyone's taste is different, I personally don't think it fits my taste, if you are interested, you can Buy it and try it yourself."

"However, I suggest that you don't buy too much at one time, buy a small box and try it, and then buy it if it suits your taste. If it doesn't suit you, forget it and avoid waste."

"I'm sure I won't waste this, we still have kittens at home, I'll feed them when the time comes, haha, although I said they ran out now, but they are actually shy, yes, they will definitely love to eat by then, Take it easy."

Brother Gou: "..." Turning his head to look at Xiaohong, you can eat later!

Xiaohong: "..." Turning to look at Shuping, eat later!

Shuping: "..."

Baba, Mama, when will you have another kitten, I am under a lot of pressure!
Then Li Shuyao tried shark meat for a while... Then she quickly shook her head: "Ditto, ah, I personally don't like this taste very much."

"Foreigners like to make these weird things, but apart from this canned herring, the others are not very good, and this canned food needs to be made, otherwise it will be really difficult to eat it empty-handed."

"Maybe it needs some production methods to make it delicious. After all, our stinky tofu doesn't mean to eat it directly after opening the bag, but to fry it and then put some hot sauce on it, right? We don't understand this cooking method either."

"Okay, let's put the foreigners' things aside for now, let's try our own traditional delicacy...Xue Ning...come in Suofen!"

While talking, Li Shuyao yelled at Fang Xuening who was watching the scenery in the backyard.

"Ahem, I won't eat at noon today, you can eat by yourself." At this moment, Fang Xuening suddenly felt that the scenery in the backyard was very beautiful, and she suddenly didn't feel hungry today.

Li Shuyao snickered, and called Xiao Yao to open up for a breath.

Originally, there was an air circulation system in the house, which would automatically circulate the air in the house without opening the windows.

But it is obvious that the ordinary circulation is a bit slow now, so just turn on the ventilation and increase the intensity.

She directly turned on the maximum power, and after a while, she could slightly feel the wind blowing on her body.

In addition, she disposed of the finished herring cans and the remaining soup, cleaned the baking pan, and solved the source of the smell, and the ventilation system was ventilated, but it took more than ten minutes. The smell in the house is much lighter.

When Li Shuyao finished cooking the snail noodles, the smell of canned herring no longer existed in the house, but there was still a faint smell of snail noodles.

Li Shuyao didn't turn off the ventilation, anyway, he had to change it when the time came, and it would be faster if it was turned on all the time.

As for the wind when eating...

Before that, I already had the wind, food, and camp outside, so what's the lack of wind?
"Okay, come and eat, there is no smell in the room." Li Shuyao then shouted at Fang Xuening.

Fang Xuening poked his head in and smelled it for a while, and nodded in satisfaction after smelling the familiar smell of snail powder, then walked in.

"This taste is better, but the taste just now was...too horrible." Fang Xuening sat at the dining table with lingering fear, looking at a big bowl of snail noodles that sparkled brightly.

Now she is somewhat hungry, she can't bear to look at the golden fried eggs and the springy pig's trotters, but after Li Shuyao sat down, she started to eat thinly.

The two of them have actually eaten authentic snail noodles along the way, which is better than this convenient version, but the difference is not bad.

Brother Gou saw that the two of them were eating so deliciously, and then walked in with his head poking around.

As soon as I walked in, I was pushed out again.

Good guy, this smell seems familiar, I also encountered it a few months ago, when it ran away with two cats...

Why are these humans so fat now, why do they always want to be like dogs?

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