Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 659 Thanks for having you

After eating the snail powder, the two of them ate some durian again. Although these two things may not be acceptable to everyone, compared with the previous things, these are obviously delicacies!

Anyway, the two of them were very happy after eating, Fang Xuening also ate happily, and then ate the sweet durian, it was very delicious to eat some fruit after the meal.

It's just that the three kittens are a little disgusted, and have been hiding in the backyard and refused to come in.

Li Shuyao thinks this is not good. If you can't eat the food of foreigners, you can't eat it. How can you not eat your own food? It seems that you should exercise them more in the future.

This is the case with food, but any food that some people like so badly must also be hated by others, and the kind that most people can eat must be ordinary and not considered food.

Li Shuyao's theories about food, anyway, the audience in the live broadcast room were taken aback for a while, but after thinking about it, those who are particularly delicious usually have a large number of opponents.

Such as salty and sweet tofu nao, salty and sweet rice dumplings...

However, Li Shuyao was somewhat puzzled, why there is a big difference between rice dumplings and moon cakes, which are both festive special snacks, and why there is no moon cake... It's quite amazing.

Why do zongzi eat salty ones but not sweet ones, and eat sweet ones but not salty ones.

But moon cakes are really sweet and salty, so everyone can eat them?
Come to think of it...

Sure enough, moon cakes are not as delicious as zongzi.

Li Shuyao continued unpacking in the afternoon, similar to the morning, some of them were normal gifts, such as music boxes, crystal balls, princess dresses, lipsticks and perfumes, and League of Legends figures.

There are also those abnormal ones, such as knives, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, I wish I could give you all [-] kinds of weapons. Of course, they are all imitations, either unsharpened or simply made of plastic.

Then there are some things related to gods, gods and ghosts, some of which Li Shuyao doesn't even know!Fortunately, they all looked clean, with manufacturers on them, and they looked like toys, otherwise she wouldn't have dared to accept them...

Then there is a cosplay costume, there are characters from League of Legends, some characters from anime, and some that look like...

Anyway, Li Shuyao wouldn't dare to wear it if she didn't wear long johns inside.

There is also some food and drink, there are relatively high-end gift boxes, there are also local products from her hometown, and some snacks. Anyway, she didn't have a lot of idle mouth this afternoon, and she kept eating.

Later, Fang Xuening stopped pretending, and sat down to eat with her... Then Lu Yao came back, but she didn't appear on the screen, and hid outside the camera to eat...

Some things can be put away, and some things can't be put away at all, so it's better for everyone to eat together quickly.

So, anyway, there is basically no need to eat this dinner, just eat the cake that Lu Yao brought back later.

Even Tantai Jingyi, who was going to go abroad in a few days, rushed back. She probably had to go back after eating a piece of cake. Fortunately, CR's base was not that far from here.

"Well, the express delivery has almost been disassembled here, and there is not much left, so I will dismantle it slowly by myself."

Seeing that the time was almost 8 o'clock, Li Shuyao stopped... Some of the couriers contained letters written to her, and Li Shuyao basically read them all, so it was relatively slow.

"Thank you for the gifts everyone sent me. I am really very grateful. It has been more than two years since I went around. I have also grown from a little up owner who no one cares about to a little up owner who some people see now. Hehe, thanks Thank you all for your love and support.”

Li Shuyao stood up and bowed to the camera.

This bow was sincere, and there was no element of show. If there was no love from the audience, she would still be that little transparent that no one cares about.

Even if you cheat, you can't deny that these people are indeed her parents.

"I saw that some water friends in our group made a video, let's take a look together, it is said that it has been uploaded to station B."

Lu Yao sorted out several videos made by the water friends. In fact, they were mainly collected by the housing managers in the group, and then removed some disturbing ones, and there were still a few videos.

There are many short videos, all of which are videos of blessings recorded by myself, and then the housing management group also made videos by themselves, and finally everyone edited all these videos into one video.

In addition, there are two edited videos of Li Shuyao's experience in the past few years, which are more powerful, and they have uploaded them to station B by themselves. With Li Shuyao's drainage, they should be able to make some money.

Li Shuyao opened these two videos first. After all, they are relatively short, and these two videos have completely different styles.

One is in a touching style. The main clip is Li Shuyao's career journey. From the first live broadcast to the subsequent championships, it is quite emotional to watch.

The other one is in a funny style. It mainly edits the funny moments during Li Shuyao's live broadcast. Some of them make her blush a little...

Naturally, there are quite a few famous scenes that have been selected into various edited anchor programs. Thinking about it now, it is precisely these famous scenes that have accumulated a lot of popularity for her bit by bit.

After watching these two videos, it is a relatively long video, which is longer than the previous two combined. It is basically the blessings of the water friends. In a few seconds, everyone talked about themselves and the book. The story among the nursery rhymes in this ID.

Some like her songs, some like her looks, some like her superb skills, and some like her funny personality...

No matter what, everyone gathered in Li Shuyao's live broadcast room from all over the world, gathered in this video, told stories one by one, and sent blessings, it was really touching.

In addition to the water friends, there are several familiar up hosts who also recorded videos. Li Shuyao looked at Yi Le, and she also recorded similar videos for other up hosts.

But it was someone's water friend who came to ask her to record it, otherwise it would be good to send a blessing...

Who is free to record a piece for a birthday friend...

In fact, only the anchors who have the need for live broadcast will need it. This is also one of the effects of the program.

But of course it wasn't the host who came to ask her for it. It seemed that Li Shuyao didn't even know about these few recordings. This was also a surprise for her from the water friends.

"Thank you again for your kindness..."

Li Shuyao started to fuss again, but she didn't see Lu Yao and Tantai Jingyi walking over pushing a small shelf, on which there was naturally a three-tiered cake.

Well, considering Li Shuyao's appetite, Lu Yao ordered a relatively large cake, which seems to be just right now, the big guys didn't eat at night.

"Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you..."

The two of them came out singing the birthday song while pushing the shelf. Well, although the birthday song in this world is slightly different from that in that world, it doesn't deviate too much.

"Ah." Li Shuyao turned around the chair in surprise, and Fang Xuening put a small golden crown on her head.

Well, the one that came with the cake.

The lights in the room went out with a snap, and the two candles on the cake were shining brightly in the room.

"Haha, come here, blow out the candles."

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