Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 666 Have You Drawn!

Most of the people in Lu Yao's studio are her old team in the company. However, not everyone is willing to leave the company and go out to work alone, so she is still planning to recruit a few new people.

At present, everyone is naturally still in the company, and everyone comes to the company at different times, so the contract expiration time is also different.

And they are not like artists like Li Shuyao.

For people like Li Shuyao, the company hopes to sign a long-term contract, and artists hope to sign a short-term contract.

Of course, it refers to the popular ones.

Those who are old or not well-known are not qualified to bargain with the company.

And these are ordinary migrant workers. Generally speaking, the contract is signed every two years, and basically it can be renewed, because if you can't do it, you will be fired before the contract expires...

So they are going to resign.

The resignation has to be applied one month in advance, so they are still in the company, waiting for the final time to leave.

In fact, by this time, the company also knew that Li Shuyao was going to set up her own studio. This was normal, and she wasn't the first one. There were many artists who set up their own studio.

After the company fought for it, it stopped fighting for it, and started talking about cooperation with Lu Yao.

The company is very familiar with this set of procedures. They are definitely going to leave anyway. If you get stuck at this time or something, they will definitely be unhappy at that time. This is completely unnecessary.

The company is naturally profit-oriented. Li Shuyao's songs are all written and composed by herself, and the copyrights are all in her own hands. Moreover, she is only 20 years old, so there is still a lot to do in the future.

Is it better to quarrel with a singer with unlimited potential in the future and make people unhappy, or to continue the old relationship with a company two years ago?

This is an easy choice to make.

The kind of company that makes all kinds of awkward things when people want to leave, and then starts to stumble when they fail to keep them is too small, and they can't achieve any big things. If they want to become bigger and stronger, they naturally rely on their connections.

Especially in this circle, sometimes all you have is money is useless, like Li Shuyao who can write songs, and those who write good songs are even more scarce resources.

Which singer do you want to praise in the future, if you can find Li Shuyao to tailor a good song for you, the harvest...

Since it is irreparable, then leave a good impression to facilitate future cooperation.

So now Lu Yao's team basically belongs to the group of people who are about to leave in the company. Although the company's senior management still provides a place to work, and their attitude is quite good, but... there are always some gossips.

And everyone knows that they are leaving, so they often tease in the small group that they will soon have no place to work.

Lu Yao looked at Gong Mang who was excitedly chatting in the group and smiled slightly. She has been really busy for a while, except for a few artists, she was just running through various formalities, and now she is almost done. , I also breathed a sigh of relief.

Now it's just a matter of decorating the studio.

In fact, there is no need for much decoration, the main thing is the placement of various things, and there are some decorations. Decoration is indispensable. Adjusting the mood can improve work efficiency.

Aesthetics represents one of the important elements of a civilization, and it cannot be lost.

But pinch, we still have to wait for the boss to come back, right, he paid for it, so Li Shuyao had to make the final decision on the decoration of the studio.

Lu Yao estimated that this guy has no interest. Generally speaking, apart from the necessary work, this guy likes fishing the most...

Apparently, she would not be happy with such a brainless thing as planning an office.

However, she obviously misjudged Li Shuyao again, or she misjudged her and a certain white hair.

When I'm just alone, I may still prefer to touch fish, but when two people are together, I like to tinker with something.

Didn't they just come back from tinkering with two refrigerators? For these two refrigerators, both of them are very interested in this matter.

Anyway, pointing fingers, yes, the leaders have done what they like best, anyway, we will be leaders in the future, so the two of them started pointing fingers when they entered the door:

"I think I can put a plaque of our studio next to this door."

"I think the plaque is a bit high-profile. It can be a small European-style house number, which feels very tasteful."

"Well, I think it's almost okay. By the way, Yaoyao, have you thought about the name of the studio yet?"

"I must have thought about it, otherwise how would I register?"

"Yes, what's it called? Nursery Rhyme Studio?"

"Hey? How do you know?"

"Nonsense, you wish the elementary school had the same name."

"Oh yes..."

"Here... I think this wall can be kept. You are planning to publish animations, and you can hang your animations on this wall at that time."

"I think so."

"Well, let me intervene later." Lu Yao suddenly jumped out: "Our studio will officially settle in soon, where is the work you prepared?"

"Hey? Didn't I give you all the songs in the album?" Li Shuyao scratched her head.

"Anime, anime you agreed!" Lu Yao pinched his waist.

"Haha, I'm painting now." Li Shuyao laughed haha. Well, I've been a little bit busy recently, and this painting must be done, but this time the painting is more complicated , she hasn't devoted herself to painting yet.

"Okay, I knew you didn't paint because you travel around all day long!"

"It's drawn, it's definitely drawn! If you don't believe me, go and see it!"

"Don't go out for the next few days, draw for me!"

"Well, I have to attend a wedding."

"No delay!"


Gong Mang next to him quietly patted Fang Xuening's arm: "They...have they always been like this?"

"Haha, it's okay, it's normal." Fang Xuening said with a smile.

"Ah, it's not good, it's the boss after all..." Gong Mang pouted, "In the past, it was nothing more than a manager and an artist, but from now on, it's the boss."

"It's okay." Fang Xuening waved her hand: "Isn't this Sister Lu, as our good eldest sister, right, a famous tool man..."

"Ahem...Fang Xuening!" Lu Yao's eyes turned sideways suddenly.

"Ah...what's the matter." Fang Xuening blinked her eyes, she was cute and cute.

"I seem to have heard you call me big sister just now!"


"I knew you thought I was old!"

"I sent 4, I didn't!"

"Haha, I testify, she did, I heard it just now!" Li Shuyao immediately booed beside her.

"Ha, Li Shuyao, I didn't expect you to betray me too!"

"Both of you are the same!"


Gong Mang watched the three people bickering with interest from the side. Speaking of which, in fact, the relationship between the manager and the artist is not without it. Relatively speaking, it is less but still there.

But it is indeed the first time she has seen Lu Yao like this. After all, Lu Yao has been basically business-like and serious in the company. Even with colleagues who are more familiar, it is at most a little joking. There is basically no bickering like this.

From Gong Mang's point of view, this doesn't look like a colleague, but more like a true friend.

Of course, after getting to know the future boss up close, he turned out to have the same personality as during the live broadcast... It seems that he is easy to get along with.

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