Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 667 Preparing for Anime

After everyone's "serious discussions", the office layout design was finally handed over to Lu Yao. Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening basically put forward some suggestions for some decorations.

However, one of Li Shuyao's suggestions was still adopted by Lu Yao, that is, the whole cat litter or something, it would be nice to have a kitten in the studio, Brother Gou and the others can also come and visit.

And in the future, if Brother Gou and Shuping give birth to kittens, they can also be raised here, right? Brother Gou's offspring can't just torture his own family, the people in his studio must also be tortured together!
So on the first floor, I planned to move a cat nest like that of Li Shuyao's house. Anyway, it was very simple, just go to the house at the door to make it. Anyway, Li Shuyao's house was also made by the house at the door.

Anyway, Li Shuyao's style is basically to catch a sheep, and whoever is used to it will keep using it.

A tool person said...

It is indeed the case.

In addition, she is going to put some souvenirs she bought on this trip, as well as gifts from water friends. Some things are a bit out of place at home, so they are all put in the warehouse at the attic. Grab some here.

Lu Yao kept talking about the rest, and then Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening smiled and nodded beside them.

The family's plan is already perfect, so Li Shuyao basically has no other opinions.

If you don’t need major renovations, but just move various utensils and some decorations, it will basically be done in a few days. There are also recommended decoration companies in the park...

As for why Li Shuyao was asked to take a look...

Apart from the fact that she is the boss, she has to pay for it. The studio had to be supported by Li Shuyao's own small coffers in the early stage.

Fortunately, the continuous copyright fees of those songs can be used as start-up capital.

Li Shuyao's current contract with the company has expired. If the company is more ruthless, it will not allow Lu Yao and her team to make videos for Li Shuyao.

But this is not to make Li Shuyao owe favors. Before these people completely left the company, everything they did to Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening made Li Shuyao owe others favors.

No matter what era, what is more valuable than money has always been human affection.

Lu Yao would like to stop for a while, or Li Shuyao make it for a while, so that he doesn't owe too much favor.

But Li Shuyao doesn't care, in her words: "Isn't it just a few songs, when the time comes to help them write a few songs, it will be considered as repaying the favor."

Well, you have to pay for my songs anyway!
It can only be said that the company has actually figured out Li Shuyao's personality and adopted different routines for different people. Anyway, this wave can be said to be a win-win situation, and Li Shuyao and the company are very comfortable.

What Li Shuyao wanted was convenience.

What the company wants is profit.

The company would definitely not be so magnanimous if it faced such narrow-minded people.

Furthermore, Li Shuyao's previous record was too dazzling, and the song that day was really shocking.

Although those who write lyrics and music for more than ten minutes are relatively rare, there are still some talented musicians who can do it.

But this is not just writing lyrics and composing music, but making a song as a whole.

It's just like someone draws a house design in a day, and you not only take out the design in a day, but also decorate the house. It's so outrageous.

So in fact, there are still many people in the circle who don't believe it, and the people in the company basically regard Li Shuyao as a myth, otherwise it would not be so easy to talk about benefits.

After returning home, Li Shuyao basically got into the work room. If you want to talk about Guoman, there are not many adaptations of novels. Basically, there are three or two big cats and kittens. Not many stand out. But there are still a few.

If you want to sell a blockbuster in the short term...

Actually there are.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, and quickly drew an ink painting image on the drawing board.

If you want to make a hit in a short period of time, you must have its own quality and topicality.

Don’t underestimate the degree of topicality. Many high-quality works are not read. Although many works are good, they are not up to the quality that people are bragging about. Some works are even bad, but they sell well...

This is whether your work is topical, whether it can attract attention as soon as it is created.

At least [-]% of people in this era are not in the mood to read a work slowly, and they must catch their attention immediately before continuing to read.

At least [-]% of people in this era watch a work with other people. This is conformity, and to a certain extent, it is the pursuit of trends. Everyone feels a bit outdated if you don’t watch it.

This requires hyping up traffic and topics.

Of course, if you want to keep your own brand, at least the work must be good, but it has not reached the level of quality that people are bragging about.

Otherwise, people will not buy it next time.

It is impossible to directly make it look like a big factory. How much money was spent on the special effects... For example, the plot of a certain money-burning blade is actually considered upper-middle-level and not top-notch, but the production of the animation is really good. It's too over the top, directly raising the manga several levels.

So there is no need to think about this kind of anime before someone throws money at her, she can't afford it.

As for Li Shuyao's plan to draw this time, the plot is secondary. After all, it is very short, only 3 episodes, but the animation is not only about the plot, the style of painting is a very important point.

This time it will be an animation that fully demonstrates the traditional Chinese style.

And the fighting scenes are also very classic. She still remembers that she was very excited when watching it, and it was very enjoyable.

The short plot means that it is not easy to be thunderous in the plot, and it is also convenient for novices to make; the ink painting style is our own thing, and it is easy to arouse everyone's sense of identity; and the explosive play lays the foundation for getting out of the circle.

At that time, when everyone spreads to each other, they can directly edit the clips of the play.

No, what she is preparing this time is another 3-episode anime that was almost produced by a fairy himself and a few of his little friends - "Five Elements in the Fog Mountain".

This is a work that has no capital at all and is a hot search purely on its own quality.

And with Li Shuyao's own traffic in this world, coupled with Lu Yao's operation, she believes that this name will soon be established.

She thinks this is just right as the pioneering work of a nursery rhyme studio!
She can also improve some details on the basis of "Five Elements in the Fog Mountain". If she wants to draw other works in the future, she can also use this style as the basis.

Anyway, the paintings are all drawn by her, and the style of painting is not entirely up to her.

The most brilliant part of this anime is of course the fight scene, this part must be drawn well, whether it can be popular or not depends on this.

Soon, the original paintings appeared on the computer one by one.

It is naturally difficult to create something original from scratch, but it is not difficult to improve slightly on the basis of others.

After concentrating on painting at home for a few days, the studio has almost been decorated, and a few employees have begun to move in, and Li Shuyao is also preparing to attend the wedding.

After the wedding comes back, I will draw a picture and try to get this thing out within a month or two!

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