Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 668: Make Your Own Wedding

"This invitation is really pretty." Fang Xuening fiddled with the bronzing wedding invitation in her hand on the co-pilot, and after opening it, a colorful ink painting was drawn on the title page.

It is said to be an ink painting, but the painting is more realistic. It can be said that it has the feeling of an oil painting painted in the style of ink and wash.

In the picture, a man and a woman look at the sun hand in hand.

"This painting is quite bold. It seems that Jiang Quan no longer has any rules in his heart. Haha, it's true. After going through so many things, he probably doesn't care about these rules for a long time." Li Shuyao laughed while driving.

She had seen the invitation card a long time ago, so she could tell the origin of the painting on the title page at a glance.

"You mean, this is drawn by the official groom?" Fang Xuening smiled and said, "This is really a talent. I don't know how to draw, but I feel that the drawing is very beautiful."

"Indeed, he has spent a lot of posters for CR these days." Li Shuyao laughed.

Of course, he didn't draw the invitations one by one, just draw an original painting and then print it, it's not too difficult.

Nowadays, those who study fine arts not only need to paint on canvas, but also to paint on the computer, but also to constantly innovate styles, to be careful in the paintings, and to be careful not to plagiarize, which can be said to be more and more It's getting more and more curled up.

Anyway, in this world, from the country to all walks of life, basically everyone is involved. Those who can squeeze in the head are either lucky or talented.

Well, reincarnation can actually be called luck.

After experiencing the MSI last year, CR has indeed found Jiang Quan to cooperate a lot, and the normal business cooperation will naturally ask for money, which is also very normal.

Now the background of CR's official blog, as well as the big posters hanging outside the club are all drawn by him.

His paintings are not limited to rules and regulations, and he has obviously stepped out of his own style. Sure enough, those who are original, have to go through some things to produce transformation.

Uh, except for those who are naturally open-minded like Li Bai.

Many writers, painters, musicians, etc. who are original in this area basically create exciting and direct works after experiencing a lot of twists and turns.

Although this Jiang Quan can't be called a master yet, he is gradually changing.

Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, maybe he can pull it into his own studio. Although he has painted some paintings for CR, but he has never joined CR, then he can join his own nursery rhyme studio and let him draw with him. Well.

Anyway, I won't treat him badly!
And usually everyone has nothing to do, so he can also do his own creation, and he will hold an art exhibition or something in the future, right?

Li Shuyao can forget about it by herself. Her paintings are too entertaining and not artistic. At most, she paints scenery from travels before painting. I guess in the eyes of a master painter, any color matching or shape proportions are wrong, so I still never mind.

She didn't want to compare herself with others, as if there was another music award coming up soon, and if they wanted her to go, she still didn't want to go.

In fact, any work of art is very subjective. Some people will like it and some people will not like it. If you like it, let a dog go up and draw it, and someone will pay a lot of money to buy it. If you don’t like it, you will see the master’s painting. Can you sell money after making complaints about it?

Maybe she would fight for awards in her previous life, but she doesn't need it now.

"Phew, I finally found a parking space." Li Shuyao walked around the underground parking lot for several times before finally finding a parking space and stuffing the car in.

"This is a hotel specially for weddings. The parking lot is too full." Fang Xuening looked at the rows of cars next to her and stuck out her tongue. In fact, there are expensive cars and cheap cars. The appearance is similar.

"Let's go...on the third floor."

This is a hotel dedicated to wedding receptions, and it can receive 10 couples every day to go to the palace of marriage. Basically, there is no vacancy every day, and the appointments can be arranged until next year.

Of course, every year there are people who break up before the wedding, so occasionally there will be places in the front row or directly in the stalls.

Jiang Quan and Liu Mengxi are not considered slots, but they are ahead of schedule. They also made an appointment at the end of last year, and they were notified two months earlier this year.

There were quite a few people who came to the wedding. Although there were 3 elevators in the parking lot, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening had to wait two rounds before going up.

The shop of the hotel is very large, and there are three weddings held at the same time on the same floor, so there are many people on each floor.

On the third floor, a large group of people came out of the elevator and followed the sign at the door to attend the wedding in three directions: left, middle and right.

"It's the one on the right... However, there are really few people going this way."

Li Shuyao looked at the three signs, Jiang Quan and Liu Mengxi were on the right, but also found that there were many people walking to the left and the middle, but very few people walking to the right.

It stands to reason that these two people's family conditions are actually good, and there should be many relatives and friends, but I don't know why it seems that there are not many people.

Walking to the door of the hall here, there is neither a table for receiving gifts nor a person checking wedding invitations. It seems that as long as you come here, you can walk in and be seated.

Walking through the door, the layout inside was also different from the weddings Li Shuyao had attended before.

First of all, it is not the traditional Chinese red, nor the Western white, but... colorful.

Yes, the wedding scene is roughly divided into four areas, arranged in four different styles, namely the blue of the sea, the brown of the mountains, the green of the grassland, and the red of the volcano.

And the stage in front is the intersection of four colors, it really looks like a dream.

In addition to the different dyeing of the tables and chairs, these four areas really display the four kinds of scenery, which should be rendered with some technology. It is not uncommon for this thing to be placed on the stage, but it is indeed rare to put it in a wedding. see you.

At this time, some people were already seated during the banquet, but compared with the bustling wedding scene, it can be said that it was a bit deserted.

However, it seemed that the guests present were quite at ease, and they were not cramped because of the small number of people.

There is music playing in the venue, which happens to be Daoxiang.

"Yaoyao, Xue Ning." Liu Mengxi, who was dressed in a blue and white porcelain cheongsam, greeted her with a smile.

"Oh, why did you, the bride, come out so early?" Li Shuyao asked in surprise.

"Yaoyao, look how our wedding looks like a traditional wedding." Liu Mengxi smiled and said, "Our wedding is naturally planned by ourselves, traditional wedding, no matter Chinese style or Western style, just use it as a reference. "

"Domineering!" Fang Xuening gave a thumbs up: "You guys are still free and easy, haha."

"Excellent." Li Shuyao nodded as well. Jiang Quan and his parents were also receiving other guests. It was quite interesting to receive their friends by themselves.

Anyway, there weren't many people coming, and a few of them were enough.

"We always feel that there is no need to care so much about those so-called rules and traditions. Aren't these traditions created by people? Why can't we do it according to our own ideas." Liu Mengxi laughed: "Our parents also We all agree, so our own wedding is up to us."

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