Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 669 Painting and Sound

Seeing Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening made Liu Mengxi very happy, and she didn't go to receive other people for the time being, so she took the two of them inside. After Liu Mengxi's introduction, Li Shuyao had some understanding of the wedding.

First of all, the people who come here really don’t need the gift, neither do the two of them, and they don’t lack the money. It’s not easy for anyone to work hard in a big city these days, so there’s no need to empty your wallet for the gift.

Although both of their families are quite rich, their friends also have ordinary office workers. Instead of comparing how much money they have with each other, it is better not to have all of them, so that friends can feel relaxed.

However, it is said that their parents still received some red envelopes, and they are all friends of their parents. I don’t care about Liu Mengxi and Jiang Quan. Their parents’ friends are all very rich. It doesn't matter anymore.

Secondly, they did send out invitations, but those who have not received invitations can come in casually. These days, the only ones who can come to the wedding are your friends.

Both of them are not office workers, and there are no colleagues who look up and look up. Those who heard about your wedding and came to attend are friends. Before they came, they didn't know that you don't want to follow the ceremony.

Of course, there are not many of them.

Then there was this venue. Jiang Quan and Liu Mengxi felt that the journey was not easy, and they planned to show it at the wedding.

But they didn't want to make people cry, and make the wedding, which was originally a good thing, full of tears, so the mountains, oceans, grasslands, and volcanoes were used as the background to represent the process of their two years of traveling and supporting each other.

These natural environments are used as backgrounds, which can open people's minds and make people feel relaxed and natural.

Li Shuyao felt that this also showed the optimistic attitude of the two of them.

That's right, from the first time she met these two people, she felt that these two people were very optimistic. Before that, she never thought that Liu Mengxi was terminally ill.

In her impression, none of these people seemed to be like this, so she was so surprised when she found out that Liu Mengxi's life was not long.

Generally speaking, most people will definitely cry at the wedding after miraculously recovering from terminal illness.

But it seems that Liu Mengxi and Jiang Quan didn't intend to do that. They might cry, but they definitely wouldn't be that exaggerated...

Maybe they are exaggerating.

It can be seen that they attach great importance to this wedding, and every bit of it is carefully arranged.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening chose to be in the Blue Sea. Sitting here, there will be a slight sound of waves in their ears. The sound is not loud, and it doesn't overwhelm the sound of the song. It's just very faint. If you don't listen carefully The kind that will even be ignored in the past.

But if you close your eyes and taste it carefully, you will have the feeling of listening to the sea by the sea.

This made both of them very novel, and then they ran to several other areas, which were similar.

In the prairie, you can hear the galloping horses and the whispering of cattle and sheep.

The mountains can hear the wind shuttle, the name of the bird.

The volcano can hear the churning of the veins and the eruption of magma.

Although it can't achieve the feeling of being on the scene, it is indeed very novel.

In the end, the two returned to the sea, and waited for the wedding to begin...


I didn't wait for the master of ceremonies, but the video started to play on the big screen in front. This is actually not surprising. Many weddings start like this, and the video played is basically the video of the groom picking up the bride early in the morning. .

The accompanying cameraman recorded directly, then quickly edited it in the morning, and released it directly before lunch.

However, Li Shuyao always felt that it was basically impossible for these two to let this go, and she even felt... maybe there was no part of picking up the bride.


At the beginning of the picture, two people are holding hands, looking at neatly arranged paintings. There are more than 30 of these paintings, which almost cover the entire wall. After bursts of amazement, Jiang Quan's voice came from the video:

"Maybe you don't know what these paintings are. You may think that these are just some landscape paintings, some figure paintings, and some landscape paintings with figures, but these are our memories."

The camera keeps zooming in on a painting, and the original fixed picture gradually becomes alive, and the scene in the picture becomes the scene in the camera.

These are the clips that Jiang Quan took when he went out to play again and again. In fact, Jiang Quan drew these paintings according to these clips.

These paintings include oil paintings, ink paintings, and even sketches...

There are also some paintings with concentrated styles mixed together in the back. It seems that I don't care what kind of things I use to paint, but I just want to use various methods to reflect the colors and pictures on the canvas.

A painting, a video, and a photo are connected in series, which truly reflects the lives of the two people in the past few years.

In the eyes of those who don't know, the two of them have been traveling in the mountains and rivers in the past few years, chic and happy, but in the eyes of those who know, they understand how much pressure the two of them have endured in the past few years.

This is the oppression of life and death, the torment of love and guilt, and the heartache is not humane.

The parents of the two families were already crying unbearably, but Jiang Quna and Liu Mengxi were nowhere to be seen at this time.

This video may not be as perfect as the up masters' production, but it is the most precious treasure of the two of them.

When the video was gradually ending, the voices of two people came from the video.

The first is Jiang Quan: "If I am lucky enough to hold your hand in this life, I will never let it go."

After that was Liu Mengxi: "Thank you for holding my hand."

As soon as the voice of the video fell, the lights in the venue suddenly went out, leaving only the surrounding images of mountains, grasslands, oceans, and volcanoes.

At a certain moment, the lights suddenly shone on the stage, where there was a piano, and a girl in a wedding dress sat in front of the piano, and a warm melody was played from the piano little by little.

Many people present couldn't help looking at Li Shuyao who was sitting on the side.

This song is exactly the smallest I have big dreams, perhaps, at this time, its original name can be used - let me stay by your side.

Among the songs released by Li Shuyao, there are some sad songs, as well as love songs, such as the last time the two sang together in hibernation.

But obviously neither of them wanted to cry anymore, they chose this song of hope and dawn.

When the song reached the first chorus, a light suddenly lit up in the center of the stage, and Jiang Quan happened to be sitting in the middle of the stage.

At this time, he was not wearing a suit, but a plaid shirt and overalls. He looked like an apprentice painting.

He raised his hand, and a series of colorful rays of light converged in his right hand, forming a shining colorful light pen. Accompanied by music, he raised his hand and began to draw in the air.

As he raised his head and drew out a stroke of a pen, a golden scroll gradually appeared in midair. In this scroll, the mountains in the distance appeared first, then the water nearby, and then It is the forest by the water, and finally the people under the forest.

Each image was drawn by Jiang Quan, including him, Liu Mengxi, their parents, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, the doctor who treated them, and the relatives and friends who have cared for them for so long.

Perhaps, he couldn't draw everyone in as realistically as a photo, but Li Shuyao could tell at a glance that it was him.

This...maybe it's the charm of freehand brushwork.

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