Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 671 Give me the whole MV

Chapter 671 Give me the whole MV

Fang Xuening was a little helpless looking at Li Shuyao from below. This guy is really good at making people cry. She has never heard of the latter song. It is probably a new song that has never appeared before.

Li Shuyao, this guy, comes up with something new for me from time to time, you give me a little surprise right after I finished speaking, right? Fortunately, she sang a little bit of the latter song, if all this stuff is sung, It is estimated that Sister Lu is about to lose her temper again.

But should I say it or not, these two songs really match these two people very well.

The previous song sounds like it should be for Liu Mengxi. There used to be a lot of trauma and sadness, and now it’s finally over. The sunshine in the crack can also be said to be Li Shuyao.

The last suddenly high-spirited "I finally waited for you" should have been sung to Jiang Quan. He finally waited for Liu Mengxi, and the phrase "I missed you at that point" was really too irritating.

Didn't see the originally optimistic young couple was finally sung and cried by Li Shuyao.

"Okay, thank you very much Ms. Li Shuyao for singing, two very touching songs, our newcomers have had a very difficult journey..."

At this time, the master of ceremonies saw the empty space rushing up all of a sudden, first to save the field, the two on the field were crying, obviously they have no ability to control the field now.

What's more, he was afraid that if he didn't come up again, someone would jump out and take the stage...

Right, isn't there a singing internet celebrity sitting down there who didn't come up? You guys are singing one after another. Is this a wedding or a concert?

Although Fang Xuening definitely wouldn't sing on stage, he didn't know, he didn't expect Li Shuyao to sing on stage before.

If this makes him unable to get on stage, then what is he doing here today.

He was paid, and he had to work after receiving the money, right, otherwise he would not work after receiving the money, and if word of this got out, how would he be able to mess around in this industry in the future!
So at this time, he must step forward and let this wedding go on "normally"!

Although it seems a bit abnormal now.

Phew, that's not normal.

After Li Shuyao finished singing, she hugged Liu Mengxi and Jiang Quan respectively amidst everyone's applause, and then ran back to her seat.

"Hey, how's it going? It's okay." Li Shuyao didn't listen to what the host said, anyway, she bumped into Fang Xuening next to her and said with a laugh.

"That's great." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "As soon as you roll your eyes, you're ready to go up and make someone cry."

"Haha, isn't this to set off the atmosphere." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, "You can't eat a table for nothing."

"You cow."

The wedding over there was going on normally, and the rest of the process was relatively normal, except that the ring was "drawn" by Jiang Quan from the air, and there was no best man and bridesmaid, everything else was quite normal...

Well, there was basically nothing normal about this wedding, but Li Shuyao was very satisfied after the banquet.

Although the process of the wedding seemed a little abnormal, the banquet was still very normal, and there was a big fish and meat... Li Shuyao's food was still very enjoyable.

It seemed that he knew that Li Shuyao might eat a little too much, so Jiang Quan specially came over to ask if there was enough, and if not enough, he could serve it.

How could Li Shuyao have the nerve to refuse this request?

By the way, the food here is really good, the taste is also very good, and everyone eats very happily.

It can be seen that for this wedding, Jiang Quan and Liu Mengxi really carefully prepared little by little, and even the wedding candy that every visitor present was not given cigarettes, but a pair of very delicate picture scroll.

This picture scroll is very long, made in the style of an ancient scroll, and inside is the picture that Jiang Quan drew little by little while sitting on the stage.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening found themselves right away, because in the middle, apart from Jiang Quan and Liu Mengxi, they were the two of them.

Fang Xuening also knew that she had a lot to do with Li Shuyao, after all, at the time she was helping other than looking after her, and she didn't do anything else, it was Li Shuyao who rescued her.

After eating, the two families came out to toast, but considering Liu Mengxi's physical condition, the doctor advised against drinking, so Liu Mengxi basically drank fruit juice.

Most of the people present knew what was going on with Liu Mengxi, and even if they didn't, they would almost understand something after the performance that could be called a cultural gala just now, and then they would almost know something after asking each other at the same table.

Everyone has no objection to this, and they didn't ask you to accompany the gift, but let you watch such an excellent performance and treat you to a meal, what do you want to do.

Naturally, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening did not come here empty-handed. Li Shuyao gave them Thangkas, and Fang Xuening gave them dzi beads, all in the hope that they would be happy and safe in the future.

After eating, the two of them didn't stay, and after saying goodbye to Jiang Quan, Liu Mengxi and their families, they drove home.


"Li Shuyao! You went out to sing for me again, didn't you! You can sing whatever songs you have published, and sing as you like, and sing nonsense about songs you haven't released before!"

As soon as he got home, Lu Yao ran over angrily.

Li Shuyao looked back at Fang Xuening, Fang Xuening quickly waved her hands: "I didn't say, it wasn't me."

" did you know." Li Shuyao laughed.

"How do I know... You gave me my phone number, and they want to buy songs from me... You still ask me how I know." Lu Yao couldn't help laughing, this guy is really casual The throwing pot was thrown on his head!

"Ah... yes... yes?" Li Shuyao blinked and looked at Fang Xuening.

"Ah... indeed..." Fang Xuening nodded quickly.

" seems to be..." Li Shuyao chuckled.

This is what she remembered. During the meal before, it seemed that several people came to her to discuss cooperation. Some of them were directors, some of their friends were stars, some wanted to buy the song Li Shuyao sang just now, and some wanted to let her sing. She writes songs.

Although there are not many, there are still a few.

At that time, Li Shuyao was busy eating, how could she have the time to take care of these things, besides, she didn't take care of them, didn't all these kind of things be left to the agent, so she directly gave Lu Yao's phone number to him at that time... …

Hiss, miscalculation!
Next time you can't immerse yourself in the food, the food has mistaken me!
Uh, but I still have to eat what I should eat, and next time I can eat a little less.

"I've convinced you." Lu Yao sighed: "Sister, you have to shoot at least three MVs for this album, how many MVs are there for 10 songs?"

"Hey, that stuff is simple."

Li Shuyao chuckled and said:

"Didn't I just take some pictures on the road before, and those can be used as materials, and then I will draw some more."

"Well, try to match every song with a video."

As a UP host, right? Usually video materials are so hard to find, but this singing video still needs to be well-organized. These have the potential to break through tens of millions of views, even if it is a relatively low-quality song. It can have millions of views.

And this thing is Li Shuyao's basic disk.

"So... why don't you hurry up and draw it for me!" Lu Yao stared, then turned to look at Fang Xuening: "And you, the song is almost recorded, hurry up and shoot the MV for me in Dunhuang!"

(End of this chapter)

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