Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 672 Completion of the Studio

Chapter 672 Completion of the Studio

Under the strong pressure from Lu Yao, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening hurried to work...

But it was mainly Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening still had to wait for the dust to settle in the studio, and then go to Dunhuang to shoot the MV together.

Since Li Shuyao did not participate in the composing and subsequent production of Xiangkong's song, Lu Yao specially found someone to compose the song, and then he was looking for someone to remix it. In addition, Fang Xuening ran out with Li Shuyao for a few times month, so it has been delayed until now.

The song has basically been recorded, and Li Shuyao has also listened to it. It almost meets her inner standards, and it largely highlights the style of the Western Regions, which is still very good.

Li Shuyao's recent workload is relatively heavy. Although the animation "Five Elements in the Fog Mountain" is not difficult for her, after all, there are samples in it, but the MV of the song needs to be thought of by herself.

The song can be moved directly, but the MV is not acceptable, and she also wants to add her own understanding to the song, so she created the original MV.

While she was devoting herself to painting, the studio over there was almost finished decorating, and Lu Yao's friends had already started to work in the studio one after another.

The contracts between Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening have also been re-signed, and Fang Xuening is now almost an artist under Li Shuyao's banner...

For the time being, Li Shuyao and Lu Yao have no plans to continue to expand, but they can also absorb some up masters in the future, right, they can develop towards a certain sound, yes.

The exclusive contract with Station B expired two years later, so Lu Yao also opened a Douyin account for Li Shuyao, and Fang Xuening had her own Douyin account.

Needless to say, Douyin has strong competitiveness whether it is the accumulation of fans or the realization of goods.

Those who didn't watch those celebrities put down their bodies and started embracing the short video platform. Nothing else, it's so delicious to bring goods, and it's too fast to make money.

And it's easy to shoot videos.

Compared with Station B, high-quality clips, content, and relatively long duration are required.

Just put a few photos on the short video platform, record a video for 1 minute, and post a few posses, right?

It’s hard to say why bad money drives out good money, anyway, it’s a characteristic of one era after another.

Li Shuyao is not opposed to entering the short video platform, but she requires that the short video platform and the video editing form of station B be separated, and the vertical screen video put on the short video platform is put on station B to save trouble.

So at present, the editing team in Lu Yao’s studio is divided into two parts, one is specialized in short video platforms, and the other is specialized in station B. The same content requires different people to edit, and the styles of the two sides are completely different. .

Still the same sentence, station B is the basic disk, even if you go to the short video platform, the basic disk cannot be lost. If you directly put the videos of the short video platform on station B, it will really lose a lot of followers.

Li Shuyao would rather raise two more people than to lower the quality of her video.

Lu Yao also agrees with this point, and he can't lose the big because of small things.

"How about it? It's okay." Lu Yao led Li Shuyao up and down to look around the renovated studio.

"Not bad." Li Shuyao nodded.

"That's right, I said Yaoyao would also like it." Fang Xuening said with a smile hugging Brother Gou.

In the past two days, Li Shuyao was busy drawing at home, and basically didn't come to see it very much, but Fang Xuening and Gouge came to visit every day and they were very familiar with each other.

The layout of the studio is similar to the previous plan. The first floor is mainly the office area, dining and meeting areas. Anyway, one of the rooms is for receiving guests, the other is for meetings, and the other is Lu Yao’s office. The other is temporarily vacant. storehouse.

Originally, Li Shuyao was supposed to have an office, but Li Shuyao didn't want it herself.

Her house is right next door, and it takes only 5 minutes to walk there. She doesn't want to sit in an office here.

As for Lu Yao...

In fact, she also wanted to sit in the hall with her friends.

However, under the unanimous vote of several friends, Lu Yao was carried into the office.

When no one wants to work, there is a leader next to you who keeps looking at you. It's not like everyone wants to be lazy, but the leader is still a little nervous.

Don't you just want to relax a little bit now and then?

Combine work and rest.

At present, there is no training room. They are too small and do not have the resources to train newcomers. Only big companies can afford it.

The first floor is relatively serious, except for some paintings and cat litters, there are basically no decorations.

The decoration on the second and third floors is much warmer, with a lot of warm colors and more decorations, which makes people feel very relaxed.

"That's fine, all our members will come here tomorrow, how about it, do you want to hold a mobilization meeting or something?" Lu Yao laughed.

"Okay, let's have lunch tomorrow. I will treat everyone to dinner. I will cook myself and cook more for you."

Li Shuyao thought for a while, now it's afternoon, let people go home in the evening... Tomorrow's noon is the best, and it happens that this afternoon can also be prepared, buy more ingredients and so on.

"Okay, I can eat Yaoyao's big meal again." Fang Xuening held up the kitten and laughed.

"Meow meow!" Brother Gou also raised his paw.

In the past two days, apart from live streaming, Li Shuyao is painting, and basically doesn't cook at home. Everyone eats takeaway, and Brother Gou also eats cat food and so on.

Brother Gou doesn't expect to be able to eat cat food made by Li Shuyao himself, as long as he can eat the rice cooked by her.

"If you don't count me in the studio now, there are eleven people in total." Lu Yao said with a smile: "There are still quite a few people."

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Yao hurriedly asked Li Shuyao to paint quickly. Although it is not as good as those big studios, the scale is not small. Even with the other two up masters who jumped out together with Lu Yao, Every monthly salary has to be paid out hundreds of thousands.

So it's still necessary to make a name for yourself quickly, and then contact outsourcing or something.

But because Li Shuyao made a lot of profits, they didn't have to work hard to accept the outsourcing.

Li Shuyao naturally understands that without this group of people, she herself would be exhausted, so the salary is quite high...

Whoever comes out to work now is not for money.

"Then let's go shopping quickly and fill up the refrigerator and freezer!" Li Shuyao waved his hand and rushed to the big market in the park with a few friends who came to the studio to work today.

Hearing that Li Shuyao was going to cook in person tomorrow, several friends rushed out excitedly.

They usually watch a lot of videos of Li Shuyao cooking, especially some of the students who edited them, so they often drool watching their videos.

Now that I finally have a chance to eat it, don't hurry!
By the way... the young lady who had two editors resolutely returned the rented house, and came to live in the studio, hoping to have the opportunity to eat the meals cooked by Li Shuyao.

There is no way, the audience watched it all edited, and at most they only watched it once or twice.

They watched it over and over again, I don't know how many editing nights, they were in tears watching it, and I don't know how many boxes of instant noodles they ate.

Now is your chance, don't hurry!
 I also go to work today, but there are a little less things to do, so I took the time to write more.

  Students will be back at school next week, hope everything goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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