Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 674 Leisurely

Chapter 674 Leisurely
Most of the dishes prepared by Li Shuyao today were ordered by the members of the studio. Everyone can only drool when watching her videos, so with this opportunity, everyone ordered the dish they wanted the most.

After going back and forth like this, Li Shuyao prepared 26 dishes, of course, including cold dishes, cooked food, soups, all added together.

The table in the restaurant was originally prepared for everyone to have a celebration party, so it was very big, and it was enough for them to sit down at the table.

As soon as these dishes were placed on the table, the photographer held the camera up and down, left and right, and snapped shots.

In fact, when each dish is just produced, the cameraman only puts it in the heat preservation table after shooting for a while.

This time Li Shuyao also has a variety of cooking methods such as frying, frying, and frying.

She herself sighed a little, this means that the time is relatively short, otherwise these goods would definitely order some famous "Internet celebrity" dishes such as Buddha jumping over the wall and boiled cabbage for herself.

When it’s time to eat, except for the cameraman who set up a camera next to it, the two up hosts have downloaded the broadcast, and everyone will definitely feel restrained while eating live, so it was agreed before that we will not broadcast live after eating at noon up.

Lu Yao yelled at Li Shuyao and asked her to make an opening speech on the hour. Li Shuyao thought for a while, stood up and held up the juice and said:

"Thank you for trusting me and Sister Lu so much, haha, let's work hard together in the future! Come on, everyone!"


I have to work in the afternoon, so naturally I can't drink.

Although it is a studio, there are rules and regulations. I don’t care about you after get off work, but you are not allowed to drink alcohol during work hours.

So everyone got together and clinked glasses of juice.

"Haha, okay, don't say much more, let's eat!"

After the toast... let's eat!I am most annoyed by the kind of people who talk about what they have and what they don’t have before eating. People are waiting here to eat. Listen to what you say here?
Having grown up so much, who hasn't heard a few speeches, say a P, it is serious to eat quickly.

Lu Yao was speechless, but there was nothing she could do with such a boss. Speaking of which...she didn't seem to want to talk much, mainly because...these meals were indeed a bit too delicious.

Indeed, if you say P, you will get the meaning.

Hey hey hey, why did you start grabbing it!
"Hey, I finally ate this meat. I was so hungry when I watched the video."

"I know to eat meat, this dish is the best."

"Obviously this crab is the most delicious, and now is also the time to eat crabs. It's so cool."

"Don't grab, don't grab, give me a piece."

"I'm coming!"


The scene was quite orderly at the beginning, but after seeing a certain boss eating very generously, everyone stopped pretending.

In fact, it means that the number of times I meet Li Shuyao is a bit small, and the big guy is usually an old acquaintance, facing such a big table, right, generally speaking, the big guy is not very reserved.


After this meal, everyone became one.

In the past, everyone knew that Li Shuyao had no airs, but after all, his identity was here, so he was still a little reserved.

Then everyone was conquered by Li Shuyao's eating.

That's delicious.

Who can refuse a food blogger to give you a live broadcast.

So, under the personal influence of the boss, a food blogger, everyone immediately became warm.

In fact, the purpose of this meal is also here. After all, there are only so many people in the studio, and it is definitely the easiest to pinch everyone together in the initial stage.

At this time, it is meaningless to talk about superiors and subordinates. At this time, we want everyone to be like brothers and sisters, and then pay full wages.

In this way, everyone must be very satisfied from material to spiritual, the mentality of work will be much better, and the work efficiency will be improved a lot.

This is management.

As for making mistakes, I can't think of those at the moment. These people are basically carefully selected by Lu Yao. Everyone comes out to work to make money, and there are not so many intrigues in TV dramas.

After this big dinner, which is regarded as the "opening ceremony", everyone officially started working.

Li Shuyao had almost finished drawing the first episode of Five Elements in Wushan and handed it over to Lu Yao... Then, the little friends in the studio were shocked into heaven!

So now the focus of the studio is to get this episode out, it doesn't matter if it's slow, it must be made into a high-quality product, polished well, this definitely has the potential to become famous!

And now some people in the studio are making the Wushan Wuxing, and some people followed Fang Xuening to Dunhuang to shoot the MV.

At that time, Lu Yao was preparing to release this song after setting up a studio, so whether it was composing, arranging, or filming the MV, she hired someone to do it herself, and it had nothing to do with the company.

Fortunately, Li Shuyao has risen in the past few years, and she has also expanded a lot of contacts in the music industry, otherwise it would be a bit difficult to leave the company.

After all, she is quite demanding.

Everyone was busy with their own things, but Li Shuyao had nothing to do all of a sudden, and was a little free.

The progress of the production over there obviously cannot keep up with the progress of her painting here, so...

She is not in a hurry yet.

"Huh..." Gently blew on the tea in the cup, and then slowly put it into the mouth, streams of warm current with fragrance slipped down the throat, and the whole body was warm.

Li Shuyao leaned comfortably on the lazy sofa on the balcony on the second floor.

After putting down the teacup, I stretched out my hand and scratched the dog brother who was lying on the side. The kittens are still very comfortable, and these three kittens shed relatively little hair, so they are still very comfortable to touch, and you don’t have to worry about scratching them. hair.

As for cleaning.

Ordinary cleaning has Xiaoyao, and the artificial intelligence directs the sweeping robot to sweep directly. For deep cleaning, there is Fang Xuening, which cleans much cleaner than the sweeping robot.

Although she is the only one at home now, she doesn't have to come every day for in-depth cleaning, just wait for Fang Xuening to come back and then clean.

Uh... Mainly because after Li Shuyao finished cleaning, Fang Xuening always had to clean again, going back and forth, right, she didn't bother.

"Corruption, it's too corrupt." Li Shuyao let out a long breath, closed her eyes and enjoyed the comfort of the sun shining on her body.

When everyone was busy, she was the only one who was drinking afternoon tea leisurely. This feeling was like when everyone went to school before, and she was the only one resting at home.

Then there is only one word to describe it - cool!

"Oh, how empty, oh, how comfortable..."

Li Shuyao took another sip of tea lightly, this kind of free time alone is really leisurely, no one will notice even if she is nervous or something.


Li Shuyao looked at Brother Gou who was lying on his stomach and pretending to squint.

It should still be visible.

As this guy's savior and teacher, she still has a relatively clear understanding of Brother Gou.


Li Shuyao grabbed Brother Gou by the back of his neck and threw the guy to the side of the stairs with a swipe.

"Meow meow meow?"

Brother Gou who landed on the ground looked stunned, what's going on, he was still stroking his little Mao Mao just now, and now he is being thrown aside?

I didn't expect you to be such a ruthless woman!


What the hell happened?
Why did you just throw it away?

Is it...

A pat on the head?
 I shouldn’t be so busy today, so I’ll update it quickly if I have time, tsk tsk, I’m so moved by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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