Chapter 675

Brother Gou is naturally very shrewd. Although he doesn't quite understand why this person suddenly threw him down, he still runs away wisely. At this time, he must not go up to that one, otherwise he may be accidentally injured!
This is the cat life experience that Brother Gou has summed up for so long. When it is time to run, you must run, and you must not stay where you are, or you will easily be accidentally injured.

Then, when it was downstairs, it occasionally heard strange sounds from upstairs, there were very weird laughter, and there were also... well, some indescribable sounds!

Fortunately, I ran down. Sure enough, Ma Ma was still a little rational before going crazy, and she knew to throw the driving self aside. Sure enough, Ma Ma still loves herself.

Li Shuyao...

In fact, she was checking her assets, and then she keenly discovered that since she opened the studio, her assets have begun to shrink. Before the anime and new albums are released, she will probably lose a little bit.

So, what do you do as a boss at this time?
That must be an ad.

How long has it been since I shot an advertising video, and I still have to shoot what I should.

In the past, I basically advertised in the dynamics of station B, and it really should be a video to advertise.

Then she lay on the sofa and chatted with her friends... Then she found out that it seemed that Chongchong was also going to shoot an advertisement, and it was also an advertisement for Duoduo.

Li Shuyao calculated with her.

Chongchong is going to shoot a video about exploring the store, Li Shuyao thought about it, isn't this a coincidence, isn't it, the two of them haven't linked up for a long time, right, can we go to the store together, and then shoot an advertisement together, it's very convenient Comfortable!

So the two hit it off immediately and decided to start filming right away, and went directly to the store tonight.

Chongchong said that it was very good to see a robatayaki in the past two days. It is said that it is the kind that can eat all you can eat at 288, and the kind that you can’t leave if you can’t eat enough.

So the two decided to teach their boss a lesson.

Just do what you say, Li Shuyao happened to take a break from the live broadcast today, packed up in the afternoon and went out with a small camera.

Tsk tsk, Fang Xuening and Lu Yao just went to Dunhuang to shoot the MV, so she went to eat with her sister, tsk tsk...

Anyway, Li Shuyao suddenly felt such a little excitement, why did she lose weight?

Sure enough, I was excited because I was going to eat delicious food.

Right, besides eating delicious food, what else can make people so happy?Not at all, uh... Playing games or something is at most half of it!
After all, playing games will make you tired, and you won't feel full after eating... Uh, hiss... Could it be that I don't have enough to eat?
No, totally wrong, how could it be possible, I am not Jiang Zi Di Yin at all!

"Wow, Chongchong, hahaha, long time no see, you look beautiful again."

Seeing Chongchong from afar, Li Shuyao flew over and hugged her in her arms.

"Haha, no, you are more beautiful." Chongchong smiled and hugged Li Shuyao. She didn't skateboard or anything today, but was going to take Li Shuyao's car.

Li Shuyao looked up and down at Chongchong and sighed, "You really don't get fat no matter what you eat, and you're still so skinny."

"Obviously you are thinner than me." Chongchong couldn't help but marvel at Li Shuyao's figure every time.

But she also heard that Li Shuyao would get up every morning to practice martial arts, so she was not surprised that she would have such a figure.

Speaking of which, since martial arts practice has gradually become popular in LPL, everyone's body has improved a lot after half a year.

Then after interviews, those players who got better figure said that it was because of long-term adherence to martial arts training.

On the contrary, there has been a wave of martial arts weight loss craze among League of Legends fans.

Everyone is happy to see the results. Anyway, practicing Tai Chi is not too fierce a martial art, and it’s okay. If you can persist, there is nothing wrong with strengthening your body.

So after more than half a year, the physical fitness of the entire game circle has improved slightly compared to before, which makes the older generation more gratified.

They like it anyway.

This restaurant is still a little far away, so Li Shuyao just drove over to pick up Chongchong.

The front of the store is not very big, but the space inside is not small. The whole place is Japanese-style, and it is considered Japanese food. The price is not expensive, and of course it is not cheap, it is quite satisfactory.

After choosing the set meal, the two of them sat in front of the table and waited. All of them were made on the spot and distributed on the spot. Except for some sashimi, they were basically all kinds of skewers. It seemed...

"Is this enough to eat?" Li Shuyao asked in a low voice. She felt that she could eat all the skewers in the refrigerator by herself, not to mention there are so many people growing them. I'm afraid I'm not bragging here...

"It's not just these, there are many more... You see, he started to wear fish. This is what is not in the skewer refrigerator. You see, they turned the mouth of the fish downward."

"Oh...does that imitate the appearance of a fish swimming in the water?" Li Shuyao covered her mouth and smiled, the fish was inserted crookedly.

"Maybe," Chongchong laughed along with him.


"This is sea bass sashimi, with a little wasabi, um, the ingredients are not bad." Li Shuyao nodded while eating.

"I'm so hungry now, I feel that everything I eat is delicious." Chongchong ate all the fish on the plate in one gulp.

"Haha, we have to wait a while."

"I feel like I'm about to become a fish-watching stone."


"Well, this grilled fish is not bad, it's the freshness and saltiness of the original fish, I really like this taste." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Yeah, not bad, it's opened right from the middle, and it's full of meat inside." Chong Chong also nodded, "The fish skin has been roasted until it's completely crisp."

"Yeah, this fish skin is also delicious."

It is quite enjoyable to eat grilled fish one by one, but basically you have to wait ten to twenty minutes between each dish.

Then the two of them took advantage of this period of time to start talking about commercials.

"Should we record it when we go back..." After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao gestured with both hands, um, she didn't know what she was gesticulating, anyway, Chongchong should understand!
"That's right." Chongchong nodded: "Let's get some snacks and record it when we get back later, and we'll just switch scenes when the time comes."

"OK." Li Shuyao also nodded, as expected, the tacit understanding was completely stupefied!
Next, it's the meat skewers...

Li Shuyao and Chongchong waited and ate, and they ate and waited. There were also some a la carte dishes that everyone came to. They also gave some rice later. After eating, they ate for 5 hours.

"Oh, it's already 10 o'clock, we should go back." Chongchong looked at the time and said.

"It's so late, let's say the closing words."

"Okay... okay, that's the end of today's video...bye."

"Huh? They seem to be serving things again." As soon as they picked up their bags and were about to leave, things started to be served over there again, mainly some roasted vegetables and so on.

"Then...let's go ahead and eat something."

"I think so."


"It's already 11 o'clock, we really should go." Li Shuyao said.

"Indeed." Chongchong nodded approvingly.

"Hey? It seems to be coming up again, why don't we have some more?"

"I think the boss may not want us to go."

"I think so too."


 Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, students return to school, too busy...

  And... I'm living on campus again, alas... Speechless.

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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