Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 676 Right... Password?

Chapter 676 Right... Password?
In the end, Li Shuyao and Chongchong still accidentally ate up all the food in the store. I don't know if it is worthwhile for others to come to this store. Anyway, it is definitely a good deal for them to come to this store.

"Oh, it's in the middle of the night, let's shoot the rest tomorrow." Chongchong looked at the sky and said, "Tomorrow we will have snacks together after filming, this time the official gave a lot of snacks."

"Really or not." Li Shuyao blinked: "Hey? Didn't we officially provide snacks?"

"It should be given, why don't you ask?" Chongchong laughed.

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao thought for a while, it's so late, it's better not to call people, probably the things should be in the studio, today she also suddenly planned to follow the video of Chongchong, and she hasn't told Lu Yao yet with.

Tsk tsk, it's very cool to be the boss, you can do whatever you want.

When the time comes, just throw the video to work, and you will have to work for me!
Ouch, evil, evil.

But this time it was Chongchong who made the main post, and she participated in it, so this video was almost edited by Chongchong, and she just came here to rub it. In the afternoon, Chongchong contacted the brand side. Instead of objecting, they were very supportive .

Then she said that it would be even better if Yaoyao could take another one.

Yaoyao responded with a sweet smile on the spot.

"Then let's shoot together tomorrow!"

Li Shuyao delivered Chongchong to the door of the house, and then went home in a cool manner, only to send Lu Yao a WeChat message by the way.

Don't call so late, just send a WeChat message. If you go to bed, you can see it when you wake up tomorrow morning.

It turned out that she didn't sleep at all at this time, so she put three question marks on Li Shuyao: "??? Have you finished filming the commercial?"

"Ah, the filming is over." Li Shuyao replied.

"Damn, we're still doing advertising planning here."

"Hmph, the efficiency is too low." Li Shuyao laughed.

"We ate all the snacks."

Li Shuyao: "???"

Good guy, I said why there is no snack at all, the relationship is caused by someone!

Forget it, seeing that everyone is working diligently and concentrating on work, right, tomorrow I will go buy some snacks to eat with Chong Chong!

Well, when they come back from filming, I can also buy more food for everyone to eat together.

In the afternoon of the next day, Li Shuyao bought a large pack of snacks, and then ran all the way to Chongchong's house. At this time, Chongchong just came back from outside with a smile on her face.

"Hey, isn't this a coincidence." Chongchong said with a laugh, "I was talking to the kids in the park just now, so I saw you."

Li Shuyao: "???"

Li Shuyao's head was full of question marks, what is it all about, what is the right code, what is it that sees me, what is the right code...does it have something to do with me?
"Ah? You don't know." Chongchong said in surprise, and then sang with a smile: "I love you walking in a dark alley alone."

"Huh?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth, what's going on, why did she suddenly start singing?

And at this time, a few children happened to be leading by their parents, and they seemed to have heard Chongchong's voice just now, and then scrambled to shout:
"Love the way you don't kneel."

"Love you for persevering through despair."


"Fight! Fight!"


A few children who looked to be seven or eight years old at most stood there and stretched their necks and screamed. Looking at their posture, it seemed that there was really an enemy standing in front of them, and they could defeat them by roaring. Enemy gone.

Those two little faces were very serious, with their hands hanging by their sides, they stood up straight, their little heads were raised vigorously, and one roared louder than the other.

Speaking of tuning, there is actually a little bit, but only a little bit, but not much.

Basically, the output is all based on the rhythm of roaring, there is no skill at all, it is all true feelings.

"Ah, this..." Li Shuyao opened her mouth, this was something she didn't expect.

The reason why she came up with this song before was because she liked the Battle of Two Cities, and it was more suitable for supporting the World Championships at the time, and she was inspired when she heard it, but she really didn't expect it to become like this.

It stands to reason that Li Shuyao has also released a lot of good songs these days, and it has caused quite a stir on the Internet, especially the previous Pure Land of Bliss, which set off a "bloody storm" in the dance area as she wished.

The number of views of the MV of this song is also gradually increasing, and it has already exceeded [-] million.

But in terms of popularity, blue and white porcelain has the highest popularity and highest evaluation. Of course, I hope people will have a high evaluation for a long time. After all, Su Shi wrote the lyrics.

From this point of view, there are so many good songs, this song will never become a "nursery rhyme".

But the reality gave her a hard time. Sure enough, gold will blind others' eyes wherever it goes. The potential of this song is really unlimited.

Especially on the children's side!
In fact, this is also inseparable from the teachers in primary schools and kindergartens. This song is very beautiful, passionate and meaningful. It is really suitable for educating children.

And this song first became popular on the Internet, second, it sounded very uplifting when sung, and third, teachers and parents also supported it, so why hesitate to sing it.

So... After more than a year of fermentation, this song finally embarked on its own track.

For a moment Li Shuyao didn't know whether to be happy or not.

Thinking about it, I should be happy, after all, isn't this a well-known song...

A few singing children were dragged away by their parents, and it seemed that the parents felt a little embarrassed to sing like this on the main road.

It's just that they may not know that the original singer of this song in this world is listening next to them... It's even more embarrassing!

Well, generally embarrassing, after all, it seems that she is not completely singing the original song.

Based on the principle that as long as you put your head into the ground, you can't look at your own butt, Li Shuyao immediately felt that the sky was bright and clear.

As long as you are not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed!
Sure enough, Nan Yiyi and the others had the same mentality when they came over last time!

Li Shuyao carried a large bag of snacks and went upstairs with Chongchong, who had already set up a large table of snacks at home.

The two divided up the advertisement, and read each sentence to the camera.

"Look how?"

"Okay!" Chongchong ran over to take a look, then scratched his head and came back: "It feels like it's almost meaningless."

"Then do it again?"


Chongchong ran back, and then the two had a "voice and emotion" whole again.

"How about this time?" Since it was mainly edited by Chongchong, Li Shuyao let Chongchong feel it.

"Hmm... I don't think it's that interesting," Chongchong scratched his head, "How about... Let's open the bag and eat it again? It just felt a little pretentious."

"Then you didn't say it earlier, haha." Li Shuyao directly picked out a bag of potato chips, squeezed a piece of potato chips and started to eat: "Oh ho ho ho, not bad."

"Hey, hey, this feels good."

Chongchong hurried over, opened a bag himself, and ate with Li Shuyao while taking pictures, and the two of them naturally finished the advertisement.

"Let me take a look again." Chongchong put down a bag of plums and ran over: "Yeah, it's pretty good here, haha, just use this one."

"OK, let's eat!"

Just waiting for your words!
 The students are back to school today, basically they don’t have time to write, so hand in a manuscript...

  Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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