Chapter 677
Although I feel a little helpless about the fact that the lonely brave man has become a nursery rhyme again, Li Shuyao is still very open-minded. Back then, Comrade Chen just made a funny video of the lonely brave man wherever he went, and he could do it himself.

Although my character design is not a funny girl, it is okay to be funny occasionally. After all, I have opened a Douyin account, and I like this style over there.

After eating, Li Shuyao left Chongchong's house. Of course, there were still a lot of snacks left. After all, eating too much of this stuff made her a little tired.

The rest is basically placed at Chongchong's house, and she and her sister and brother can eat more if they have nothing to do.

After returning home, Li Shuyao started the live broadcast as usual. In the past two days, she has returned to the live broadcast alliance...

The main thing is, after the playoffs, before the start of the World Championship, during this period of time the professional players also came out to broadcast live, and then a certain professional player with a very good program...

Well, it was Silver Coin, the mid laner of the team that she killed twice in the spring and summer finals last year, who invited her to line up with her.

Li Shuyao thought about it. Anyway, there haven't been any particularly fun stand-alone games recently. Taking advantage of the free time for professional players, it is indeed quite effective for everyone to arrange together.

Although you can't play single and double row, there is still flexible group arrangement, and everyone is not for the sake of scoring, but mainly for the effect of the program.

Of course, Li Shuyao also watched their live broadcast two days ago. To be honest, they played very seriously. Those who didn't know about the communication between each other thought they were really playing a game.

This made Li Shuyao a little interested.

Although it is tiring to train every day and then go to the game or something, but it is still okay to play for a while during the live broadcast occasionally, without training, yes.

Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, and sure enough, she was still a bit resistant to heavy training, but she still had a good impression of playing games.

If only I could play games without training, haha.

"Here we come." Li Shuyao came to the YY channel that Yinbi sent her, and then...

"Oh oh oh... Yaoyao is here."


"Yaoyao! Yaoyao! Yaoyao! Yaoyao!"


"Ow ooh..."


Li Shuyao: "..."

What is this group of things.

"Haha, in the past two days, my water friends have often asked me to invite you in the barrage." Yin Coin said with a smile: "Come, come, join the group, I will send you the room number and password."

"OK." Li Shuyao said: "I haven't played for a long time, and I may have regressed a lot, haha."

"It's okay, I haven't played for a long time." Wu Zi laughed.

"It's okay, I haven't fought yet." Principal Huang Ren said with a smile.

"It's okay." Qingsong said.

Li Shuyao sighed, are these people so neat?

"Let me introduce you. You should be familiar with the others. This school, Huang Ren, has not played yet because he is not yet old. However, in the past two years, he has often played the No. [-] position in the Korean server. He mainly plays fighting Wild." Yin Coin said.

"Oh?" Li Shuyao glanced at the schoolmaster Huang Ren's ID in surprise, and then suddenly got a little impressed.

She was lazy before, and the competition for No. [-] in Hanbok was very fierce, so she didn’t work hard to score points. At the time of the competition, she was basically hovering in the top ten of Hanbok, and often entered the top five or something.

She can often be ranked in this school Huang Ren, after all, the scores are relatively close, so I still have some impressions of him, after all, they are often ranked together, which is indeed very good.

"Ang... I remember, we were there together." Li Shuyao nodded: "Haha, you should have an impression."

"Yes, of course there is, I said that sister Yaoyao and I must cooperate very well." Principal Huang Ren laughed.

The others were silent for a while, it seemed... It was not easy for them to get into the school Huang Ren.

"Okay, old rules, come on, you know."

"rest assured."

The others continued to remain silent, originally thinking that Li Shuyao and the principal Huang Ren should be the two people they are least familiar with, so it seems that this is not the case.

"Then let's do it like this. We will fight around the top lane, and Huang Ren and I will mainly catch up in the early stage." The silver coin smashed his mouth, this All-Star seems to be not very good, originally he wanted to fight around the bottom lane.

"Okay, in fact, it's all right, you can also help, just come on the road twice." Li Shuyao said: "It shouldn't be as intense as the competition, it doesn't need to be so extreme, you have to give the opponent some experience in the game, after all It’s a live broadcast, you have to show some face.”

Everyone: "..."

He also said before that he hadn't fought for a long time, why now he looks like he wants to blow up the opponent.

It seems that when Li Shuyao entered the room, the other side immediately became excited.

"Yaoyao, Wuzi, I am your fan!"

Li Shuyao twitched the corner of her mouth and typed: "Don't, don't, usually, those who say I'm your fan before the game will blow up the opponent during the game."

Wuzi: "Don't catch me, let's develop peacefully."

Qingsong: "Don't come down, grab it."

Li Shuyao: "You guys are going too far, go and catch them."

Wuzi: "Yes, yes, go and catch it."


"Haha, don't worry, I'll go all the way."

"Brother Yinbi, we had a lot of fun in the middle lane."

Li Shuyao: "Take a 1v1 man fight on the road, don't call anyone out."

"That's a good relationship, I've long wanted to single out Sister Yaoyao!"

"That's fine, I won't go on the road!"


Principal Huang Ren asked with some doubts: "Sister Yaoyao, am I not going on the road?"

"Come on, why don't you come." Li Shuyao said naturally.

"Didn't it mean a 1V1 battle between men?" Principal Huang Ren was dumbfounded.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating! Besides, I'm not a man."

Everyone: "..."

It makes sense, but suddenly I don't know how to refute it.

"Come, come, the opponent is full, and the opponent is still very strong, and there are also professional players." Yin Coin said: "Ready to open, ready to open."

"Let's go, let's go, haha, I haven't played a game for a long time, and I suddenly became excited. Shall I sing?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Okay, let it go."

"OKOK, we can both."

Everyone thought about it, it was just right for Li Shuyao to play songs, and there was no need to consider copyright issues for so many songs, it was such a happy decision!
Then in the majestic music of Kaitian, the game known as LBL kicked off.

That is Li Shuyao, otherwise others might not be able to use this song.

Li Shuyao took out her famous hero Jian Ji who had already obtained the champion skin!

Although this hero already has an lpl champion skin, it is obvious that Li Shuyao still has deep feelings for her, so she finally chose this hero.

Seeing that the selection of heroes has started here, the barrage is gradually getting excited:

"Wow haha, I didn't expect to see Yaoyao playing a game like this."

"Living Years Series."

"I don't know how much of the demeanor it was back then."

"Isn't it just finished playing last year, no matter how bad it is, it won't be so bad."

"Don't be a baby, don't be a baby, Yaoyao hasn't touched the alliance for more than half a year. Although she played a few games in the past two days, her strength must have regressed."

"Amazing my travel anchor."

"The opponent is FG's top laner, very strong."

"Be careful, even though the opponent's top laner didn't make it to the World Championship this year, he didn't lose even if FG lost."

"LBL is getting more and more interesting."

"Brother Yinbi has found the traffic code, and actually invited Yaoyao here."



 In the past two days, he has become a takeaway boy in the school, delivering meals for the students from the cafeteria to the dormitories...

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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