Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 678 Why did this person retire?

Chapter 678 Why did this person retire?

In the past two days, Silver Coin invited professional players, retired professional players, semi-professional teams, etc. to play games together, which also attracted the attention of countless viewers, and even made it to the hot searches many times.

After gradually gaining fame, they also made appointments with some wild card teams who had played in the City Heroes Tournament, the German Cup, and even the World Championship.

So the intensity of the battle is great.

Now that the regular season is over, the World Championship hasn't started yet, and there aren't many games to watch during this offseason, but at this time, a group of professional players will be very interesting to arrange for you.

Active professional players have strength, retired professional players have gimmicks and their strength is not too bad, and there is no team limit, you can freely form the dream team in everyone's mind, which is very enjoyable.

In addition, everyone played very seriously, which made the audience feel like they were watching the players' games.

Of course everyone likes to watch funny things, but this kind of peak duel second only to the professional league will naturally attract more people's attention.

After the traffic increased, there were even some anchors who wanted to come in and participate together.

A little self-aware just discussed the OB's "broadcast rights" and broadcast the game in his own live broadcast room.

What I didn't understand was that a pure streamer who doesn't usually play the league very much wanted to come in and play directly...and was rejected.

Not to mention how you are doing in other aspects, your strength is not enough. Although they are also broadcasting live, they are not purely entertainment bureaus. It is undeniable that there are entertainment elements in it, but more of them are quality bureaus.

Guys, this is either a professional player or a semi-professional team, aren't you waiting to be beaten up when you join in?

Some players who have retired for a long time did not join in, but it can be seen that the level of this game is still good, so it would be embarrassing if they went up and were beaten violently.

Why don't you just explain it and comment on it, it's quite interesting.

For example, the anchor flagon.

This is also Li Shuyao's old friend. As a veteran professional player in the circle, he naturally wants to catch up on the popularity, especially Li Shuyao's popularity, so he has to catch up.

"Oh, this Yaoyao is still as confident as ever. Seeing her directly pressing the line, I even began to miss her feeling when she played the game before."

"It's just that Wuzi is still really messed up. This Yasuo is running around in the bottom lane...haha, don't ask someone to kill him online."

"Hey, the principal Huang Ren just came here to catch it. Didn't he type out a 1V1 real man fight before, why did he just turn around and start to catch it... Oh yes, Yaoyao is a girl, haha."

"Hiss... It's too violent, too violent, how can someone from the opposite side arrest her and be killed instead?"

"Xiu Xiuxiu, I seem to have seen a solo show!"

"Hey... This wave is so powerful... The opponent's road is too miserable, just three to one, and the silver coins are also gone. This is a deadly catch."

"Looking at this wave, the opposite side stood at Xiaolongkeng, and it appeared. Yaoyao started a group like a dragon swimming. This move is not the first time I saw it, but every time I see it I couldn't help but marvel at how she managed to avoid all the skills that should be avoided."

"It can be withdrawn after a round, and it has cheated a lot of skills. This is too bold and too confident."

"I feel like my teammates have been tricked too. Haha, I rushed straight up, but Qingsong's release was also perfect, and Wuzi followed up directly, haha... This wave is okay, and Xiaolong was taken down."

"This wave, this wave, you want to kill it alone, you want to kill it alone, it's beautiful! It's so smooth, it's not going backwards, I can't see that it can't be retreated at all, why should this technology retire, my God."

"It's such a pity, it's such a pity, every time I think of Li Shuyao's retirement, I can't help but sigh, it's such a pity!"


"Niu Beer! Hahaha, Yaoyao Niu Beer, really big thighs..." Yin Coin laughed and said, "Brother Wuzi, let's...haha, let's talk about whether we can play a normal hero next time. "

"Is Yasuo abnormal..." Wuzi laughed while chopping the base crystal.

"It's not normal." Qing Song said briefly, while the school principal Huang Ren was covering his mouth and smiling.

"Okay, then I'll download the VN."


Li Shuyao smiled and listened to a few teammates laughing and joking there. Although she said that they were not her former teammates, they almost felt the same way.

No wonder the audience liked watching it very much. Although the intensity is not as good as a real game, it can be said to have that flavor.

For spectators who didn't watch the game, this is also a good condiment.

"Yaoyao, you are still strong. It's a pity that you retired." Yinbi also felt a little emotional. Li Shuyao's state may be a bit different from when he played against them in the finals last year, but it is actually better than many active LPL players.

Opposite is an active LPL top laner, and this year's regular season is not bad. Although he didn't make it to the World Championship, he is still in the middle and upper reaches.

In the end, Li Shuyao directly beat him to the ground.

It's not that the other party never came to help on the road, but it's useless if they come. If there are fewer people who come, they will be killed, and if there are too many people, they will not be able to catch them.

Although Li Shuyao is very handsome, her discipline is also very good, she has done all the wards that should be done, and she will report misses in other ways, so she is very beautiful, but she is not dead when caught.

On the other side, her opponents were also feeling emotional.

"This is the strength of the champion's top laner. I feel that I was overwhelmed by her during the laning phase." The opponent's top laner said with some emotion.

"Indeed, this operation is too delicate, and then I can only catch Wuzi, haha."

"We played very well in the bottom lane, and then got pierced in the top lane. Yaoyao is really fierce. I haven't played a game this year, and I am still so fierce."

"He has been practicing martial arts, have you practiced?"

"Ahem, I haven't practiced since I'm on vacation. I can't get up in the morning."

"Look, people are still practicing after they retire."

"I will start practicing tomorrow, and I will enter the World Championship next year!"

"Playing well is not as good as signing well. Let's think about how to sign a good team next year."

"Sign p, my contract has not expired this year."

"Then you're done, I think you'll be bored next year."

"Can't I practice every day?"

"Tch, who doesn't practice every day, when the time comes, everyone will be the same, and each should rely on his own ability."


Soon, the second round began. It was not easy for these people to get together, so naturally they had to play a few more rounds, and Li Shuyao was having a good time.

It feels completely different to fight with five players and play ranked alone, whether it's teammates or opponents.

When qualifying, if the opposing jungler and your own jungler don’t come, it’s easy to play as a two-person solo, but the feeling of the team is different. overall.

In other words, your teammates will give you feedback.

So Li Shuyao got bigger and more excited, and the more she played, the more daring she became.

When she was in CR before, in fact, she often played with her back. After all, she still needs to cooperate with tactics, and in the top professional arena, the opponent is not much worse than you, so many times she can't play too much.

It can be said that Li Shuyao at this time is really Li Shuyao who has completely let go of her hands and feet.

Like a fairy sword, it is both agile and elegant and sharp.

Therefore, whether it is teammates, opponents, OB and the audience who are watching the game, they all feel the same emotion as the flagon.

Why did this guy retire?

 I had a very interesting dream last night, it was about an ancient romance, and then the heroine was the moon god, or the daughter of the moon mother Changxi, and then there was a story of fun and sweetness in the early stage, and dedication and sacrifice in the later stage...

  Uh, how about writing a shorter one?

  Haha, let's see.

  These two days are so exhausting...

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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