Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 679 Be a coach?

Chapter 679 Be a coach?
There have always been arguments that it's a pity that Li Shuyao doesn't play professionally, but there have always been arguments that it's a pity that Li Shuyao stopped singing and went to play professionally. Anyway, if she dances repeatedly, many people will say it's a pity.

Then everyone was surprised to find out, well, what they do is very good.

Anyway, for Li Shuyao, as long as she is happy, it is perfect if she can make money by the way, so she feels that her current life is perfect.

Today, Li Shuyao basically played from his own broadcast to his own downcast. In addition to the team assembled by professional players and anchors, he also encountered a real professional team.

Although I just played the City Heroes Tournament, I haven't even touched the threshold of LDL, which basically belongs to the youth training level.

But after all, it is a group of young people, and it is a complete team, and the degree of adaptation between the partners is much higher than that of Li Shuyao.

Here are a few people who met for the first time. Even if they can communicate with each other, the level of tacit cooperation is definitely not as good as that of their real team.

However, there is still a gap in hard power. Li Shuyao and Huang Ren can basically punch through the opposing Ueno, putting great pressure on them.

In fact, the other party was a bit happy, even if he was beaten violently, he still fought three rounds. If it wasn't for Li Shuyao's downcast, he probably wanted to continue the fight.

Li Shuyao is downcasting, and Wu Zi is about to downcast. His live broadcast time is relatively early, so today is a bit late.

In this way, the silver coin will pull people to form a round again. Naturally, he is not in a hurry to download the broadcast, and he can play a few more rounds.

"Oh, I played very well today, haha, Yaoyao has really big thighs, we haven't lost a game so far, haha."

While contacting people on WeChat, Yin Coin laughed and said:

"Where did I mess up, why did I mess up? Didn't I catch it with the school principal Huang Ren in the early stage, and then establish the upper middle field advantage."

"Hey, I admit, I'm doing the show effects, okay, haha..."

"Those youngsters definitely like to play. Whether it's a substitute team or a team just starting out, they usually can't even play in training games. It's good for them to have the opportunity to experience the top players."

"And this is the world champion, big brother, or the kind of world champion whose strength has not regressed much. What are the chances of fighting against the world champion?"

"Our competition is still very serious, so that they can feel the atmosphere and pressure of the competition. Although it is not a real competition, it is very close to the training match."

"And now we're really intense."

"Let me tell you, you can ask Xinyi, how many teams want to play against Yaoyao for a few rounds, it will be a big gain for their top laner."

"Today's top laner said he was beaten by Yaoyao, but as long as he goes back and replays the game, he will definitely learn a lot."

"Shame? Who are you to lose? Brother, that was last year's world champion. What's the shame of losing to the world champion?"

Silver Coin smiled.

Not to mention those teams that just played the City Heroes Tournament, now LDL and even LPL teams want to make appointments with Li Shuyao for training matches.

"I even feel that Yaoyao just had a bit of fun playing, and she played more unrestrainedly than when she played games. Before playing games, she had to think about a lot of things, but now she doesn't have to think about anything. I think Yaoyao like this Probably stronger than before on the field."

Although the audience didn't dare to say this, after all, the intensity of the competition was different. If Li Shuyao could break into the top laners in the World Championship, they would admit it, but it's hard to say now.

After all, it seems that the opponent's top laner is too weak.

But everyone also knows that they are a complete team after all, and Li Shuyao's violent beating is indeed too exciting, making people feel that they are not on the same level at all.

"Okay, okay, let's invite Yaoyao to play together tomorrow, come on, let's start a new game."


Li Shuyao also let out a sigh of relief after the broadcast, and received Tantai Jingyi's WeChat message after a while.

The lady of Tantai's family: "What's the matter? My hands are itchy, do you want to play a game? [Wang Chai]"

The nursery rhyme in the book: "It's okay, it's quite interesting, haha. [Silly smile]"

The lady of Tantai's family: "Do you want to come back? If you come back, Comrade Old Shen will probably wake up laughing in the middle of the night."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Haha, I am precious now [laughing]."

The lady of Tantai's family: "If you come back, you will definitely get a maximum salary. [Social Society]"

Nursery rhyme in the book: "No, no, I'm exhausted, I don't play games every day, I can't do anything."

The lady of Tantai's family: "Then you can come and train us."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "I train you? Haha, I haven't played for a year."

The lady of Tantai's family: "It's not that you are asked to train in operation, but to play online. If you don't know how to play online, you can't do it. I think you are very good today."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Are you serious? [Surprised]"

The lady of Tantai's family: "Of course, student Xiao Hui urgently needs your education. Our results in the training competition in recent days have not been very good. [Sigh]"

The nursery rhyme in the book: "Haha, that's fine, then I'll do my best to train you guys, haha."

The lady of Tantai's family: "Don't worry, don't worry, I definitely can't let you train in vain, let Lao Shen pay you salary. [Witness]"

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Tsk tsk, I've seen your abacus beads at home, haha."

The lady of Tantai's family: "Haha, anyway, it's agreed, you have to be our laning coach."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "This... I was a teammate before, but now I am a coach. It feels like I have become your Baba, hahaha. [Wang Chai]"

The lady of Tantai's family: " should think about how to adjust the time difference."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Hiss...suddenly I don't want to be this coach anymore."

The lady of Tantai's family: "Tsk tsk, don't you want to beat Xiao Hui, Xiao Ye, Totoro, and Coffee Bean?"

Nursery rhyme in the book: "It makes sense! 【Witty】"

The lady of Tantai's family: "You can't broadcast live."

The nursery rhyme in the book: "Don't worry about this, I promise to train you clearly."

Although there is a time difference between here and there, it is not like training every day. Occasionally educating these old teammates is very beneficial to physical and mental health.

Now that the World Championship is approaching, the atmosphere about the alliance on the Internet is also very enthusiastic. As a former world champion at this time, it is natural to rub the heat.

Anyway, as an anchor, in addition to doing a good job of your own content, you still need to be able to gain popularity. Just don’t do bad things, as if you have agreed at the beginning, and then turn your head and stab people in the back. Bad character, she is not that kind of person.

Although let's talk, there are always a few nonsense in private messages every day, but my overall reputation is still good, after all, you can't always make everyone like you.

She doesn't want to start the live broadcast one day, and the screen will be full of bullets scolding herself, and then she will say "you can scold me as you like", that would be too scary.

It is also good for the CR players to hone their training and improve their strength. This year should be their most promising year to defend their title. Next year, everyone will practice martial arts, but it will not be so easy.

 Happy National day……

  But I'm still working...

  For the past two days, I have been guest-starring as a takeaway boy every day...

  I hope it ends soon, I can't finish my work...

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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