Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 691 The first show was successful

Chapter 691 The first show was successful
Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening usually go to bed early, so it was a shame to watch the video at 12 o'clock today, otherwise they would have gone to bed early.

But Lu Yao and the others are different. After all, it is the first show of the nursery rhyme studio, and they still have to operate well. Although Li Shuyao's animation and album will definitely explode later, they must be taken seriously as an appetizer.

So at this time, most of the people in the studio were awake. Under the leadership of Lu Yao, everyone started to promote, collect data and so on.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening don't hype things other than their works. Even if the charity video was sent out before, there was no hype. After it was sent out, the words were left there.

This is also normal, and the videos that everyone posts will also be recommended. The mechanism of the video platform has nothing to do with Lu Yao and the others.

At most, it's because of Li Shuyao's relatively large traffic to give some good recommendations or something.

For example, in that issue of Hope Primary School, I gave a recommendation for the cover...

Ahem, none of this matters!
What's important is that this time it's a real work, and this time it needs to be hyped for a while, and as the studio's first work, right, it needs to be pushed well.

We dare not talk about the hot searches on Weibo, after all, the water is deep... But the platform where the work is released still has to be rushed up.

So, while Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao were sound asleep, Lu Yao was staring at the background data.

In fact, basically everything that should be done has been done. The major fan groups, various music self-media, and publishing platforms basically all need to be notified and cooperated.

In the past two years, Li Shuyao has a very big name in the industry. Basically every song is a classic. Up to now, the top few songs on many music platforms are still her songs, and she has basically never fallen out of the top five on the singer list...

That is to say, I haven't released a new song for a long time, so the nouns have dropped a little.

Just as Lu Yao said, that is to say, Li Shuyao never went out to perform, otherwise she would be able to make a lot of money with these songs.

You know, a song that loves rice back then could earn a small goal.

At that time, the Internet was not so developed, it was crazy performances everywhere...

Fang Xuening is not short of money now, in addition to the copyright income, she can make a lot of money when she goes out to participate in performances occasionally.

This is the up master with original music, or the advantage of the up master in the dance area compared with other up masters. On the basis of the original online income, there are still many offline income.

Of course, it refers to the relatively hot ones.

Half an hour after the release, Lu Yao let out a long sigh of relief looking at the data of the major platforms.

"Not bad." Lu Yao nodded in satisfaction: "Although it's not as good as Yaoyao's, it's still pretty good."

"Our first show should be considered a success." Gong Mang said with a smile.

"It's fairly standard, and everyone's hard work is not in vain." Lu Yao said with a smile: "I heard that Yaoyao will cook roast duck for everyone tomorrow, so it's a reward for everyone."

"In the past two days, I smell the smell and feel delicious."

"I thought we could eat it in the first batch, but Yaoyao refused to let us eat it. I was so hungry."

"You guys are okay, I've been filming together for the past two days, my God, I was drooling while filming, and Xue Ning ate it all!"

Speaking of roast duck, everyone is in good spirits now. The roast duck oven is directly placed here, so Li Shuyao has been doing experiments in the backyard of the studio for the past two days.

Among other things, the aroma of the roast duck kept drilling into the room.

The big guys have been thinking about this stuff for several days, but Li Shuyao has been refusing to let everyone eat it on the grounds that the roast is not good enough...

Then it dragged on until today.

Lu Yao was also a little funny seeing the excited faces of the big guys. Most of these people's excitement should be the excitement of being able to eat the food cooked by Li Shuyao.

As for this score...

To be honest, after seeing Li Shuyao's explosive results, he wasn't too excited about this result.

Although it's pretty good, it's above average, but it's actually slightly higher than Fang Xuening's previous let it go.

You must know that the publicity of this song is much stronger than before, and Li Shuyao's reputation is now much higher than before. Although she only participated in the lyrics of this song, it can actually be compared. The quality of this song is better than That song is going to be a little weaker.

Therefore, Lu Yao predicted that Xiang Kong's performance would be better in a short period of time, but in the long run, that song should be more classic.

But it's pretty good, after all, this is just an appetizer, and what Li Shuyao will release next is what she is most confident about.

After all, the reason why she established the studio was Li Shuyao, and the trump card of the studio has always been Li Shuyao. She believed that when Li Shuyao's work was released, it would be at least twice as big as it is now.

"Complete the task, everyone can go to rest, and count the data tomorrow morning, and then wait for Yaoyao to make roast duck for everyone." Lu Yao announced.

"Long live...haha."


Those who lived in the studio packed up and prepared to go back directly. Those who didn’t live here were fine. In fact, Lu Yao had already let them go back, but those people felt that everyone was here, so it’s not good to go by themselves, and they also wanted to See what the results are like.

As the saying goes, friends or colleagues must not miss when they are engaged in group activities, otherwise you don't know how many things you will miss.

For example, before Lu Yao invited everyone to have a supper and a small barbecue, wouldn't it be gone if he left? Thanks to everyone.

Well, driven by a certain boss, everyone in Li Shuyao's studio is now a foodie, and everyone has reached the point where they are happy when they hear the food.

Anyway... there are outrageous bosses and outrageous employees. Lu Yao already has a very clear understanding of this.

Soon, it's time for everyone to pack up and go home, and it's time to rest.

Lu Yao also came out carrying his small bag, and went straight to Li Shuyao's house.

Since the studio is so close, she naturally lived directly at Li Shuyao's house.

"I knew it……"

Looking at the dark lights, Lu Yao knew that these two guys must have gone to bed long ago.

Well, these two things have always been like this.

Yawning lightly, stretching long, Lu Yao stomped into the house, kicked off his high heels, lowered himself down and touched Xiaohong who came up to him, and then went upstairs all the way back to the house. In my room.

During this period of time, basically every time I came back by myself, the two babies were already asleep.

The dim environment makes her feel very comfortable. The headlights on the way up the road will not be on, but the wall lights, backlights, and lights under the stairs will all be on along the way. It is very soft and will not let you down. It feels harsh and also allows you to see clearly.

These are for people who wake up at night, and the lights will automatically turn off when you walk by.

All controlled by artificial intelligence.

When I walked to the bed, the bedside lamp was on, and there was an electric heating insulation box on the bedside table next to it. There was water in the box, and there was a sealed glass in the water, which contained milky white milk.

When Lu Yao walked to the side, the insulation box automatically cut off the power. She picked up the glass bottle and put it on the dry towel prepared next to it to dry the water. The temperature was just right at around 50 degrees.

Lu Yao opened the lid and took a sip, a warm current dissipated the chill from his body...

 Thanks to Xiaomenglang UC, book friend 20210301******4802 for the reward, what?
(End of this chapter)

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