Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 692 Typhoon is coming

Chapter 692 Typhoon is coming

The wind outside the window gradually became unbridled, and the air was a little humid. Although the rain hadn't come down, there was always a feeling that the rain was about to come.

Lu Yao also came back with this feeling, so he still felt a little cold on his body. The temperature of this milk was just right, not too hot to drink, just enough to dispel the chill on his body.

It was just right for her.

Lu Yao took a sip and put the cup back. When he got up, the automatic heat preservation started again, which could only be controlled automatically.

Of course, she didn't prepare this in advance, how could she have time to play with these gadgets, it looks like Fang Xuening bought this thing, and the milk is warmed by Li Shuyao.

She is too familiar with these things, Fang Xuening likes to tinker with some gadgets that can be connected to artificial intelligence, and when she comes back, she can directly connect to the Internet and let Xiao Yao take over.

But she was tinkering and tinkering, and it was Li Shuyao who could make these little things come in handy.

Li Shuyao must have prepared the milk because the weather was a bit cold tonight. A small amount of honey should have been added to the milk, which slightly improved the texture and taste, but it was not too sweet.

For such a precise grasp of the taste, Li Shuyao should be right. Although Fang Xuening can also cook, except for the braised pork, the others are relatively ordinary. It is not easy to be so appropriate.

He changed his work clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, then dried the water on his body directly, and walked out without being so tired.

Lu Yao sometimes feels that technology has changed life. The machine that directly dries with warm air after taking a shower is naturally controlled by artificial intelligence.

Speaking of which, her own house is not cheap, but there are hardly many machines controlled by artificial intelligence, at least not like Li Shuyao's house, where there is an artificial intelligence that controls almost all the electrical appliances in the house like a housekeeper.

These things are really convenient. If it weren't for Li Shuyao's preference for cooking, in fact, if you buy a cooking robot, someone can cook for you every day.

Of course, this thing is still not as convenient as takeaway, and you have to buy food yourself, so Fang Xuening naturally doesn't like it, besides, Fang Xuening still likes to eat fried food.

Relatively speaking, the security controlled by artificial intelligence is better,
Sitting by the bed in pajamas, the insulation box automatically cut off the power again. Lu Yao picked up the cup to wipe off the water, walked to the window, and drank the milk in the cup little by little.

The amount of milk is not large. After all, I have to sleep and drink too much and I can’t fall asleep, and there is no water cup in the insulation box over there, and the power is completely cut off.

The wind outside was a bit strong, and it was pulling hard on the canopy of the trees on the side of the road. The trees were unwilling to be pulled away, and tried their best to straighten their bodies and compete with the wind for control of their bodies.

The two sides competed hard, and gradually dropped some leaves and branches to the ground.

The wind...was much stronger than when she came back.

Lu Yao opened the weather forecast and looked at it, then looked at the official weather news...

Typhoon is coming.

Lu Yao slammed his mouth. He had just left work for about 40 minutes, and the one with the furthest home should have just arrived home. Fortunately, it was only windy and it hadn’t rained yet.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yao directly sent a message in the group: "Those who are still outside hurry up and go home, there may be a typhoon in an hour, everyone will have a day off tomorrow, and we will see the situation the day after tomorrow."

" roast duck!"

"I just got home, but I really want to go back now."

"Hahaha, it's better to live in the studio, haha."

"Ahem, we'll accept the roast duck or something, but I'll definitely leave some bones for you."

"Well, sister, I feel that I can come. Isn't it raining yet? I don't think you should be frightened by the weather forecast. It's up to me not to let the weather forecast."

"That's right, I also feel that it's a good day. It's quite cool. I'm driving here. The wind isn't too strong. How can it overturn my car?"

"Sister, I suddenly feel that I love work very much. If I don't come, my work can't be done. Right, our video has to be sent out on time, so I think I may have to come tomorrow."


Lu Yao was speechless looking at the pile of messages these people sent over and over again, she was too embarrassed to say about them, they were for work, they were greedy for roast ducks!

Good guy, in order to eat one or two of you, you will give me rain or shine, right? There are really any kind of boss and kind of employees, so eating a roast duck is not enough.

"Stay at home honestly tomorrow, and cook the roast duck after work." Lu Yao followed up and sent a message. If he didn't post it, someone might rush over tomorrow. These people just want to be true. Can do it!

"Long live sister Lu!"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, unless boss Yaoyao sends it himself!"

"You're thinking about farts, Yaoyao must be asleep at this time, how could it be possible to send it to you."

"Don't tell me I forgot, really, it's almost 2 o'clock."

"Let's rest early, everyone, I'm quite tired after so many days."

"In this case, I'm going to lie in bed all day tomorrow!"

"Please watch your bladder, haha."

"Why don't you just buy a chamber pot and put it next to the bed."

"Why don't we use diapers, haha."


"6 is still your 6 wow."

"I've decided, even if it rains tomorrow, I'm going to run from the studio to Yaoyao's boss's house to grab a meal!"

"Hiss... an unimaginable path."

"Damn it, there is such a trick!"

"I also need to go!"

"I think it's okay. How about we form a group to fight the autumn wind tomorrow? Haha, I have a raincoat and water shoes. I'm going to rush there tomorrow!"

"Rush, rush, rush even when it rains!"


Lu Yao was speechless, crazy, these people are crazy.

But after being busy for so many days, I finally achieved some results today. It is normal for everyone to be a little excited. Originally, she wanted everyone to build a team together tomorrow to relax.

Now that the wind is already blowing outside, it's better not to let them come, let's take a rest at home.

She estimated that she could take two or three days off to combine work and rest.

Basically, they are not able to rest on Saturdays and Sundays like the outside world, and often come to work on weekends to catch up with work, so the rest is relatively casual.

Sometimes it's easier to rest for a few days.

Li Shuyao's philosophy is to improve the work efficiency of employees through high-quality rest, so that employees can complete their work efficiently in a short period of time. After completion, they should play and rest.

Lu Yao also had the same idea. After all, what they want is a work. A good work must be filled with the creator's feelings.

Employees who are exploited will definitely not be able to produce good works.

Now that it is confirmed that they will rest tomorrow, the group of night owls are not in a hurry to sleep. One or two are either having fun in the group, or going to play games by themselves.

Looking out of the window, Lu Yao let out a soft breath as the branches seemed to be a little overwhelmed.

Tiny traces of exhaustion hit her, and she was about to go to bed.

The glass of milk he just drank made him feel sleepy. This time is probably the most comfortable time. Taking advantage of this sleepiness, Lu Yao turned around and lay down on the bed.

In the next second, all the lights went out.


There seemed to be the sound of pattering rain.

In this way, it is just right.

 Recently, I wrote some explicit novels in the dead of night, tsk tsk, the writing is very exciting, but I will definitely not publish it, haha, I am afraid that I will be caught if I post it, for self-entertainment, self-entertainment...

(End of this chapter)

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