As we all know, the sound insulation of Li Shuyao's house is still very good, so despite the wind and rain outside, the three people and three cats in the house can still sleep peacefully.

Uh... It can't be said that everything is safe and sound.

Li Shuyao is relatively sensitive, but after hearing the whistling wind and rain outside, she diverted her attention, and then she couldn't hear the sound outside.

The wind and rain gradually intensified, Brother Gou keenly heard the scratching sound on the back door, then pushed Xiaohong next to him, and kicked Shuping on the other side.


The two kittens were sleeping in a daze, and after waking up, they looked at Brother Gou in a daze.

What's the matter, this is, why did you kick the cat without sleeping in the middle of the night...

Xiaohong is more concerned about Gouge's body. Although there is still some time before the delivery, the pregnant woman will inevitably have some other small needs, so Xiaohong is naturally conscious!

However, Xiaohong's self-consciousness basically comes from the thoughts Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening instill every day, and Brother Gou has never had any more needs.

The day has finally come?
Xiaohong was a little excited, and finally it was her turn to do something!

Then it saw Brother Gou's paw pointing to the back door.

"Meow..." Xiaohong looked over in doubt, the rain outside kept beating on the glass door, as if someone was constantly splashing water, and she couldn't see the outside world clearly.

This glass door is the kind where you can see the outside from the inside, but not the inside from the outside. At this time, you can basically not see the outside.

However, the eyes of this family are quite good, Xiaohong still vaguely saw a few small silhouettes outside the door.

Xiaohong ran over quickly, patted the door lightly, a small door opened below, and a few little squirrels rushed in.

The door below was sealed when it rained, Xiao Hong patted the door, and the little demon opened the door, and after the little squirrel came in, the door below was also sealed again.

The little squirrel wanted to run in, but was stopped by Xiaohong and Shuping.

These little squirrels are all wet, and they will definitely be beaten when they go straight into the hall tomorrow morning.

Well, brother Gou is a pregnant woman now, and he has obtained the right to avoid being beaten during pregnancy. Didn't you see that the old god is squatting in the den and not coming out, and then let the two come over and open the door.

Under the leadership of Xiaohong and Shuping, a few little squirrels were washed with warm water at the place where they usually enter to take a bath, and then dried and disinfected.

After going through a procedure, he entered the hall.

But he didn't let him go far when he came in, and lay down near the cat's nest.

This weather is still a bit scary for the little squirrels. Looking at the big trees shaking their bodies outside, you can understand the fear in their hearts.

If it weren't for the two big squirrels who ran this way, after this typhoon, it is unknown how many squirrels will be left.

In the face of the power of nature, these animals and plants parasitic on the earth are still very fragile.

That is to say, human beings have worked hard to create some abilities to resist.

However, human beings are also very fragile in front of those mighty forces that can be called the might of heaven and earth.

and so……

In fact, there is no need to worry about whether the earth will be destroyed. Human beings can never destroy the earth, and human beings can only destroy themselves.

Even if humans destroy the entire ecological environment, or fight a legendary war, the result is that humans destroy themselves. Thousands or tens of thousands of years later, the earth will still be the same.

It's like getting sick and then gradually recovering.

In the long lifespan of the earth, tens of thousands of years are but a flick of a finger.


Li Shuyao had a dream, dreaming that she became a sailor, surrounded by turbulent waves, and she stood on the bow of the shaking ship, feeling the intoxicating sense of dizziness and weightlessness.

It's just a pity that her body is still very warm, and she doesn't feel any dampness, so she still knows very clearly that she is dreaming and not real.

When you know that you are dreaming in your dream, you always want to do something that you don’t have, such as trying to see if you can fly, such as trying to jump into the sea to find something inside, such as looking at the cabin Who else is there?

Speaking of which, dreams are really amazing.

Li Shuyao felt that she had only been on a boat when she was very young, and she hadn't been on a boat for many years, but the cabin in her dream was so real, with many details, it didn't make you feel very vague.

There are indeed many people in the cabin, everyone is in their own room, some are eating and drinking, some are playing cards, some are playing with mobile phones, some are watching the wind and rain outside...

It seems that those turbulent waves did not affect the people in the cabin, and everyone was very happy.

Perhaps, it was also because Li Shuyao was still very calm at the moment.

She ran out of the cabin, ignoring the shouts behind her, and jumped off the deck without any sense of weightlessness, nor did she feel the coolness of entering the water.

But it is true that the perspective has been switched. After falling into the sea, it seems that the world has changed in the dream.

The depths of the sea are so calm, there are schools of fish swimming fast, and it seems that they are not affected at all.

Li Shuyao was able to breathe freely in the sea...Of course it was because her body was under the quilt, so although there was blue sea water in front of her eyes, she could still breathe.

The world in front of her eyes seemed to be brighter. Although she was diving continuously, the surroundings were not very dark, but still very bright.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Shuyao seemed to see a huge shadow in the sea, which seemed to be... a ship that had been silent for a long time.

The ship lay quietly on the bottom of the sea, it seemed a little familiar, but also a little strange.

Li Shuyao lay peacefully in the sea and looked at the sky, it was bright, it seemed that she couldn't see the ship she jumped off...

Gradually, Li Shuyao faded out of the dream. She slowly chewed on the remaining warmth of the dream, as if she wanted to clarify the logic of the dream.

But dreams are messy. No matter how I think about it, I can't figure out some joints.

Turning his head to look outside, the sky that should have been bright is now a bit gloomy. Listen carefully, and there are the sounds of wind and rain outside. At this moment, these two sounds merge together, and they can no longer be separated from each other.

It seems that I can't go out to practice martial arts this day, but it is a good day for sleeping.

For example, a certain white hair next to him is grabbing himself like an octopus... Otherwise, continue to sleep for a while?It seems that it is not impossible, because of the weather today, it is quite normal not to exercise.

Then, she saw the door quietly opened, and then three small figures jumped in from the door, and then nine big bright eyes stared straight at Li Shuyao.

Okay, you still have to get up, don't you have to take the pregnant cat with you for activities, the pregnant cat can't just squat there all the time, it also needs to exercise properly.

Brother Gou doesn't exercise much now, so he just exercises every morning.

Although it is said that you can't go outside, you can still make a dozen in the lobby on the first floor.

And it's almost time to cook porridge. It should be good to drink a bowl of hot porridge in this weather.

Then Li Shuyao turned on the phone casually, and then saw everyone chatting in the studio group...

Uh... let's make more porridge.

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