Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 696 Do you want to scare them at night?

Regarding the fact that the five female students in the studio all ran over, Li Shuyao said that she was also very helpless, but they all came, and they came with a change of clothes, so basically they couldn't leave if the rain didn't stop.

Fortunately, I usually store a lot of various ingredients, and these young ladies eat relatively less.

Well, I won't replenish the system with energy for these two days, so that the ingredients and so on are completely sufficient.

There are still some ingredients, snacks and so on in the studio, and the two young men should not starve to death.

The most important thing is that when Fang Xuening just went out, he saw the figure of the food delivery boy... Either the food delivery boy outside, or the food delivery boy in the park.

In other words, in this windy and windy weather, the kitchen in the park still serves meals for everyone.

As expected of paying so much property fees every year, this service is also very good.

In fact, the park is also very helpless, this thing... Sometimes there is no way, there are always some more delicate people, such as those little four, little five, little six, right, going here and there every day, Definitely can't cook by myself.

There are also some people who don't go out of the door and don't go out. Those who don't know it think it's some kind of golden house.

These people don't know how to cook, and they don't keep anything at home. Basically, they order meals at the restaurants in the park every day, and pay monthly or yearly subscriptions.

Of course, there is a lot of waste.

Judging by the weather, basically no one is allowed to come out, no matter if they are going out to prowl or those who are hiding in the golden house. One or two must be at home waiting to be fed.

If you don't deliver food here, maybe two of you will starve to death...

Because those little girls, whether male or female, eat less than chickens in order to keep in shape. If they don't eat one or two meals, then... they may really be pushed down.

So Fang Xuening was also very emotional.

In this weather, some people hide in the room and wait, and some people deliver meals in the wind and rain. Perhaps these are two completely different life attitudes and life situations.

A few girls went upstairs to wash up, chattering, and chattered for more than half an hour before coming down. When they came down, one or two were amazed.

Fang Xuening didn't think there was any surprise, after all, it seems that few people would do this thing directly after taking a shower.

"It's amazing. If Miss Xiaoxue Ning hadn't reminded me before, I guess I would have been shocked."

"Yeah yeah."

"I will install one when I buy a house in the future. It's so convenient."

"However, I remember that my brother's kitten was drying in a drying box just after taking a bath."


"get out!"

Everyone chattered and walked down, seeing Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening who had finished eating and sitting on the sofa gradually quieted down, and then looked expectant...

"The porridge is in the pot, serve it in a bowl by yourself." Li Shuyao laughed.

This is also thanks to the fact that there are often other up masters in the family who come over to have a meal or something, otherwise her family doesn't have so many bowls and chopsticks.



"I'm starving to death."

"Should we rush back after eating?"

"If you want to go back after eating, go back, if you don't want to go back, stay here." Li Shuyao shouted.

"Long live!"

"The boss is the most handsome!"

"Wow, where are we going to sleep tonight?"

"I think the balcony on the second floor is good. Boss, I can make a floor on the second floor."

As the saying goes, there are three women in one drama, five women in TV series... There are already eight women in this building including Lu Yao, it is hard for Li Shuyao to imagine what will happen next.

Hmm... eight... hiss... it looks like I counted them too.

Uh, let's count on it, anyway, it was originally.

"Hey... this porridge is really delicious."

"It melts in your mouth, it melts in your mouth!"

"Wooooow, this is the best porridge I've ever had in my life."

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening: "..."

We've passed it a little bit.

Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao expressionlessly, look at you, they are all brought out by you!
Li Shuyao rolled her eyes, what does this have to do with me, I have only brought these people for a few days, obviously these people were brought out by Lu Yao!
The two of them were beaming here, when suddenly there was a scream from across there.

Then Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening just stood up when they heard that person say: "Phew, I was scared to death, I thought it was a mouse, so there was a row of squirrels standing..."

"Don't tell me I haven't seen it yet."

"The passage above is quite interesting. It's for raising squirrels."

"Wow, what a cute little squirrel."

"It looks like they are domesticated. Take a look, they are not afraid of people. They didn't run away when you called them just now."

"Well, I even feel like they're watching a show."

"Hiss... I always feel that Boss Yaoyao's house is a little bit evil. Look at Brother Gou and the others, they are squatting beside us and looking at us."

"Hey, what you said is really true."

"Suddenly, I feel a little permeable."

"Hey, it's indeed the legendary haunted house, it feels a little bit exciting."

"When you say that, I also feel aww, hehe."

"How about our haunted house adventure tonight."

"Okay, okay, hey, um, this porridge is really delicious."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Although these people lowered their voices over there, no one can hear anyone at such a close distance, Fang Xuening can hear it, well, it's a bit strange that you didn't see Fang Xuening's expression.

"Shall we scare them tonight?" Fang Xuening whispered in Li Shuyao's ear.

Li Shuyao rolled her eyes, good guy, I'm ready to play now, don't you want to make a video or something, and then we'll post another vlog, right?

"Let's take it easy, don't scare them." Li Shuyao followed in a low voice.

"Hehe, don't worry, they are so bold. Didn't you see that these people are so excited about the haunted house?" Fang Xuening was also a little excited: "Then how about we make the whole haunted house?"

"I'm fine, one or two of them are night owls, just don't fall asleep then." Li Shuyao shrugged.

"I can't, I never sleep when I have something to do, besides, can't I sleep during the day? If I sleep during the day, I won't be sleepy at night. Then I can scare them." Fang Xuening laughed He smiled and said, "The things your fans gave you are almost useable."

"Tsk tsk, what a loss you are, the bamboo shoots on the mountain will be taken away by you."

"Then do you do it?"


"Ahh... the meal is ready... I'll go, there are so many people, you really rushed here."

At this time Lu Yao came down from upstairs, and suddenly saw a group of people drinking porridge around the table, and waved to Lu Yao by the way:
"I'll go, why is there a group of little squirrels on it?"

"Sure enough, Sister Lu's observation skills are strong, we didn't see it at first."

"Tch, I've seen it a long time ago, that is to say, you only have rice in your eyes that didn't see it."

"I don't believe it. Based on what I know about you, if you had seen it a long time ago, you would have shouted it out a long time ago. It is impossible to hold back!"

"Hmph, don't believe me, I've already seen it anyway."


Lu Yao rubbed his temples, okay, these guys are usually chattering in the studio, but now they're here... still chattering, with a headache.

I must have opened it the wrong way this morning.

I'll be fine when I go back to sleep!

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