Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 697 This is not "revenge"

Lu Yao finally realized the reality, but she didn't go back to sleep, mainly because she was worried that these people would drink up all the porridge!

But after she came down and saw the cauldron, she had to admire Li Shuyao's foresight.

Before coming down, she looked at the weather forecast. The typhoon is estimated to last for two days before it completely passes. I'm afraid these five goods will stay here in these two days.

Hiss... among other things, it's really noisy when there are too many people together, especially after they finished their meal, Fang Xuening took out a big bag of melon seeds and joined the chat lineup, it was really... a magic sound Fill your ears!
Lu Yao suddenly missed that quiet Li Shuyao's house...

She suddenly understood why there were so many rooms in the studio, and she instinctively chose to go back to live in Li Shuyao's house, the reason was just one word - it was too fucking noisy!

Suddenly Lu Yao regretted it, why did he find so many girls!You should pay attention to the balance between men and women.

She thought about it. At first, these female compatriots would pay a little attention when they met male compatriots. Later, because the number of male compatriots was really small, and everyone got to know each other well, one or two began to reveal their true nature. .

When I was in the studio, it was chattering.

Chatting is a strange thing. It has a kind of magic power, which makes you get better and better as you chat, or why there are so many deaths in history that are all bragging.

Sometimes the words catch up with the words, and then everyone is too embarrassed to take a step back, and then conflicts arise.

This is the top.

Although we can't talk to that extent here, this group of people really talk about everything from constellations to gossip, from heaven to hell.

Anyway, this group of people can be regarded as creators to some extent, and it is quite reasonable to think wildly.

It's just that sometimes it's too wild, and Lu Yao has to hold on, or else this group of people will fly into the sky.

Li Shuyao's current works don't need to be too imaginative, it's better to be down-to-earth.

This is how it develops in many cases, because I am afraid that sudden innovation will kill me all at once, so I basically follow the old path.


The most innovative person in the studio is Li Shuyao. Other VLOGs and cooking videos are just standard, and they will naturally innovate in music and animation.

So Nursery Rhyme Studio is a group with Li Shuyao as the core.

This is actually a bit fragile, because if something goes wrong with Li Shuyao, the group may be disbanded.


Everyone seems to trust Li Shuyao surprisingly, maybe it has something to do with her continuous creation of miracles in recent years.

Well, anyway, seeing the girls chattering while eating melon seeds after eating, Lu Yao started to diverge his thoughts, and then diverted to this side.

It still looks like the wind is howling outside, but the house is full of joy and harmony.

"Alas..." Lu Yao sighed softly. She couldn't run back into the room by herself at this time. Even if she didn't join, she still had to be by her side...

Otherwise, the ghost knows how these goods can arrange themselves!

Never underestimate the creative ability of a group of gossip people.

And at this moment, classmate Li Shuyao quietly sat over, then whispered a few words into her ear, and then...

Lu Yao's eyes lit up.

What a great idea!
Good guy, these little girls have been "torturing" me all day long, and I finally have a chance to "revenge" myself!

Heh heh, you think you arrange me there every day, I don't know what it is!

I'm big, I don't have the same knowledge as you, hehe, now I finally have a chance, let's see if I don't scare you well.

Although he said that he was very excited, on the surface Lu Yao still asked with a little worry: "What if... I get frightened? Is it okay?"

"Pretend, pretend to be like me, hum." Li Shuyao hugged his shoulders and sneered.

Lu Yao: "..."

Good guy, shouldn't it be me who pretended a little bit, and then you half pushed and half pushed, well, forget that this guy is a straight ball player, and those pulling and pulling in the business field cannot be played on her.

This guy doesn't pull much when playing games, it belongs to the kind that comes up and does it directly.

All right, then don't be coy, just do it!
"What shall we do?" Lu Yao said quietly, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Shrimp? What's the use of thinking about it? Why don't we just pounce on them when they fall asleep?" Li Shuyao seemed to have no idea about these things.

"Tch, your plan is very poor, so I'll just pass it to you." Lu Yao waved his hand: "And this is a good prank video, do you want to shoot it?"

"Also... yes." Li Shuyao nodded: "But then we have to see if the big guys agree to post it. If everyone agrees, it's fine."

"Don't worry." Lu Yao is very confident. She knows exactly what kind of piss these guys are one or two. If this tricky video is edited well, it will be a good selling point.

Li Shuyao herself is a person who doesn't stick to fixed video formats. If you watch her videos, there are all kinds of them, so it's good to have a prank.

in particular……

The title of female ghost is still highly recognized among her fans, so it is also very good to film an episode of haunted house tricks while the typhoon is blowing outside.

This God is so cooperative, it can be met but not asked for.

It just so happens that tonight is when the typhoon is at its heaviest. The combination of the outside and the inside will absolutely explode the effect of the program.

"The time is a little short, and there is no time to make the planning too complicated, and the scene is too grand, so let's just make a simple one... Well, how about the little girl at the end of the corridor?" Lu Yao said with a smile: "I just want to do something about yours." Fame smiles."

"What... a smile of becoming famous..." Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered the smile that gave her the title of female ghost.

Hiss... At that time, I just remembered the smile of an innocent little girl in a horror movie I watched before.

The little girl was full of white moonlight from beginning to end in the movie, but the last smile frightened her terribly, and she has been deeply impressed ever since.

So it really wasn't that she wanted to scare people on purpose, but she just imitated it when she suddenly remembered it.

Should I say it or not, although this thing looks scary, but it's very fun to scare others by doing it yourself.

Sure enough, people's happiness is based on the pain of others.

"It's just that smile, forget about it, I think we should add something to it, for example, we're like this... this... this... what do you think?" Lu Yao whispered in Li Shuyao's ear own plan.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, she really wants to say shameless or you are shameless, I couldn't say it just now, but now I turn around and start to arrange the venue, bah!
It does look interesting though.

It doesn't look too scary, it's far worse than those haunted houses, and it's incomparable with secret rooms, so it shouldn't cause any psychological shadow on everyone. passed.

Lu Yao emphasized that this is not revenge, but team building!

Well, team building!

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