Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 698 This is team building!

In the end, Li Shuyao expressed her agreement to Lu Yao's plan "reluctantly", alas... the reason why she did this was also for everyone's benefit.

Look, it's windy and rainy outside, everyone must be very anxious and terrified inside.

Uh...Look, the fear can only be resolved by getting together to eat melon seeds and chatting. Otherwise, how much everyone will go to sleep this day is obviously because of the fear of not being able to sleep.

So what can overcome fear?

What can overcome fear is naturally greater fear. Use greater fear to offset the previous fear. When people are too scared, it is naturally...

Be fearless!

Look at it, look at it, in order to let everyone have nothing to fear, Li Shuyao also crushed her heart, um, that kind of crushing, finely crushed.

So Li Shuyao looked at the employees who were "frightened" in a daze, and Lu Yao had already started to go upstairs to prepare things. There were still a lot of small things in the warehouse.

For example, small red lights and small green lights, such as fake flowers, charms, Q version of small skulls, small zombies, small ghosts...

Anyway, the water friends gave Li Shuyao a lot of weird things before. Although those things looked like toys during the day, they didn't necessarily look like toys at night.

Especially when the atmosphere gets so hot, it would be scary to put a doll anywhere, so Lu Yao hurried to find some suitable props.

As for where the little lamp is hidden...

Isn't there a cat climbing frame?

The cat climbing frame of Li Shuyao’s house surrounds all places in the house except the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. It is enough to put small traffic lights on the cat climbing frame in the corridor on the second floor.

You can’t see this thing when it’s lit up in the daytime, but at night, it’s the faint, weird lights that are the most attractive...

You can't imagine now, what kind of little surprises are hidden in that ordinary cat climbing frame.

In addition to the small lights, Lu Yao also prepared a few small speakers and placed them in every corner of the cat climbing frame, which will definitely give you a surround sound when the time comes.


But it's a bit of a pity, after all, the time is too short, and I don't have time to prepare more props, so I can only leave it like this for now, well, after all, it was a temporary idea, and it can't be too scary, right, it's not bad to be simple.

So, while the big guys were happily playing Monopoly below, student Lu Yao had already completed a series of arrangements insidiously.

Anyway, a few people will live on the second floor tonight. Fang Xuening's room, Lu Yao's room, and Tantai Jingyi's room can all be taken out, plus those who want to sleep on the carpet on the balcony on the second floor. I can live there.

At noon, everyone happily ate a big meal together.

Li Shuyao didn't worry about anything, anyway, there is a food delivery guy, and in order to take care of his business, she even bought some more vegetables for them to deliver.

Then naturally give people five-star praise and rewards by the way.

Uh, isn’t this an app developed by and Meituan itself, where owners can put forward any needs.

You can order food, buy vegetables, buy daily necessities, etc., as well as pay property fees, water and electricity bills, pull network cables and other daily needs can also be met here.

It even launched a series of services such as door-to-door massage, spa, meridians, and massage.

Otherwise, why would there be those who stay at home and don't go out? The service in the park is so good that basically they can enjoy it without going out of the park, so there is no need to go out.

So this typhoon has no other impact except that everyone can't go out, and the angry world outside seems to have nothing to do with home.

Everyone had a happy meal together, and played games happily, but maybe a few innocent friends didn't notice Li Shuyao and the others' small movements...

Of course, the camera has already been set up, and it is not set up quietly. After all, it is not good to secretly take pictures of this thing. It’s just that the reason for setting up the camera is board games. Isn’t this everyone playing board games together? You can still take pictures It's a vlog, I can post it to the board game section...

Uh, although the overall traffic in this division is not very large, there is still a group of loyal viewers.

If she was so involved in the game, no one would care if Li Shuyao sneaked out and took a camera to record the beginning.

"The typhoon outside was very strong, so we couldn't go out. A few girls from the studio ran over. However, we are going to do a trick today. On the surface, we are making a board game video, but in fact it is for Scary at night..."

"Hey, the bait is in the afternoon, but the hook is in the evening. No one can think of this as a prank. Don't they always say that I am a haunted house? Then I will scare them a little bit, hey."

"Well, since the main venue is on the second floor, we will have a small event on the second floor at night... Well, that's about it, let's go play games first."

"Well, let me emphasize at the end, this is team building! It's team building, team building! Important things are said three times."

Everyone had a great time playing the board game in the afternoon. The main reason is that you can chat with each other while playing this game, and you can also intrigue with each other. The game experience is very good.

Li Shuyao is a loyal fan of the Monopoly series of games. In addition to the classic old version of Monopoly, Li Shuyao's family also has many variant versions of Monopoly.

The rich content makes you doubt life, and some of them are even packed in medium-sized boxes.

The prices of these millionaires are not cheap, and they belong to the kind that other than board game shops or board game lovers will hardly touch. Li Shuyao just talked about the rules for 20 minutes.

But... these things designed by board game enthusiasts are unexpectedly fun, and everyone is addicted to it at once.

After all, there are no outdoor activities in this weather, and it’s not a big deal for everyone to hold a mobile phone, and there are not so many computers to open a hack.

You can't just eat melon seeds and chat here all the time.

So playing board games is very suitable.

It's fun when everyone gets together.

In the afternoon, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening went to the live broadcast, and Lu Yao was also watching. Everything seemed so normal, and the children were quite looking forward to it, because before the live broadcast, Li Shuyao also said that there would be team building in the evening after the live broadcast was over. Woolen cloth.

What can team building do?
Eat, drink, play and have fun, the children are looking forward to the team building in the evening. Although the lunch and afternoon meals are delicious, who can refuse to have a small barbecue in the middle of the night.

You don't need to lose weight!
Since it is a group building, it is reasonable to put a few cameras on the second floor.

So there was a live broadcast over there, and the five children here sat on the floor stall on the balcony on the second floor to watch the rain.

Typhoons don’t always happen. Turn off the lights in the corridor on the second floor and you can see the situation outside clearly. After all, there are still street lights outside.

Therefore, the five children stood shoulder to shoulder, looking at the dark night in this dark environment.

It's just that there are orange street lamps under the dark night sky. Looking at the scene of rain falling through the street lamps, it's really beautiful. Now the wind outside is a little bit less, but the rain still hasn't stopped, and some places have accumulated water.

Looking at it, the five little girls fell asleep next to each other...

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