Speaking of which, these five little girls are quite tired today, not to mention getting up very early in the morning, and rushing here in the rain and wind, which sounds like a waste of energy.

Although I ate delicious meals in the morning, noon and evening, I never took a break in between, and I was tired from playing board games all the time, and I kept nagging about the lack of oxygen in my brain.

And it's been noisy all day. Everyone is somewhat tired at this time, and they can't speak loudly anymore. People are broadcasting live over there. It's definitely not good for you to be twittering.

Live broadcasting is one of the main sources of income for nursery rhyme studios. If you delay it, who will pay you!

So even without Lu Yao's words, they all kept quiet, even if the doors of other people's houses were closed, they also kept quiet subconsciously.

After a noisy day, the drowsiness kept coming up when it was quiet all of a sudden, and after it was completely quiet, I could hear the sound of wind and rain outside the window.

Sometimes, the sound of wind and rain is really hypnotizing. Among other things, the friends in the group didn't talk much today, and basically slept at home.

So quiet, exhausted, and the wind and rain outside, about two hours after the live broadcast, the big guys basically fell asleep.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening's live broadcast lasted about 4 hours, so naturally they couldn't download it in advance just to trick them, but these children just fell asleep, so it's not good to just wake them up.

When they are almost asleep, they will be in a daze at that time, and they will wake up soon, and they won't be too frightened if they are frightened. It is not good for the heart to forcefully frighten people in the middle of sleep.

So after the live broadcast of Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening ended, the five sisters also slept for more than 5 hours. In fact, they also woke up in the middle, but the atmosphere is too easy to make people fall asleep, and there are faint voices coming from the room over there. No voice is also very reassuring.

This is a very strange feeling. When you fall asleep, if you are surrounded by noisy people, you will feel at ease as long as the environment remains the same, but if it becomes very quiet all of a sudden, you will feel a little flustered and Sober.

So when Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening finished the live broadcast, the room became completely quiet, so the five girls were really about to wake up at this time.

But at this moment, wisps of voices came from all directions bit by bit.

It wasn't very loud at first, and it was even covered by the wind and rain outside, but gradually... the voice became a little clearer.

One of the little girls was on the verge of waking up before, but now she woke up straight away. She frowned and listened carefully, then pushed the little girl next to her.

"Hey, wake up, wake up."

"What's the matter? Team building started?"

"Huh? Team building?"

"Well...it's so comfortable here, I'm going to sleep here tonight."

As soon as she pushed, the other people gradually woke up. After all, everyone was about to wake up at first, so everyone started to move after this movement.

"Don't make noise, you guys listen."

"Oh, what are you listening to... Hurry up and turn on the light, and eat skewers."

"Eat as soon as you wake up, haha."

"No, don't talk, I seem to have heard something."

"Huh? It's true, you're not sleepy, are you?"

"Hey, it seems that there really is one, no... this can't really be a haunted house."

"What nonsense, isn't that just a joke, if this is a haunted house, then what is Boss Yaoyao, is it really a ghost, haha, you are a rich man who has been playing with ghosts all day?"

"Don't...don't say it, I'm a little scared, there really is a voice."

The five people suddenly fell silent, and then the voice that suddenly approached and far away reached everyone's ears clearly.

A few people suddenly felt the hairs on their bodies stand up. If they listened to this voice alone, they didn't feel too much, but they couldn't hold back the previous few people who laid the groundwork... Then a lot of questions about the haunted house and Li Shuyao's identity came to everyone's minds. ghost content.

Self-improvement is the most deadly.

For things like thrillers and movies, the scariest thing is not the pictures, but the sound effects and brain supplements.

If you replace the background music of those classic horror scenes with good luck, I am afraid it will not be scary at all.

And those who are not afraid at all after seeing it are basically not imagining it. They don't think about those things in their minds.

Those who are particularly afraid are especially able to make up for it.

Unfortunately, these five little girls are all of the kind who can brainstorm. After all, everyone is engaged in a creative job. Anyone who can create can brainstorm, and those who can’t brainstorm can’t create anything. .

and so……

The little girls looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Then all of a sudden everyone was even more terrified.

At this time, if someone stands up to be the leader, it can alleviate the fear to a large extent, but unfortunately, these people are not the leader, so everyone will subconsciously look for the leader.

"Boss Yaoyao... Yaoyao..."

"Sister Lu... Sister Lu..."

"Sister Xuening...where are you..."

A few people didn't dare to move, so they sat on the sofa leaning against each other, and then shouted in trembling voices.

However, there was no response at all.

All of a sudden everyone was really a little panicked, the sound effects that can only be heard in horror movies were actually heard in reality, and there were even some laughter from far and near, which was very penetrating!

At this time, the big guy's mind was already surging, and various ideas appeared in his mind one after another. These five people can now make a horror movie out of the things in their minds!

The breathing of the five people became a little rapid, and before they could make any other movements, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Although there was finally some light, everyone felt that it would be better if there was no light at this time.

Because it was a faint green light.

The light is very faint, and it can only be seen clearly if you look closely, and it is even a little blurry.

Then after a while, the green light gradually switched to red, and even... There was still some white mist on the ground.

The five people collectively lost their voices. They didn't know what to say at this moment, but the tension in everyone's hearts could still be seen from the hands clenched tightly.

"Da da..." At this moment, a slow footstep sounded.

Several people were holding their breath for a moment. Everyone didn't want to look at it, but they couldn't help but want to look over there.

Faintly, a figure that looked only about one meter long was walking slowly in the corridor.

Suddenly, the figure turned its head, and a funny skull came into their eyes with a burst of misty red light.



The little girls hugged each other in an instant, and with their screams, it seemed that the doors of other rooms opened, and then a little ghost covered in a white cloth and a little zombie floated out of the room up.


The boys continued to scream.

And as the green light gradually became stronger, at the end of the corridor stood a man in white... Li Shuyao.

At this moment, Li Shuyao was also hazy, the corners of her mouth seemed to have been wiped with red blood, just when everyone thought they saw their relatives, the corners of Li Shuyao's mouth gradually curled up...


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