Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 706 Waiting for the rain to pass

"Captain, can't we hear them talking? They are quite interesting, talking so loudly." A young security guard next to him said with a smile: "I couldn't hear them at first, but I heard them yelling so loudly."

"Yeah, let's discuss how to act before going in, haha, it's so interesting." A little brother next to him laughed.

"You don't understand this. It's not easy for these two male compatriots. If we let out their voices, wouldn't it be like stabbing them in the back, and their work would be in vain."

Captain Fan Zhengyi smiled and said:
"Although it may add a little bit of humor to their videos, they will have a hard time in the studio in the future. I still want to see a more harmonious nursery rhyme studio."

"Haha, Captain, you are too kind."

"That's not true, the main thing is, I prefer to watch Li Shuyao's works. If their studio is not stable, the quality of this work may be compromised. If they are stricter and the discounted videos are not released, I may I can't even watch the video, so still have to be cautious."

" that's the case, the captain is wise."

"I didn't expect that the captain still thinks more deeply."

Fan Zhengyi took a deep breath, he understands, he understands, he knows why that man who looks fit and strong chooses to do this, and he also knows what he should do.

Although he doesn't know him, even if he sends the video directly and completely, there is no problem, but...

This is the tacit understanding between men!

Although they didn't know what he was doing, it didn't matter, he didn't need others to know!
Sometimes the friendship between men is just like that.

Anyway, he thinks he is very happy.

"By the way, captain, what should I do with that voice, I can still hear it." The security guy next to him said.

"It's okay, you can cut this part out, I'll find someone to change the audio, and just add a lot of the sound of rain and wind in the past two days." Fan Zhengyi said with a smile.

It's very simple, anyway, they don't know that the surveillance here is so advanced, not only can they see clearly but also hear clearly... Actually, it's not that clear, and they can't hear some words.

But basically no important information was left behind.

In everyone's impression, it is windy and rainy, and the human voice must be covered by the sound of wind and rain, so this change is also very normal.

The person who edited the video is now sleeping, so the video must not be given to Lu Yao tonight.

This is also easy to say, just say that there are regulations in the park, and it needs to be approved before it can be sent. This is normal.

Haha, the reason is always easy to find, and there are a lot of things like official rhetoric.

None of this matters!

What matters is brotherhood!

There is a saying, all brothers in the world are brothers.

Although the other party doesn't know about it now, but when we meet in the future, it will be a matter of eyes!

Today, the group building activities of the Nursery Rhyme Studio came to an end in a peaceful atmosphere. Everyone ate and drank well, and the two boys rushed back after eating.

This thing still needs to be avoided.

Of course, avoiding suspicion is just an excuse for the two of them, and the main reason is...

They were afraid that these ancestors would come up with something else at night.

It's still very possible.

In case someone had too much fun tonight and couldn't fall asleep, and then rushed down to give you two, two, three, four to do it again, it would be a bit unbearable.

Therefore, the two of them would rather rush in the rain again than do it again. The mood this night was like a roller coaster, which was too exciting.

But the end result was fine.

They are already preparing for tomorrow... Oh no, it should be to sleep in their own room for a day today, and they will never participate in the team building here again.

This is heaven on the surface, but it is actually more terrifying than hell!

The night gradually deepened, except for the occasional one or two takeaway carts shuttling through the park, there were basically no human activities.

If Li Shuyao listened carefully, she might be able to hear some cats meowing faintly in her backyard.

Brother Gou's people did not enter Li Shuyao's house, but many of them came to her backyard. Although they could not completely avoid the wind and rain, at least the safety was greatly improved.

On such days, stray animals instinctively know some relatively safe places.

Of course, even so, under natural disasters and man-made disasters, there will definitely be a large number of stray animals dying. Perhaps this is a choice of nature's survival of the fittest.

The next day, the wind and rain continued... It seems that God did not want to end the typhoon so quickly. The meteorological department also issued various warnings, and also issued a notice that everyone had a day off.

Well, except for emergency rescue and disaster relief.

And the reporters...

In the morning, while watching the rain, Li Shuyao watched the TV reporters wearing seemingly useless raincoats, telling stories about fighting against floods and disaster relief.

It has been raining heavily for two days, and some places have poor drainage capacity, and flooding has already occurred.

For this, Li Shuyao could only watch. They had a complete plan and measures, so there was no need for them to make trouble. If they called for donations or something, they would definitely support them wholeheartedly.

But it seems that it has not reached that point yet, and meteorological experts also predict that the typhoon will not be too serious, so.

Silently waiting for the rain to clear up.

Why do you say that Li Shuyao is watching it? The main reason is that everyone else is basically sleeping.

I went to bed so late last night, and caught up with the weather again, so everyone slept soundly, and there was no sign of getting up in the morning.

Li Shuyao didn't bother everyone, just drank some porridge with the kittens and squirrels, and then gave some food to the kittens in the backyard.

That tent has been set up in the backyard, so the kittens are basically in and around that tent.

Then Li Shuyao simply set up a few sheds. She used these sheds when holding parties before, and she stabilized them with sandbags.

In addition, the bases of these sheds are filled with sand, so they are quite wind-resistant.

In addition, after all, the backyard is surrounded by a circle, so after entering the backyard, the wind is much less.

However, even so, within two hours after Li Shuyao set up the shed, the shed was overturned...

Li Shuyao was a little speechless when she saw the ceiling dancing stubbornly on the pole.

Well, on the other hand, it proves that the tent is indeed very good, and it is very stable on the ground. It seems that the windy weather was also considered in the design.

The bored Li Shuyao is even calculating the force generated by the wind blowing through the side of the tent...

Needless to say, sitting on a chair with a pot of tea next to him and quietly watching the wind and rain outside is also very emotional.

Take a sip of tea, feel the warm tea soup slowly covering your body, and then look at the scenery outside.

For a moment, this picture seems to have some beauty.

After all, for this world, imperfection may be the most beautiful thing.


Fang Xuening recorded this scene with a camera, and then passed it directly to Li Shuyao.

"Hey, I'm done taking pictures for you. I'm going to sleep. I'll call you Xiaoyao after this trivial matter. Don't disturb my sleep!"

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