Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 707 Run away after eating

Sometimes Li Shuyao would inexplicably think of some "beautiful photos" she had seen before. Before that, she thought that she was really handsome while being beautiful!

There was no chance before, but now she basically asks Fang Xuening to take a few photos if she has the chance, and then she can edit the pictures later, right, and then post them on Weibo and station B's news.

You can also post it on Douyin, after all, you can post a video with a few pictures.

Relatively speaking, Douyin has the biggest response... A few pictures of the same theme, paired with the music she posted before, can easily get hundreds of thousands of likes.

Whether it should be said or not, it is reasonable for Douyin to be successful. Li Shuyao thinks about the surging Internet in recent years.

At first, it was the era of video and novels, then live broadcasts, original premium videos, and novels in parallel, and now short videos dominate. People's tastes have been changing, and the speed of change is extremely fast.

If it was fast food culture a few years ago, it should be regarded as lightning culture now.

What everyone pursues is stunning at first glance, and if you are not stunning, you will die.

But what remains unchanged should be just a few food, sex, and entertainment...

Li Shuyao is not a born rich second generation, so naturally she will not have any confusion like why not eat minced meat. Of course, she knows why everyone is more and more pursuing the first-time surprise.

It's nothing more than involuntary.

Most people don't have the time and energy to really calm down and read something. Those slow-moving works are either praised by those who have time or emotion, or no one cares about them.

After coming here, Li Shuyao's feeling became even stronger. For example, things like this before watching the rain with a pot of tea never happened.

In many cases, it's not that people don't want to go deep, it's just that they can't help themselves.

After thinking wildly for a while, Li Shuyao stretched and went to prepare dinner.

There is still a live broadcast in the evening. She and Fang Xuening are going to live broadcast these two days. The data of Xiang Kong's song these two days is very good. They will sing during the live broadcast and tell the story behind the song. of.

These guys who have slept all day must be hungry when they wake up, but they can't eat too greasy just after waking up. Li Shuyao is going to cook noodles for everyone, and then cook three pots of different soups. Everyone can drink whichever they like.

Although the noodles might be a bit cold, they are warm enough in the soup.

Strange to say, these children didn't show any signs of getting up to eat at noon, but one or two rushed down during dinner.

Apart from Fang Xuening, one or two with disheveled hair looked like crazy women.

As for why Fang Xuening is not like this...

Well, isn't she still going to broadcast live? After taking pictures of Li Shuyao, she said she was going to sleep, but she went to put on makeup after returning home.

The new song was released in the past two days, and the popularity of her live broadcast is quite high. Recently, she wants to hit the iron while the iron is hot, push the popularity of this song up, and then go out to participate in a few performances at the end of the year and make some small money.

In the past few years, her appearance fees have also gradually increased. After participating in a few performances every year, the fees for copyright, live broadcast, video, and advertising are very nourishing.

The basis of all this is naturally the song, so Xiang Kong's song must become popular.

Li Shuyao's album was originally planned to be released this year, but after thinking about it, she gave way to Fang Xuening, and planned to work harder on fans and release it next year.

Uh... I can't be counted as bitter fans, isn't it better to keep improving, isn't it to make every video match MV.

Also, the anime will be released first.

Well, I just don't know if there will be another batch of anime fans...

Hey, thinking about the composition of my fans, it's so complicated.

"Wow, it's my favorite soup of diced kidney beans, diced potatoes, diced meat, and egg flower. Well, it smells so good."

"This is delicious, this is delicious, this is hot and sour, it's appetizing."

"I still like this braised pork, tsk tsk, the quail eggs are delicious in it."

"I want a bowl for all three, haha."

"You're so fat, I'll give you a bowl."

"No, no, I just ate this meal today, how can I get fat."

"The meal this morning is also counted."

"Uh... then two meals, and you won't gain weight!"

"I think Shuangpin might have a more wonderful taste."


After the female compatriots came down, they went straight to the kitchen, and then each served noodles and soup. In addition to the soup, there were also some sauces that you could add yourself.

Before eating, you must take pictures first. The big guys are all professional. The angles, colors, etc. are captured just right. After the photos come out, they look extraordinarily attractive.


The big guys sent the photos to the group in the studio.

"Fuck...why do you eat so well?"

"The instant noodles in my mouth are suddenly not fragrant."

"Hey, we've been eating at Boss Yaoyao's house for two days, so happy."

"Hiss...jealousy has torn me apart."

"I'm going to move to the studio too!"

"You moved to the studio? Your wife won't beat you to death."

"I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat."

"I'll go, it's fine for you to post photos, it's really a bit too much to post videos, I'm sure I won't drool, suck."


The group in the studio exploded in no time. If it weren't for the inconvenient movement outside, it is estimated that many people would come to the studio directly.

But soon, the doorbell of Li Shuyao's house rang.

"Ahem... this, I don't know if it's for us." Liang Xin leaned against the door and flicked the brim of his raincoat that was dripping, and looked affectionately at the girls at the dinner table.

"Yes, yes, there must be."

"No I'll give you mine!"

"Brother Xin, come and eat."

"Yes, yes, no food for Xiao He."

He Yiping, who just came in, almost fell right there, what is the situation, why is Brother Xin's one not his own, is there such a big gap between people?
"Haha, I have them all, I brought them all for you, hurry up and eat." Li Shuyao swallowed the noodles in her mouth, then smiled and waved to the two of them.

"Okay, I knew Boss Yaoyao was the best."

"Wow Kaka, I'm coming too."

Although it is said that noodles are eaten in the studio, how can the instant noodles be compared with this one? It is completely incomparable. It is smooth, chewy, and the rich taste of these soups mixed together.

Sigh... Sure enough, the most delicious thing in this world is stewed food. Anyway, no matter what, just pour it in together...

Of course, this is just the emotion of these few people at present. If they tasted strange, it would be hard to say that not everything can be put together.

The big guys ate and watched the wind and rain outside while eating, especially the two boys, drinking warm noodle soup, the chills on their bodies were driven out gradually, and this feeling was very comfortable.

Only when there is a contrast can there be a feeling, and this feeling is even stronger just after rushing out of the wind and rain.

But well...

After having a full meal, the two of them probably rested for 10 minutes, and then rushed into the wind and rain again.

Well, in their words, run back quickly while your body is hot, or you will catch a cold.

The actual situation is...

Run away after eating, otherwise the ghost knows what kind of moths these people can make.

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