Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 708 Return to work and eat roast duck

For the two guys, the main theme of life these two days is to sleep, rush to Li Shuyao's house for dinner, and run back after eating...

Anyway, don't give these people a chance to "torture" them!

And the reasons for the two of them to go back are very legitimate, either while their bodies are still warm, or to go back to watch the house, or to finish some videos...

Anyway, various reasons cover all aspects of life, work, safety, etc., making you feel that there is some truth to it, and it seems that it is not that important.

Well, anyway, it is definitely impossible to pull us to play board games.

And they didn't dare to yell anything outside anymore. Although there was no sound of wind and rain in the video given this time, it seemed that the two of them just waited and watched at the door before going in directly.

But still scary.

I didn't record it this time, just in case it will be recorded next time.

So be cautious and cautious, but don't miss it.

After all, the typhoon lasted for 4 days, and the studio also rested for 4 days. Although the wind was relatively weak and the rain was much less on the last day, many places have resumed work, but the studio Still on vacation.

Li Shuyao and Lu Yao unanimously decided to let everyone rest for two more days, and wait for the rain to stop before going to work...

Uh, but the employees in the studio are more enthusiastic about their work. Everyone said that they can drive without fear of rain. The drainage in the urban area is also very good, and there is no stagnant water on the road.

However, after Lu Yao said that Tiantai Chao couldn't roast duck, everyone's enthusiasm for this work suddenly dropped a lot.

At once……

Anyway, the boss is outrageous, and the employees are also outrageous, which is quite normal.

On the fourth night, the rain gradually stopped, the wind was almost normal, and the ground was still very wet, so we didn't really want to go out, and we waited for the ground to dry.

In fact, on the fifth day, Lu Yao was still planning to go on vacation...

Well, the main reason is that the two days off are a bit cool, she is going to take another day off to consolidate, ahem, when you are sick, go to the bottle, after you get well, they will let you take another day to consolidate.

Wushan Five Elements is almost finished production, and the album is not in a hurry, and Li Shuyao's channel has just updated the video, so...

In the past two days, there is really no urgent work.

Following Li Shuyao's fishing spirit of lying down and resting for a while without work, Lu Yao decided to rest for another day.

But obviously the staff quit.

Good guy, you have another day off, what should you do if you secretly roast duck for me, these five girls are posting photos in the group all day long, that guy is so envied by others.

Instead of drooling at home, hurry to the studio!
Everyone has been thinking about roast duck for several days!
What are you waiting for if you don’t hurry back to eat at this time, wait for someone to inform you, wait for someone to tell you that the day lily is cold, so save some duck bones.

So when Lu Yao strolled to the studio in the morning, he saw a group of little friends staring at her with big eyes...and small eyes.

"Morning, Miss Lu!"

"Sister Lu came so early."

"Sister Lu looks good today."

"Sister Lu..."

Lu Yao felt that when he walked into his office, at least two-thirds of the people in the studio had greeted him.

Looking at the expectant eyes of these people, she knew what she should do.

"Yaoyao, today, do you want to come and bake?" Lu Yao picked up the phone and called Li Shuyao.

"Okay, then I'll go there now, and I can eat around noon."

In fact, roast duck takes a long time to air-dry, and it is a bit difficult to control the heat when roasting, but other things are not too difficult.

Well, anyway, the heat has already stumped countless people.

In other words, Li Shuyao had turned on and hung up, otherwise she felt that she would never want to study this thing in her life, so she watched the video of the roast duck distributed by the light yellow.

That was a torture...

After confirming that Li Shuyao was free in the morning, Lu Yao opened the office door and shouted:
"Today Yaoyao came to roast duck for everyone, and two people came out to go shopping with me."

"Long live~"

"Boss Yaoyao is mighty~ Sister Lu is mighty~"

"Hahaha, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go."

"I have been waiting for so many days, and finally let me eat."

"I don't believe there are any moths today."

"You don't know if you can't set a flag."

"Question first, then talk after eating."

"That's right, I think so too. I've been confused for the past two days at the World Championships."

"Fortunately, there is CR, as expected, CR is still so strong."

"It's just..."


Everyone chatted all the way, from eating roast duck to the World Championships, but they have been resting at home these days, so everyone took the opportunity to watch the finalists of the competition, although the fourth seed did not unexpectedly qualify. It's the group stage, but it's a bit stumbling.

So everyone is still looking forward to CR as the No. [-] seed.

It is said that the ranks of several people in CR are particularly fierce recently, and one or two are all-powerful in the US server.

The official said that a special laning coach was hired to train the laning strength of each team member. Now that the group stage has not yet started, everyone does not know how these people's laning strength is. Anyway, many OB live broadcasts can tell everyone It's pretty fun to play now.

After Lu Yao's call, the three young men rushed out, ready to go with Lu Yao.

In fact, there were more people who signed up enthusiastically, but Lu Yao felt that the mighty past of such a group of people might...she was more likely to meet the security captain.

Lu Yao bought 15 ducks in one go, and then bought charcoal, various seasonings and so on. There were still some left in the studio before, but it is safe to buy more.

In addition to the duck, I also bought a lot of meat skewers and so on. We have a lot of people, not only the roast duck, but also some barbecue and so on.

Now Xiangkong's song is doing well, and it's hitting the new song charts on all major music platforms, so Lu Yao also rewards everyone.

Therefore, everyone's work enthusiasm was very high this morning.

Especially when everyone watched Li Shuyao blowing the roast duck with a fan over there, the mood was even more beautiful one or two.

Uh... In fact, the main reason is that the natural air-drying process is still a bit long, so Li Shuyao used human technology to speed up the air-drying speed a little bit.

Otherwise, I don’t know what time to eat the crispy roast duck.

After the ducks were put into the hanging furnace one by one, the editor's hand speed seemed to be on the hook, and it was like a god's help!
Well, it can also be said to be aided by roast duck.

The ducks and ducks dedicated their lives and improved the work efficiency of the employees. It was so touching and touching...

Uh, next time you can try the grilled chicken, it should be pretty good too.

When the scent wafted out, the big guy couldn't sit still.

Because it's not only the aroma of roast duck, Li Shuyao also put a few barbecue grills next to it, and there are all kinds of meat skewers on it.

Then the fragrance wafting from all directions made everyone confused.

And many people didn't eat for this meal in the morning!
There are even those who are so powerful that they didn't eat last night!

Then, in a daze, everyone saw the knife skills of Li Shuyao's classmate sliced ​​duck...

Instantly woke up.

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