Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 712 Live Drawing

Wang Pei is still very strange. Most of the time, this person doesn't appear in the public eye very much, but every time he appears...

Everyone will be on the hot search.

There is no need for any team to hype at all. He is top-notch, but his enthusiasm has ignited many other things.

Of course, his own huge traffic means that there will be both positive and negative traffic, and there will be a large number of marketing accounts following him to gain popularity.

As a result, Wushan Wuxing's traffic and clicks have skyrocketed, and its ratings have dropped a bit.

Some people score one point without brains. This content has nothing to do with it. It’s purely because you don’t like it. Therefore, for the kind of anime that exploded in the early stage, it’s pretty good to keep it above 9 points.

Of course, this refers to the Douban score. Douban has not yet opened a score, so I don't know what the situation is.

The rating on station B has dropped from 9.8 to 9.7, and then returned to 9.8 after a while, and then dropped a little bit after a while.

Anyway, it is such a repeated seesaw.

Because after all, there are far more high-scoring ones than malicious low-scoring ones, so in fact, after dropping a little, they will rise up quickly.

It is understandable to score 4 points, but most of the 1 points are malicious low scores.

After all, quality is what counts here, and there is no reason for these people to give low scores, they just simply don't like a certain promoter, or don't like Li Shuyao...

Well, there are still many people who don't like her, which is normal.

So Lu Yao felt from the very beginning that as long as the score of station B can be above 9.6, Douban's score of 8.8 or above is acceptable.

After all, compared to Station B, Douban may be a little more magical.

The scores of the two websites are added together and averaged to get a more realistic score.

And because there is a preset in advance, that is, the promotional video that will be released before it goes online, you can also click to follow it there, so after one day of going online, Wushan Five Elements has reached a million follow-ups.

It can be said that it exploded overnight.

When Li Shuyao saw the data sent by Lu Yao, she was also a little emotional. The speed of this popularity was much faster than that of her previous life. Sure enough, gold will shine wherever it goes.

When she watched this anime in her previous life, she was actually amended by other up masters when she was visiting station B. At that time, Wushan Wuxing had been on the shelves for a while, and she was in the state of having just released 2 episodes and not yet released the 3rd episode.

She didn't pay attention at first, she just opened it and took a look when she was bored.

Then he was suddenly shocked.

In the end, there were only 3 episodes, which made her a little speechless.

But later I learned the story behind this anime, and also understood why this anime with only 3 episodes is so sought after by everyone.

Under the general environment at that time, this animation shone into the hearts of the audience like a white moonlight.

Moreover, it took a long time for this anime to be on the top of the trending list, but this time it attracted a lot of attention before it was put on the shelves, and then it became the top trending search only one day after it was released.

This has brought massive traffic to this anime.

Lu Yaohe has been very busy these two days. She was listed on station B before, and now several video platforms have also approached her to talk about the listing.

This matter can still be discussed. In order to expand its influence, Li Shuyao did not intend to make this animation an exclusive license. Although the price given by each company is not that high, as long as the broadcast volume is high enough, the income is still good.

And then she found out...

This thing is really making money.

In this era, traffic is indeed money.

According to Lu Yao's estimate, after all three episodes are released and played for a period of time, it will not be a problem to make a small profit of a few million.

When the live broadcast started, Li Shuyao also felt the popularity of this anime. Basically, more than half of the barrage on the screen was discussing this anime.

Then, many viewers who hadn't noticed this animation before rushed to watch it.

Tonight, Li Shuyao estimated that more people would discuss the topic of this animation during the live broadcast, so she directly put the live broadcast room in her studio.

Now this is a veritable studio, because when drawing the original painting, Li Shuyao used a lot of rice paper to paint directly on the paper, so he also bought a lot of painting tools.

Therefore, after the broadcast started today, what the audience saw was a huge wooden desk, which looked very elegant.

There is a pen holder on the left side of the desk, a row of brushes are placed on the pen holder, and an inkstone is placed under it, and rice paper is placed in the middle, which is laid flat with a paperweight.

If it weren't for the various paints next to it, this would be more like a calligrapher's desk, but looking at the dazzling array of paints next to it is really breathtaking.

Because these colors are all natural, made of ore powder of various colors.

That's right, Li Shuyao basically uses various ores for color grading. Although they are all leftover materials, the cost is quite high.

But the effect is also very good...

Moreover, the paintings drawn in this way will not fade for a long time. If they are properly mounted, they will really be the kind that can be handed down for hundreds of years.

"Hello everyone, haha, yes, today I am broadcasting live in this studio of mine, yes, many original paintings of Wushan Wuxing were drawn here."

Li Shuyao held up the camera and walked around with a smile, mainly to show the big guys the place where she painted, as well as various paints, and also showed the big guys a few original paintings that appeared in the first episode.

Immediately, I received a lot of praise. As for the original paintings of the next few episodes, they were all taken out in advance, and they cannot be broadcast at present.

"Fuck, it's really the legendary studio."

"Are you so professional? What's that big colorful thing just now?"

"Hiss, that was really a distant view of that small village just now, it's really exactly the same as the one in the anime."

"Can these paintings be sold?"

"Is this really painted by Yaoyao? My God."

"If you read it right just now, it should be ore pigment, hey, it can be handed down."

"Rumour Beer!"

"When will the second episode come out? I can't wait."

"It's so beautiful, this person is really omnipotent."


After Li Shuyao walked around with the camera, she returned to the front of the book case again. Today, she not only wants to show everyone the place where the Five Elements of Wushan was born in this world, but also to let everyone see her own painting skills.

In order to draw this kind of painting that fell on the paper, Li Shuyao specially invited Jiang Quan and Liu Mengxi to dinner, and then went to the art department of his alma mater to find the dean or something...

After a friendly pat on the shoulder, Li Shuyao's current painting level...

Well, this person is almost dead.

After death, the painting immediately appreciates in value!
But in fact, it means that the technique is very powerful, good paintings must convey ideas, and Li Shuyao is still lacking in this aspect.

But it doesn't matter if there are deficiencies, and she doesn't need to create by herself, she can copy... ahem, it's a wonderful skill.

Anyway, she doesn't hold any art exhibitions...

Hey, it seems that it is not impossible.

Talk about it later, talk about it later.

"Today's live broadcast is relatively simple. I will simply draw a picture for you. I will make the paint first. You can discuss and vote on the pop-up screen, and then I will draw the scene you want to see on the spot."

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