The idea of ​​live painting was Li Shuyao's own idea. After the Wushan Five Elements was released, it was naturally acclaimed, but there are still some marketing accounts who choose to do the opposite in order to keep the rhythm of the flow and choose to do the opposite. It was not painted by Li Shuyao himself.

In fact, these marketing accounts are not really questioning, they are purely wanting traffic, and there are already too many people boasting. At this time, it is necessary to find another way to gain more attention.

Even if it is insulting.

Although it is said that 60.00% of the following are scolding, but people don't care, black fans are fans, and cursing is traffic. Don't be afraid, unless you really sue directly...

Then let's delete the apology, maybe it can attract another wave of traffic when the apology is made.

There are quite a few accounts like this, and Li Shuyao doesn’t need to divert people’s attention, but this kind of doubt is easy to resolve. If you say that I don’t know how to draw and ask someone to do it for me, then I’ll live broadcast it to you and draw it for you.

In many film and television dramas, this kind of picture is to take a picture of the face first, and then turn it around to take a picture of the hand... After all, he is an actor and not a painter, so it is impossible to draw such a stunning effect.

But Li Shuyao directly set up a camera in front of his eyes, which can take pictures of his whole body, so that everyone can fully see the whole process of Li Shuyao's painting.

The whole process of live drawing and painting, who can say what?
Could it be that someone took it away?

Hehe, you have read too many novels!

And in fact, many people have said in the barrage that Li Shuyao is very skilled in making paints. There are also many art students who watched her live broadcast, and some even said that it is better than the ones made by their own teachers.

However, these are still relatively few. Generally speaking, the barrage is still discussing what kind of painting Li Shuyao wants to see.

Li Shuyao was mixing paints of various colors while observing the barrage:
"I want to see the girl Yan Yi!"

"I kind of don't believe it."

"Fire is so cool, I want to see Fire!"

"It should be good to draw a battle scene."

"Really on-site painting? No way, is it so awesome?"

"That must be a picture of a handsome guy coming out of the bath."

"That mountain village, I am particularly impressed by this."

"Anyway, I don't believe it. There won't be an old man with a white beard coming out soon."

"Mountain village, mountain village! That mountain village landscape painting!"

"Draw it on the spot?"

"Maybe it's just clapping for a while, and then it's not actually drawn by her."

"It must be mountains and rivers, it's so beautiful."


In the barrage, those who want to see the scenery of the mountain village and those who want to see the battle scene are almost half of the situation. In this case, Li Shuyao thought about it and drew a concept map.

That is, the background is the landscape map of the mountain village, and there is a picture of the fire fighting with the unicorn in the sky.

This has nothing to do with the plot, it is purely made up temporarily, if only the first episode is released, the audience should still be very impressed with these.

As for the doubts in the bullet screen, she pretended not to see it, anyway, it would be good to draw it later, this thing is useless, it is better to make it.

After deciding what to draw, Li Shuyao almost knew what the colors she chose were, and then suddenly the speed in her hands increased.

The bullet screen didn't react at first, and then some people expressed shock at Li Shuyao's method, but most of them were not too shocked.

The big guys have watched Li Shuyao's cooking live broadcast before, so they are not so shocked by this. For Li Shuyao, this is also a basic operation.

After making the paint, Li Shuyao didn't say what she wanted to paint, but just stood in front of the drawing paper and started thinking about it.

The previous anime was completely copied, but now this painting is more or less original, so I still have to think about how to get this ratio right.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Shuyao started to paint with a brush. She didn't say anything, and didn't use other brushes, just used the brush to paint a little bit.

If you put on a Hanfu, it really feels like an ancient painting.

Li Shuyao didn't stop writing, it seemed that she already had a complete idea of ​​the painting in her heart, and it seemed that she was just copying something without stopping at all.

As she continued to move the brush, the whole picture began to be revealed little by little.

She didn't intentionally make it messy at the beginning so that you can't see the clue. It can be said that from the beginning, her brushwork is beautiful, and even some art students who watched it were a little puzzled, as if she just... drew it directly.

Color matching and so on, seem to be easy to come by, no need to think at all, just put pen to paper and draw it, that is called a penmanship.

If you want to use an idiom story to match Li Shuyao's current state, you should be confident.

As Li Shuyao continued to draw, she gradually outlined the emerald green mountains, well-proportioned houses, exquisite and beautiful terraced fields, misty clouds, flocks of chickens and ducks... In short, it looks like a peaceful and harmonious scene. Farmhouse and nature scene.

And the barrage gradually began to be shocked.

"My God, is this drawn directly?"

"Is this a live broadcast or a recorded broadcast? It can't be a video, right?"

"Is it really so smooth?"

"It actually took a direct photo of the whole body. I thought it was just clapping... I'm so confident."

"This... I apologize, I was wrong, I shouldn't question whether Yaoyao is a real painting, this is too awesome."

"It's that mountain village, the vista is really beautiful."

"Yaoshou, the female ghost can draw."

"The terraced fields, the water patterns, and the clouds are so vivid."

"But I always feel that the painting is a bit small, and there seems to be a large space on it."

"I really just took a few brushes and drew like this."

"Apologize to me for the barrage."

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling and watching the live broadcast."

"Do you want to draw something on it?"

"No, is this person really only 18 years old?"

"No, what else does this person know? This is too outrageous."

"Sorry, I really thought Yaoyao was just a director at first."

"I feel like I've spent half my life in vain."

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have questioned Yaoyao from the very beginning."


The audience was somewhat numb by Li Shuyao's shock. I can't remember how many times it has been over the years. Why every time everyone is slapped in the face, but everyone still has some doubts at the beginning?


These things are really outrageous.

Many times people will question the things they can't complete, and think whether there is fraud. Li Shuyao's cross-border crossing is a bit too outrageous, and no one can complete it.

Isn’t it natural to question this? It’s not the same thing if you ask Einstein to write you fairy tales, and it’s not okay if you ask Faraday to cook a full banquet for you.

But Li Shuyao is such an outrageous person, look at him, he has done everything for you, and he has done everything very well.

It can't be blamed for people questioning her, mainly because you are too outrageous.

Can't blame other people!

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