Legend has it that there was a man named Wen Tong in the Northern Song Dynasty who observed all the shapes of bamboo all the year round, so he didn't need a draft at all when drawing bamboo, and he could perfectly draw bamboo as long as he drew a pen.

Therefore, there are many people who draw perfectly without drafting. If Li Shuyao is a painter who has honed his painting skills since childhood and then immersed himself in painting for decades, no one will question it. Excellent painting skills.

Even if it really appeared on a 19-year-old painting girl, although everyone will have some doubts, it is acceptable, after all, she has been focusing on painting for so many years.

But what happened to Li Shuyao is somewhat unacceptable.

But there is no way, if you can't accept it, you can only accept it, although there are some "I can't accept" floating in the barrage from time to time.

The main reason is that this person knows too much, which makes everyone feel an illusion.

Madan is not a robot, is he?

This is of course impossible. His life history is clearly displayed there. He can't be a growing robot, and then he will grow from a small robot to a big robot.

Tsk tsk, if you think so, you can say all kinds of alien spies, good guy, and talk about any mechanical crisis.

That might be another book.

Anyway, the fact that Li Shuyao actually painted during the live broadcast really shut up many people. After all, the facts speak louder than words, and the current technology does not support any messy things during the live broadcast.

So it’s worth trusting to do something during the live broadcast.

But back then, photos were believable, but later photos were unbelievable and videos were believable, and now even videos are unbelievable...

I don't know when live broadcasts may become unreliable in the future.

After Li Shuyao finished painting the countryside below, there was basically only admiration left in the barrage, and some art students talked about what techniques Li Shuyao used here and what techniques he used in the barrage.

Then when Li Shuyao started to draw the picture of the battle above, the big guy was almost numb, there was nothing to say, and the compliment was over. Now at this time, no matter what language other than praise is said, it will be very dumb:

"6666, today I am convinced."

"Wow, Huo Xing is too handsome."

"Who is this drawing on the opposite side? It looks like a unicorn?"

"The little unicorn is so cute, can you draw a little unicorn to watch the battle?"

"New here, praise directly or go through a process?"

"Do you feel that Yaoyao is so beautiful when she paints seriously?"

"The barrage is proof, and I won't be shocked again if this person makes any fools in the future."

"It's too confident to draw the original painting and then color it."

"I waited for the handicapped party to be astonished."

"I even wonder if Yaoyao came from time travel."

"One thing to say, Yaoyao is really beautiful when she draws and plays the piano."

"No, can this painting be painted in two hours?"

"I will believe that Yaoyao will ascend in the daytime tomorrow."

"Is Yaoyao accepting apprentices? I'll just kneel down and learn."

"Do you have a screenshot of Dashouzi? I want to change the computer screen. The current Yaoyao is really beautiful."

"It is recommended that the country check it carefully. This person may be immortal."


Li Shuyao today was the least she spoke in the live broadcast, but no one felt that there was any problem, after all, he was creating art, and everyone even thought that if he said a word occasionally, it would interrupt the train of thought of the creation.

Even if it doesn't interrupt the creative thinking, it still affects the atmosphere.

Anyway, after an hour of painting, everyone got used to the atmosphere of watching Li Shuyao silently draw, and many people even started to take screenshots, discussing whether Li Shuyao's beauty at this time is still the beauty of Li Shuyao when she was playing the piano.

Li Shuyao's live broadcast room may be the one with the strongest artistic atmosphere among the many live broadcast rooms. Sometimes Li Shuyao will hold a live music live broadcast, which is purely playing various musical instruments.

Of course, this kind of live broadcast is not liked by everyone, so generally speaking, the popularity of this kind of live broadcast is not at its peak, so it is not often, just once in a while.

Speaking of which, Li Shuyao himself enjoys this kind of pure live broadcast of music, just like now, Li Shuyao also enjoys the process of painting.

Since art was created, it has been built for the spiritual civilization of human beings, and it is also one of the criteria to measure a civilization. If a civilization does not even have art, then this civilization is naturally extremely backward and cruel, and may even be on the verge of extinction.

Without the existence of art, the world may soon fall into riots. It can be said that in the development of human civilization, art is an eternal topic.

It's just that the art advocated by each era is different.

Whether it is music or painting, this process of creating beauty is really enjoyable, both the audience and Li Shuyao enjoy it.

In fact, the audience will enjoy it more today. After all, music is not as intuitive as painting, which is very easy.

Although a layman can't tell what color matching or proportion, but you can still tell whether it looks good or not, and then read other people's comments for a while, and you can immediately tell whether it is good or not.

Besides, simply looking at Li Shuyao's paintings is also very enjoyable, and painting beauties is even more beautiful.

Looking at paintings is a kind of enjoyment, and it is even more enjoyable to watch beautiful women painting.

Anyway, those who like to look at paintings look at paintings, and those who like to look at beauties look at beauties, everyone will not delay each other.

Now the bullet screen is starting to quote before the painting is finished. As for whether the painting can be done well in the end, it seems that it should be possible. Even if the painting is not good, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know if the wrong version is more valuable!
Look at abstract art... right, what a mistake... cough cough, no, no, that's art.

It took about 4 hours to broadcast, and Li Shuyao basically completed this picture scroll. The whole is quite long. Below is a beautiful mountain village. Above is the moment when the fire and the unicorn collide. The collision of mana is very dazzling by her. cool.

Then she also saw a barrage, and she drew a cute little unicorn in the sky next to her.

Well, I just don’t know if the audience will curse at the miserable appearance of the little unicorn in the next two episodes...

Probably not, it seems that the past life has not been...

Well, if you can't set a flag, you can't set a flag. After all, everyone's constitution is different.

Many viewers know that I live in this park, what if someone sends a blade!
Yes, just thinking about it anyway, by then there must be no... Uh, it can't be reversed!

On the surface, the audience looked at Li Shuyao as a beautiful girl who painted peacefully, but probably not many people knew that she was constantly turning around in her heart.

"Okay, this painting is almost finished, and then... when the next few episodes are online, I will live broadcast and draw another one, and then after our animation exceeds [-] million views on station B, I will draw these three Draw a lottery to send out a picture to those who support me, I may set it up at that time, and those who follow the series and watch the complete episode can participate in the lottery."

Li Shuyao showed the painting and smiled:

"That's the end of today's live broadcast. How do you feel about this live broadcast? If you like it, you can do more. See you tomorrow."

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