Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 715 This is not a celebration

Today's live broadcast is the most relaxing time for Li Shuyao in history. Basically, she doesn't need to talk, she is just drawing, which is quite interesting. This means that the Wushan Five Elements has not been released before, so it is not very good to release the original painting, otherwise How good it was when I painted by myself.

The original painting over there can also be finished, and the live broadcast here will not be delayed.

Hmm... It was somewhat delayed. In order not to shock the world this time, she took longer to paint. Otherwise, she would have finished such a painting in less than half an hour.

But considering that it would be a bit scary to finish the painting so directly, she restrained herself a little bit, drawing for a while and paddling for a while, which stretched the time to four hours.

Well, when it comes to fishing, Li Shuyao is a professional.

It is impossible to draw eight pictures live, but one is good, so many people are shocked by this one, if it is eight, what if someone comes to grab her and slice it, so Ah, this person can't be too showy, he should keep a low profile.

"Yaoyao, when you were painting, our live broadcast became popular, and the number of broadcasts of Wushan Wuxing suddenly appeared a small peak." Lu Yao walked in and said with a smile.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Good guy, I just said that I was keeping a low profile, why did this suddenly become a hot search, isn't I just an ordinary live broadcast, why did this become a hot search.

But it's okay, anyway, it also drives the broadcast volume of animation, right?

"Now not only is someone contacting me to write a song, but someone is also making an appointment to paint." Lu Yao said with a smile: "You want to paint for others, this is also very profitable."

Anyway, no matter which field you are in, when you reach a relatively high level, you can still make a lot of money.

Painting is the same.

Not to mention how much a painting of those well-known painters can sell, even those who do art for games are very profitable.

In those 3A masterpieces, a considerable part of the money is spent on art, and for a game, whether it looks good or not is actually the player's first impression of the game.

But it's not just anime that are persuaded by the style of painting, but also people who are dissuaded by the style of painting in games.

"No, we haven't finished painting our own, let's forget it." Li Shuyao shook her head, she is already making a lot of money now, so there is no need to work hard, it's not good to enjoy life, it's not good to touch fish Fragrant.

money thing...

Earn money by accepting an ad.

You can earn money by copying songs.

Besides, if you asked me to draw those game design art styles, how many brain cells would I have to die?

"Okay, it's been quite hard lately..." Lu Yao smacked his mouth as he spoke, this guy didn't seem to be working hard, he was fishing at home every day.

But who makes people more efficient? They can naturally rest after work is done, and the time for people to fish is also won by themselves.

They even came over to help participate in the production of Wushan Wuxing, otherwise it would not be possible to finish it for a while.

So wow, you can't be jealous of others fishing. You may not be able to finish the work they do in two days for months. What is this?This is a leap of the times and a leap of productivity.

Right, your farming civilization is not comparable to industrial civilization.

"Why don't we have a celebration banquet tomorrow?" Lu Yao felt a little embarrassed when he asked, because it feels a little uncomfortable to have a celebration banquet at two ends in these three days.

But... After all, you are carrying the expectations of so many studio partners, right, so I still ask.

"Okay, let's go buy ingredients tomorrow, let's have a big meal at noon!" Li Shuyao chuckled, anyway, cooking is very simple, and you can still get cheers from the big guys, right...

Besides, although I say I fish every day, the friends in the studio are really hardworking, so it's okay to cook a meal.

Well, the most important thing is that I can’t do so much at one time at home, and I have to think about what to eat every day, so I don’t have to think about it over there, I just want everything, anyway, there will be many people, and no one will remember you How much did you eat... right?

"Haha, Yaoyao is going to have a big meal again." Fang Xuening also rushed in with a smile.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Next time when I'm live broadcasting, just lock the door directly, and neither of you will even try to come in!Good guy, you can give me whatever I think, these are all the little bugs in my stomach, right?

Then she looked down and saw three kittens licking their mouths and looking at her.

Li Shuyao rubbed Brother Gou's little head. She has been pregnant for about a month, and may give birth at any time in the next few days, so she should add more nutrition.

Brother Gou tilted his head and rubbed his ears against Li Shuyao's palm. This little kitten, who was once dying, is about to give birth to a second child now. It was once lively and active, but now it has become stable and quiet.

With Xiaohong and Shuping in this state, Brother Gou has become a lot more stable.

When Shuping was a kitten, Li Shuyao also took a lot of videos of it, and now... probably it will be the turn of the cub in Brother Gou's stomach.

When I went to the pet hospital for an examination, it turned out to be a kitten.

Li Shuyao is also prepared for this. With such powerful genes as Brother Gou and Xiaohong, it is understandable that there can only be one left each time.

I just don't know how many Shuping will be pregnant in the future.

In the morning of the next day, the small partners in the studio who got the news started to purchase again. The big guys have already experienced so many times, and they started to buy various ingredients when they arrived at the supermarket in the park.

At the beginning, everyone should take it easy. After all, the ingredients here are indeed quite expensive, and cheap and cheap dishes are basically invisible here.

Some students even bought vegetables from outside and brought them in.

After all, the owner of Yaoyao cooks the kitchen himself, right, and they should prepare some ingredients.

Later, when Li Shuyao invited everyone to eat, everyone didn't have to worry so much. Anyway, he didn't eat it often, so everyone just bought it openly!Boss Li pays for all consumption!

So, everyone gradually let go.

Take whatever you want.

Of course, everyone still counts in their hearts, basically just buy a little of the more expensive ones... In fact, Li Shuyao also wants to eat, and then ordered a few ingredients by name, otherwise everyone would not buy it of.

Li Shuyao came to the studio in the middle of the morning, and was very happy to see the ingredients piled up in the kitchen.

Most of the ingredients sold in the supermarket in the park have already been processed, that is to say, if you have no obstacles in your heart, you can even use them directly for cooking without washing them.

Li Shuyao didn't have any obstacles in her heart, but the other employees still thought it would be better to wash them, so they basically washed them clean before she came.

Even the cameras were set up.

Anyway, the camera guy thinks that boss Yaoyao's cooking moment is absolutely not to be missed.

Boss Yaoyao is very pleased with the professionalism of the video camera brother... Well, I can upload another video, edit it well, it will be a good vlog, why not do it.

So classmate Li Shuyao started to cook in several pots at the same time, and the cameraman was watching her elegant figure through the lens...

"Come on, brothers, in order to celebrate the success of Wushan Wuxing, let's toast!"

At the dinner table, classmate Li Shuyao raised a cup and shouted.


Before the others could respond, Brother Gou suddenly let out a loud cry, and then rushed back...

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