Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 716 Is this going to happen?

After Brother Gou ran away, Xiaohong also ran out together, Shuping paused, and then ran out as well, and the three kittens were wiped out in an instant.

The cups that everyone held in their hands stopped suddenly.

"Ah... Brother Gou is about to give birth." Fang Xuening said in surprise.

"It must be." Li Shuyao quickly put down the cup in her hand, and then rushed out. You can eat at any time, but she still has to be by the side when Brother Gou gives birth.

"You guys continue to eat, I'll go and have a look, and come over to eat when Brother Gou is born."

After Li Shuyao ran out, everyone became a little curious. Although she told everyone to continue eating before she ran out, but...

Everyone is still a little curious about the kitten giving birth.

Especially Brother Gou and they often play here. Everyone has long been salivating for such smart kittens as Brother Gou and Xiaohong. Those who like cats think that if Brother Gou gives birth to many cats, they can hug one. The kittens are being raised at home.


Fang Xuening and Lu Yao followed and ran out.

Everyone discussed with each other, and felt that at this time, they can't leave the boss and the others to eat here by themselves, the boss has worked so hard to cook the meal, right, everyone can't be so ignorant!
So, after Liang Xin and He Yiping took the initiative to stay and watch the food, the remaining ten or so people went to Li Shuyao's house together.

After everyone came out, they realized that although Lu Yao and Fang Xuening could still be seen, Li Shuyao's could not be seen at all...

Brother Gou rushed back at the fastest speed, Xiaohong and Shuping were both very fast, even Shuping's speed was faster than Xiaohong's.

Even the little brother on patrol couldn't see the three kittens, and it took less than a minute to rush back from the studio to home.

After Brother Gou came back, he jumped directly into the delivery room, lay on the small bed in the delivery room, stared at his stomach with a serious face, and didn't even take a breath.

Also not panting were the other two kittens and Li Shuyao who rushed in after them.

Li Shuyao considered his own influence a little bit. After all, he was such an adult, there were still many people outside who could see him, so he ran a little slower, walking in one step behind the three kittens.

The moment Li Shuyao entered the door, Brother Gou moved his ears slightly, arched his nose slightly, and then his expression softened obviously, not as serious as before.

After seeing Li Shuyao approaching through the small window of the delivery room, Brother Gou completely relaxed, stretched out his hand to close the curtains on the small bed, and waited quietly for the arrival of the delivery.

Li Shuyao didn't bother Brother Gou, just sat quietly beside the delivery room, and slowly touched Xiaohong who was holding the delivery room next to her and wanted to look in...

Then she noticed Shuping who seemed very excited, lowered her head and flicked Shuping's forehead lightly: "You are quite excited, aren't you looking forward to my brother?"

"Meow meow!" Shuping nodded quickly, and almost opened her mouth. Of course I am looking forward to it. I am so looking forward to it. In the future, I will finally have a cat who can take the blame. I will finally have a cat to bully in the future. I will not be my youngest Yes, I am looking forward to it.

After a while, Fang Xuening and Lu Yao also came back, they didn't dare to speak loudly, they quietly pointed to the delivery room over there, and after seeing Li Shuyao nodding, they silently walked to the side sofa and sat down.

After a while, other friends from the studio also came. After everyone came in, they didn't dare to speak, so they quietly walked to Lu Yao and Fang Xuening and sat down, silently waiting for the birth of the new little life .

After a while, several people began to discuss in low voices, whether the kitten will cry when it is just born, several people talked about it enthusiastically, but the voice was still very small, if it weren't for Li Shuyao's better hearing, they would basically listen to it not sure.


About 10 minutes later, Brother Gou yelled in the delivery room, and then kicked open the small door of the delivery room.

Everyone: "???"

The big guys were all staring at this side, so everyone clearly saw the moment when the little white paw kicked open the small door...

Good guy, the kittens nowadays are so brave, the ones kicking the door directly, or the kittens who just gave birth, you shouldn't be particularly weak.

But looking at Brother Gou's usual appearance, it doesn't seem like he will be weak, okay, it's understandable.

After kicking it away, it didn't come out in a hurry, but lay in it and licked the fur of the kitten that came out. It seemed to tell you that I was done giving birth.

Xiaohong was the first one to come in. She knew that her fur color was special. After such a long time, she also knew that some things should not be exposed to others, so she had to hurry in to see if the kitten was red. .


It saw a pure white kitten.

The kind that is purer than Shuping.

Shuping was red at first, and then changed color to white. She is usually white, and only turns red when she follows her home.

Shuping now also understands when to change color and when not to change color.

But this kid has no red at all!

But Xiaohong is not too surprised. When I was at home, not all the newborn kittens were red-haired, only a small number of kittens were red.

Sometimes red-haired kittens may appear even if they are not descendants of red-haired kittens. For example, Xiaohong's parents are not red-haired, so she was carried back to the valley by her parents.

And after being here for so many years, Xiaohong's vision has long been broadened, and she will not discriminate against cats with other colors like those old cats in the valley.


You discriminate at least better than others, it can't beat Brother Gou at all, so it discriminates against wool.

And if it dares to discriminate against this newly born little meat ball, Brother Gou can beat it all over the place.

At this time Li Shuyao also came over, seeing that Brother Gou was already proficient in dealing with this newborn kitten, she also nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, this thing is also familiar with the second time.

I was at a loss last time, but now I am basically able to take care of the kittens proficiently.

Li Shuyao gently stretched his hand in, rubbed Brother Gou's head, then touched the newborn kitten next to him, looked through it, and it was indeed a tomcat.

Brother Gou doesn't have any opinion on this, maybe it will go up and give the kitten a paw if someone touches it, but it's the honor of this brat.

Li Shuyao didn't have any other ideas, she mainly wanted to see what special abilities this young man had.

After all, from the outside, there doesn't seem to be anything special about this whining kitten.

"Well... I have inherited the physical fitness of Brother Gou... I am afraid that the strength is much higher than that of ordinary kittens, but the speed is only average. It is higher than ordinary kittens, but worse than Shuping. And it can't change color."

Generally speaking, it is a kitten with strong physical fitness and strength, its speed is slightly stronger but relatively average, and the rest is no different from ordinary kittens.

Well, by the way, the small-headed melon is still quite smart.

Brother Gou's children, among other things, are smarter than ordinary cats.

But it seems to be worse than Shuping...

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