Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 717 decides it's you

Chapter 717 decides it's you
"How is it? It's not right to give birth to a... well, to give birth to something... Oh, what about the kitten?" Fang Xuening ran over a little excitedly.

"Why are you so excited, you are a little white cat." Li Shuyao laughed.

"It's really born."

"So fast?"

"Well, it's still a little white cat."

"The father is Xiaohong. Why are the two cats white? The father's genes are a bit weak, there is no black at all."

"By the way, why does the little black cat always have to be called Xiao Hong?"

"What's the matter, that kitten is still called Brother Gou, don't you know, if it is extremely red, it is black, and if it is extremely black, it is also red. As the saying goes, the cycle of red and black is endless."

"And why is there only one kitten? I remember that kittens will give birth to many in one litter."

"I don't know, isn't Shuping the only one? It's really strange."

"When I read those novels, it doesn't mean that the stronger the gene, the harder it is to have children."

"But she is also pregnant, so it's not that difficult."

"Maybe it's difficult because we can only have one child. You see how powerful we are, basically most of us have one child."

"Tsk tsk, what a weird kitten."


Others also came up together, perhaps because they were afraid of scaring the little cat, so they just took a look from a distance, then quickly stood beside them, and then started chatting and chatting.

Xiaohong is usually dyed black, and usually runs very fast, and basically doesn't give anyone a hug, so everyone thinks it is a cold little black cat.

Xiaohong listened to it with a black thread in her head, what do you mean it's genes can't work, can this thing work, heh heh, a bunch of scum who don't know biology!

"Okay, okay, the kitten is also born, and you guys will play with it after a while, let's all go back to eat now." After Lu Yao took a look and saw that there was nothing wrong, he drove the others back: "He just gave birth and needs to be quiet, so let's not disturb her."

"You can go back to eat too, I'll just watch here." Li Shuyao smiled.

"I don't, you must want to secretly name the kitten again, and then I won't be able to participate in it, that's not okay, this time the kitten must be named by me!" Fang Xuening pinched her waist and said.

"Haha, then tell me, what name do you think of?" Li Shuyao laughed, then looked at Fang Xuening with a smile, Xiaohong and Shuping also turned their heads to look at Fang Xuening, and Brother Gou also came from the delivery room Stick your head out and see what name this guy can name.

"I think, since my sister's name is Shuping, she's of this scholarly generation, right? My younger brother should follow suit." Fang Xuening said after thinking carefully.

"Ang, what you said makes sense." Li Shuyao nodded: "What about your conclusion?"

"Conclusion... How about we call it Zhang Ping? Look, one is Shu Ping and the other is Zhang Ping. How wonderful." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle: "Look, there is also Duan Ping and Jia Jing. , there are discussion posts, and the author said, and peripherals..."

Fang Xuening looked at the expressions of one person and three cats, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"What's the matter, why are you all looking at me like this." Fang Xuening pinched her waist, "I can't do this."

"Good guy, why don't you call it a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward." Li Shuyao was speechless.

"It's fine, anyway, they are all in this circle." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle: "There are also subscriptions and collections, right, everything is fine."

"I thought you would call it a book or something, but I never expected you to go this way." Li Shuyao shrugged: "Sure enough, you are still not very good, so you should listen to me."

"Tch, what good idea do you have?"

"I think the name should be decided according to the circumstances of its birth. This is not only a commemoration, but also let everyone know what happened when it was born. Tsk tsk, it is very meaningful. .” Li Shuyao said while nodding.

"So... does Brother Gou have anything to do with his birth? Does Xiaohong have anything to do with it? Does Shuping have something to do with it?" Fang Xuening said speechlessly.

"Oh, don't worry about these details, okay, it's okay at this moment and that moment, at that time I had my thoughts at that time, and now I have my current opinions, Gou Rixin knows it day by day."

"Ah, you curse."

Li Shuyao: "..."

So tell you to read more at ordinary times!How could I scold people!

"Forget it, so what are you going to call it?" Fang Xuening asked curiously while drinking a glass of water.

Li Shuyao rubbed her chin and thought for a while, then slapped the ground and said, "It's up to you, Fansheng!"

"Pfft..." Fang Xuening spat out a sip of water, what do you mean, if the rice was raw, wouldn't it be better to cook it again, why can't the rice be cooked.

The three kittens fell to the ground in unison, good guy, this naming skill is getting stronger and stronger, it's really outrageous!Don't let this person be named, this person's name is poisonous!

"Don't bark! That's the name. You don't even have any objections to other kittens. Why are you barking!" Li Shuyao glared at Xiaohong, and then continued to stare at Brother Gou: "Look how much this name is, we It came out just when it was time to eat, it’s a pity that it’s not a meal, it fits well, it fits so well.”

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth, good guy, didn't you just let you miss the meal, this is too vengeful, you just missed a meal, this is a name for a lifetime!

Shuping hid beside her resentfully, good guy, fortunately her name is not bad, I don't care about my brother's name, so please yourself!Parents can't control themselves, let alone control themselves.

Sure enough, Mama's Mama is the absolute authority in this family. You see, when she speaks, it doesn't matter whether it's a cat or a human.

Tsk tsk, it seems that in the future, I still have to hug Mamadi Mama's thigh tightly.

Thinking in this way, Shuping walked to Li Shuyao's side with graceful steps, and then arched Li Shuyao with her small head, supporting Li Shuyao's naming with practical actions!
"Look at it, look at it, even Shuping thinks this name is very good, isn't it Shuping?" Li Shuyao hugged Shuping in his arms and rubbed against her.

"Meow." Shuping agreed immediately, anyway, it's her brother's name and not her own name, a dead fellow is not a poor fellow!

"As long as you're happy, it's your cat anyway." Fang Xuening sighed helplessly, then pinched her waist ferociously and said, "This one is up to you, the next one will be born by brother dog." Kittens must be named by me!"

"All right, all right, I'll give it to you, really, how difficult it is to come up with a name, how many brain cells have died to come up with so many nice names, isn't it Shuping?" Li Shuyao lowered her head and rubbed her head while talking Rubbing Shuping.

"Meow." Shuping also cooperated with Li Shuyao, you are right!

Fang Xuening: "..."

Brother Gou and Xiaohong: "..."

The name Fansheng really worked hard for you. I don’t know how many irresponsible brain cells sacrificed to come up with such a clever name. If these brain cells are gone, they will be gone. I feel that existence may take up some space. Now, please don't let such useless brain cells occupy your smart brain, we feel very distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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