Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 718 This little guy is very energetic

Chapter 718 This little guy is very energetic
There is another baby in the family, which is something worthy of celebration. Although the friends also brought a lot of food for Li Shuyao and a few kittens to eat at noon, she still decided to make a good meal at night!
Although the newborn little guy hasn't opened his eyes yet, he has already started barking. Anyway, as long as there is no one of the three cats, Brother Gou, Xiaohong, Shuping, and Li Shuyao, he will bark.

Then the glorious task of taking care of the kitten was handed over to Shuping.

Well, after all, Papa is not good at bringing up children, Mama has been pregnant for so long, right, it's time to indulge!As for Li Shuyao... Isn't it nonsense that you asked Li Shuyao to bring the kitten? What if she loses her mentality and takes the kitten...

Not impossible wow!
For such a long time, there is no one with a handle at home, right? Little squirrels are not considered family members. At most, they come in when it rains heavily for two days, and then go out when the typhoon passes.

Suddenly, the first one appeared in the family... well, let's say it was the first one in physiology, it immediately aroused the vigilance of classmate Li Shuyao!
Hey?Xiaohong seems to be here could I forget...

Hiss, could it be that he counts Xiao Hong as Brother Gou's... hiss... terrible, too scary.

So after classmate Li Shuyao stared at this little guy all afternoon, she decided that she couldn't just look at this thing here by herself. If she was the only one left, she might take it to the hospital.

Well, although it is said that such a small hospital should not perform that operation...

But it is still necessary to prevent problems before they happen!

Besides, when Shuping was young, she caused troubles for everyone. She ran around all day long with her eyes closed. Everyone raced against you at home all day long to prevent you from bumping your head.

Now that you have this opportunity, you definitely can’t let it go so easily. You can also enjoy the fun of raising children here!


When the big guys were eating and drinking spicy food, Shuping, the big grievance, took a small basin with her, and then guarded next to Fansheng's small house.

After eating for a while, it turned its head and glanced at the kitten beside it.

Other kittens were either feeding or sleeping on their first day, but this one actually... fell over after feeding!
I don't know if it's because the energy is strong or what, this guy just doesn't sleep, and then he writhes in the nest, screaming while writhing.

Then Li Shuyao threw Shuping over, and then it stopped barking, grabbed Shuping's tail and started wrestling...

Shuping is helpless, was I also so naughty when I was a child?And now it's your turn to suffer?It seems that what they mean is what they said.


Sure enough, being young is annoying, and you have to pay back when you grow up.

Shuping sighed and continued to cook, among other things, the food made by Ma Ma Ma Ma is still very delicious. No matter how good this little guy is, he was just born today, and he is not enough to tickle himself. Toss it!
"This... how can Fansheng be more troublesome than Shuping when he was a child?" Lu Yao naturally accepted the name Fansheng. Anyway, he is his cat, so he can name him whatever he likes, Brother Gou. She accepted everything, let alone Fansheng...

Well, the name is quite nice.

As long as you hear this name, you will remember that this guy was born during the celebration banquet.

Hiss... Yaoyao won't hold grudges.

I remember that when she delayed her meal before, those teams were beaten badly by her.

"It's really quite capable." Fang Xuening held his job bowl and said, "I've been watching it all afternoon, and the cat litter doesn't feel like it's active enough. I feel like I'll be a fighter in the future."

"People say that when you are three years old, you will grow old. This cat is interesting. You will grow old in one day." Lu Yao laughed.

Li Shuyao drank the soup and didn't say a word. This guy didn't run as fast as Shuping, but his strength was much stronger than Shuping's, and he was physically fit and energetic.

After this, it is estimated that they will be invincible all over the park.

I just don’t know what Brother Gou thinks, after all, strictly speaking, the park is considered the sphere of influence of Brother Gou, maybe in the future Brother Gou might really train Fan Sheng, and then there will be another general in Brother Gou’s empire, right?

With the energy of this guy, Li Shuyao feels that it will take a month at most, and it will be able to go out to fight with the milk. When the time comes to order a pacifier for this guy, it will feel so good to fight with the pacifier.

"That's right." After Li Shuyao drank the soup, she picked up a camera from the side and ran to the cat's nest.

Isn't this a new little milk cat, and it can still be used to shoot cute pet videos, tsk tsk, the cute pet up master is born again!

"Hey, hello everyone, I'm the nursery rhyme in the up master book of your cute pet area, my big cat gave birth to a kitten again, and it happened when we were eating, so I named it Fansheng , Hehe, isn't it a very meaningful name, I just said that this name is very good, Fang Xuening doesn't know what a name is at all."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Good guy, I still have my business here, you took me with you when you made the video!You say that I will sue you for ruining the stick!
"The little cats in our family are very energetic. That Shuping was very energetic before, and this Fansheng is the same. Take a look, Shuping is eating here, and the little guy Fansheng is rolling around beside him. , Whoops, to bite Shuping's tail."

"I have a hunch that maybe this product will like to fight a lot in the future. Well, let's record its future growth together. Hehe, the cute pet area will return to the factory for a limited time."

"I figured it out. No matter what it is, it's very interesting when I was young. When I grow up, it's not so good. It's not as cute as when I was a child!"

Shuping: "???"

Am I not your little cutie?Is it really okay for you to say that in front of me?Have you considered my thoughts a little bit!
Shuping looked up at her own Mama, who was also adopted from a young age.

As a result, I saw Brother Gou cooking crazily over there, but he didn't even look at this side.

Well, I'm still superficial, but I'm still calm, I still have a lot to learn.

"Look at you, haha, I can't turn it over by myself, hahaha... I strongly doubt that this little kitten is too energetic and this IQ is not enough, but it is still there, so First day, see you later."

After Li Shuyao frantically filmed Fan Sheng, when there was no plot design, the cute pet video mainly showed the natural cuteness of small animals, so after shooting for a while, she simply set the camera there side, and then went back to eat.

I don't know why, maybe this product has a bit of a backlash from eating, why every time I think about it when I's not good, it's quite bad.

Could it be that he was influenced by this name?That's why I think of it every time I eat?

It can only be said that there is a little impact, but it should not have much impact.

Well, absolutely can’t admit that it has an influence, otherwise people will ask you to change your name, right? If you want to say that you can change the name just today, you can change it directly. After all, the kitten has not yet formed a conditioned reflex and does not know its own name. .

But the video was called out, and I had to re-record it after changing it. It was so troublesome. Forget it, let’s leave it at that.

 Woke up a bit late today, hey, I finally took a day off and slept a bit late

(End of this chapter)

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