Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 720 Online

Chapter 720 Online
Fang Xuening came out wearing a bath towel twisting and twisting, then put one hand on the door frame of the bathroom, bent down, and touched it from the leg that was on the foot.

"That's all right, all right, don't teach children badly." Li Shuyao waved his hand, it's not like he hasn't seen it before, there's something to touch.

"Where are the children?" Fang Xuening hurriedly looked around, besides her, only Li Shuyao was left in the room, so there were no children.

"Here." Li Shuyao pointed to Fan Sheng in her arms.

"Hey, I thought who it was, this thing hasn't opened its eyes yet, and besides, it's a cat."

Fang Xuening leaned forward speechlessly, then threw the bath towel aside, jumped into Li Shuyao's bed, only showed a small head and said with a hey smile:
"It's not bad that the quilt is warm. Well, thank you."

Li Shuyao wiped her cheeks and got used to it. This guy has basically started to sleep like this since he came home. He said it was very comfortable...

Then basically every few days I have to find someone to wash the sheets and quilt covers again.

"Come on, it's online."

Li Shuyao opened the page of Station B, and the second episode of Five Elements in Wushan has been released. I think back when I made this second episode, I really lost my old nose.

At the beginning Li Shuyao only watched it two or three times. Although he said that he could keep recalling this passage in his mind after opening and hanging up, it was not easy to reproduce it.

Because it's too fast.

In the second episode, the fighting speed in many places is very fast, and sometimes the eyes can't keep up with it. The audience seems to be very enjoyable, but it is somewhat unfriendly to Li Shuyao.

She still has to slow down in her brain...

Anyway, it was very painful for her to draw at the time, and she wished that the whole audience would be full of literary dramas, but she also knew that the best part of this anime was the fighting scenes, and the most popular ones were also the fighting scenes. The carving play.

As for talking about literary dramas, there are still meanings to be expressed, which are things to be considered after hooking up the audience, so it is still necessary to carefully craft the drama.

Among the three episodes of the first season of Wushan Wuxing, the second episode is a completely explosive episode. This episode is almost from the beginning to the end, and it will be done as soon as it is needed. It may take seven or eight episodes of other anime to finish. The story is all told in this episode.

Therefore, the plot is very compact, and there is no place for excess water.

Li Shuyao clicked on the second episode, which has only been online for 20 minutes, and there are already a lot of bullet screens:

"The national style is very good."

"Gradually go up."

"Love love."

"A little handsome."

"I've already read it once, and the second brush is coming."

"It's really wonderful, rumored cow beer."

"It's starting to burn."

"What are you still doing in a daze, give me coins."

"The OP slapped his face, the protagonist is dangerous."


It seems that after the foreshadowing of the last episode, more and more people have paid attention to this anime. Before the second episode went live, there were already 500 million followers, which can be called a data explosion.

After being on the hot search, there are still a lot of dynamic pictures circulating, that is, the dynamic speed of those battle scenes... Of course, the emoji package of the girl Yan Yi must be indispensable.

These things have also greatly promoted the spread of this anime among passers-by.

Lu Yao estimated that it should be able to break through 1000 million followers, after all, the second episode will be more exciting than the first episode...

The main content of this episode is also very simple, starting from a peaceful and happy family in a mountain village, and then talking about the fire and the beast peacock fighting from outside the village to the village.

There are also some literary dramas interspersed in the middle of the play, explaining why the peacock came... The peacock mutated the humans who ate the blood of the little unicorn, and it also transformed after absorbing the energy of the unicorn in the human body.

After the transformation, there was a series of explosive battles.

Again some knives were interspersed in the middle of the fight.

For example, the happy little family at the beginning was destroyed in this battle, and that cute little life died in the hands of the mutated own people.

Afterwards, before Peacock was killed by Huo Xing, he pointed out the truth of the matter, and Huo Xing also found the little unicorn in the basement who was locked up for blood...

The furious Huo Xing didn't do anything to the people in the village, but took away the little Qilin silently.

However, it was too late, and the unwilling demon had already started to get restless.

This episode has explosive battles and deep knives. It can be said that it has everything it should have. It is even possible to add the first two episodes together to expand into a movie.

"Yu Dan is so cute, why did you draw Yu Dan to death..." Fang Xuening jumped out of the bed when she saw Yu Dan's little hand drooping.

"You can't put on your pajamas." Li Shuyao said helplessly.

"I don't, explain to me why you want to draw Yudan to death!" Fang Xuening pouted and stared at her eyes: "You did it on purpose, you authors are like this, first create a beautiful thing, and then Write him to death, so that it can arouse the reader's emotions, but...but it's only how long, you should let him live a few more episodes."

Li Shuyao: "..."

You always beat me up when watching the fight scene just now, and now it's started again!I drew him to death, Lin Hun drew him to death, you need to travel to the past to find Lin Hun!

Li Shuyao didn't explain, and pushed her into the bed and continued to watch.

"Hmm...Although it is said to be a villain, but this anger beast is indeed quite handsome..."

"Oh, my brother Xuan is really the most handsome, hiss... how about you draw a special screen protector for me, I want Brother Xuan's war-damaged version of the desktop!"


"Ah...greedy, greedy."

"No... What do you mean by the end of the credits... Why do I get more and more wrong the more I watch it, you, you are too much, you are drawing Yudan and Yumo's family, right? ...that is, if there is no monster attack, Yumo will confess his love, and then the family will live happily together."

"Hiss... Oh my god, my heart hurts just thinking about it."

"Li Shuyao, I want to send you a blade! Why do you want to cut me like this! The sixth child and the others who ate the blood of the little unicorn will die as well. They will die, but there is nothing wrong with Yu Dan! He just wants a happy life! "

It's because I feel it's a pity that I want to write him to death...

Besides, humans and monsters hunt each other, in order to make themselves stronger, it is okay to use the blood of monsters to make alchemy.

When people don't know what unicorn means, it is not wrong to use unicorn blood to strengthen themselves.

So the sixth child didn't deserve to die, after all, it was just the law of the jungle where the weak preyed on the strong.

After all, in many cases, being weak is itself a kind of fault, and strong people should not accuse weak people of wanting to become stronger.

No strength is obtained for nothing, and being strong means that you have stepped on something else.

Didn't the angry beast also come for the power of the unicorn?

Therefore, whether it is a tragedy in the village or the death of an angry beast, it is the winner and the loser, and the use of unicorn blood is the survival of the fittest. In many cases, being strong is justice.

It's just that, on the way to seek strength, is the pain intermittent?

 After getting stronger, it seems that all the things I did before are just, and I can take it for granted to stand on the commanding heights and accuse other people who want to become stronger...

(End of this chapter)

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