Chapter 721
When Fang Xuening fell asleep, she was somewhat angry. It seemed that she was really brooding over Yu Dan's death. In fact, Li Shuyao found that when Yu Dan just died, she didn't feel this way. She just watched Yu Dan die. After watching the beautiful life at the end of the film, this feeling became more and more intense.

Sure enough, you can live a good life, but you can't because of some things. Such a strong sense of contrast can make a kind-hearted person very uncomfortable!
Those who look at the eagle and look at the wolf will definitely not feel anything, but ordinary people who yearn for peace will definitely feel it is a pity. After all, such a cute child died like this, and he still has a good time...

Even if his brother died, it wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

After all...he was too young.

That's why Fang Xuening always pouts when she sleeps...

The main thing is, you said that Yu Dan is gone, and if you ask Li Shuyao to draw some pictures of Yu Dan, it will make you it will be even more uncomfortable.

Li Shuyao had a great time pinching Fang Xuening's small mouth. Sure enough, the most impressive thing in the end was the literary play. Although the fight was refreshing before, it was over after the fight, and the traces left in my mind were relatively light. .

When she reproduced this episode at that time, she had a very deep feeling. She remembered everything about literary dramas very clearly, but a lot of brain cells died in the dramas, and she even added some of her own. original content.

This... At any rate, he can be regarded as a half-martial arts master, right? It's relatively easy to add some martial arts moves.

Fang Xuening went to sleep on her stomach, while Li Shuyao looked at the comments below. Aside from those mindless bragging and hype, there were still some people discussing the content.

Not surprisingly, some people are still blowing up the fighting scenes in the second episode, which is normal. The fighting scenes in the second episode are more and more gorgeous, which will definitely stimulate the audience's attention and enhance the viewing experience of the audience.

But in fact, what really makes the audience discuss is the plot and drama.

In fact, most of the time, audiences will feel that the animation is watery, as if it is not watery from the beginning to the end, but if an animation is really played from the beginning to the end, it will make people feel very dry and tiring to watch.

Fighting dramas are always easier to write than literary dramas. After thinking about the abilities of both parties, and then thinking about who will lose and who will win, then just fight. Only those who are full of water can be called happy.

It is not easy to write a literary play well. From details to blank space, from foreshadowing to explosion, it is not easy to control the rhythm a little bit.

Wushan Wuxing did a good job in this aspect. The beauty at the beginning and the misery in the middle formed a sharp contrast, and the fantasy at the end and the misery in the middle contrasted even more strongly, which naturally aroused many people's discussions.

Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief.

Not surprisingly, the second episode was on the trending searches again, but it didn't compete with the S game. After all, the group match was over two days ago, the lottery was also drawn, and all the hot searches that should be on the list were also finished.

In the past two days, the hot search has returned to Dongchangxijiashort. Either this medicine is really omnipotent, or that dish is really healthy, or who is so-and-so Reuters, who is so-and-so's raw picture...

All in all, nothing really worth discussing.

At this time, Wushan Five Elements was inserted, which naturally attracted the attention of many animation fans.

Moreover, in the past two years, there has indeed been a lack of domestically produced masterpieces. 90.00% of the animations with a relatively high volume of broadcasts on the market are adaptations of novels, that is, IP masterpieces, which themselves have a huge readership.

Three or two big cats and kittens can be regarded as original masterpieces.

The sudden appearance of Wushan Wuxing can be regarded as catering to the audience's desire for domestically produced masterpieces, and the style and content of this work are very popular among Chinese people, so...

Even the official media who had cooperated with Li Shuyao several times before also forwarded the promotion together.

As a result, two days after the release of the second episode, the number of views of Wushan Wuxing on the website of Station B alone has exceeded [-] million.

"Ah, classmate Li Shuyao, you're living a leisurely life these days."

When Lu Yao came to the second floor, he saw Li Shuyao drinking tea and reading a book in the sun with Fansheng in his arms. The sun shone golden on her and the kitten, which was quite eye-catching.

Well, both people and kittens are very eye-catching.

"You like this kitten very much. You take it with you every day." Lu Yao also sat down, opened a small cup from the side, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Isn't it that Fansheng opened his eyes? This little guy opened his eyes really early. He jumped up and down all day long. I also wanted to save him from being beaten... If the house is messed up, Xiao Xiaoning will beat him again." Li Shuyao After rubbing the fluff on Lu Fansheng's body, it feels very good.

Although Fansheng is full of energy, she feels that as long as she cultivates his personality from an early age, he can still make this boy a well-bred cat.

"Tsk tsk, hey? Your tea feels a little different, um... why does it taste like this, and this tea bowl is so beautiful." Lu Yao didn't pay attention just now, but now he realizes that this tea seems a little different, and the tea bowl is also different from the tea bowl. Different than before.

"This is Jian Kiln's Rabbit Haozhan. Didn't I read Song History before, and then I was very interested in this. This is some tea, how about it? The green one on it is pretty pretty, right? Hehe, I also It’s not that particular, generally speaking, it should be made and drunk right away, the froth is more beautiful when it’s just made, this Jianzhan also has three different mouths, and there’s an everted mouth that’s just for watching the froth.”

Li Shuyao laughed and said:

"I was walking around in the supermarket two days ago, and then I saw that there was a rabbit cup selling it. Don't tell me, it's really expensive. Tsk tsk, people say it's really made by the ancient method, and it really feels like it. Very comfortable."

"Well... well, let's not talk about this, several video sites that are online in Wushan and Five Elements hope that we will not stop after three episodes, but continue to draw, what do you think?"

In fact, Lu Yao didn't want to stop, the momentum is so good now, it's a pity to stop, and the appearance of the third episode obviously has a follow-up, this story has just unfolded, and there are still many, many things to come .

With Li Shuyao's hand speed and the production speed of Nursery Rhyme Studio, not to mention one episode a week, one episode can definitely be finished in a month. If this is a stable update, even if there are only 12 to 13 episodes, as long as the follow-up maintains the current Rhythm will do.

Li Shuyao scratched her head.

Here...the follow-up, she doesn't know, Lin Hun didn't draw it before she traveled, it is said that the second season is coming out soon, isn't it not out yet?

Now she can continue to draw based on some details of the anime. If she can't do it, she can just scroll through the comment area.

But... some characters have to be original before they come out, how many brain cells have to die.

Not worth it. Not worth it.

With this time, it would be better to dub the first season in English. After all, foreigners don’t like to read subtitles, and it is more difficult for them to read subtitles.

"Well, don't worry about the second season, or... how about we make a big movie first?" Li Shuyao rubbed her chin and said.

"Ah, that's fine. Although it's a little troublesome, it's okay." Lu Yao nodded: "I think many people want to watch the big movie about Wushan Wuxing."

"No, no, it's not Wushan Five Elements." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "It's Monkey King!"

Lu Yao: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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