Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 722 Prepare to Draw a Great Saint

Chapter 722 Prepare to Draw a Great Saint
"Don't draw Wushan and Five Elements?"

Lu Yao had a question mark in her head, this anime is so popular now...and it's just such an anime, so she subconsciously thought that Li Shuyao was going to make a big movie about this anime.

But didn't expect it?

"Yes, no, let's change one." Li Shuyao said naturally.

Why do you want to be original when you can copy? Originality is so laborious, and it is thankless, and you will be scolded if you can’t make money, so it’s better to copy successful cases.

Firstly, you will basically succeed again, and secondly, even if you fail, you don’t feel bad, and you don’t feel bad when you are scolded.

Of course, in this world, I am not an original, but an original from multiple angles and fields.

Lu Yao frowned slightly. Although it was true that someone contacted her to make a movie, she basically just left a contact information and waited to ask Li Shuyao.

After all, there are still some differences between making movies and making ordinary anime.

But as long as Li Shuyao is willing, making a big movie about Wushan and Five Elements will definitely do well at the box office. After all, now that word of mouth is here, even if it takes two or three years to make, it's worth it.

But another one...can it still be so successful?

There used to be an author of a series of fantasy novels that was popular all over the world and was rejected by others when he opened a new book. Riman also had the previous one that became a big hit, and then the latter one was cut in half.

Maybe the carrier is different.

Traditional magazines, periodicals and so on are all on paper, and editors will reject or cut the manuscript if they feel that it is not good.

However, web articles are published on the Internet. If other editors think that you are not good enough, they will not recommend it to you. Anyway, you can create some benefits by writing there. If you don’t give you full attendance, it will be over.

This is especially true for film and television dramas. If you can't keep your quality, the audience will not buy it, so in the final analysis it is the content.

After turning these things around in Lu Yao's mind, he asked again: "Are you serious? Instead of painting Wushan and the Five Elements, change to the Great Sage?"

"Of course." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Don't worry, Yaoyao's products must be high-quality goods!"

"Okay." Lu Yao nodded: "The great sage is the great sage, but if you draw other things, you may not have as much support as the Wushan Five Elements."

"We finish painting this time, and they have to support whatever we draw next time." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Yes, I like it." Lu Yao gave Li Shuyao a thumbs-up: "Well, this tea is really good, I think it would be even better with this bowl."

"This is called a teacup, not a bowl... Forget it, it doesn't matter, you can call it whatever you want." Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, and then felt that calling it a teacup on purpose seemed a bit pretentious. Whatever it is called, it's just good to drink. .

"You mean, they drank like this in the Song Dynasty?" Lu Yao asked, remembering what Li Shuyao said before.

"Well, it evolved from the sencha in the Tang Dynasty." Li Shuyao nodded: "After the Yuan Dynasty, this kind of ordered tea gradually disappeared, and then it was the brewed tea."

"Huh? Why." Lu Yao tilted his head.

"The drinking method of making tea is preferred by the grassland people... After all, they don't have time to order tea like the nobles of the Central Plains Dynasty, and they can't make tea cups."

Li Shuyao smacked her lips and said:
"After nearly a hundred years, drinking tea has basically disappeared. Then, Lao Zhu is not the emperor who counterattacked by civilians. First, he doesn't drink tea at all. Second, he thinks that this thing is a waste of money. , our old Zhu is a man who loves the people and never pays attention to material comforts..."

"The royal families of the Yuan and Ming dynasties made tea, so they gradually made tea. Over time, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, they basically made tea."

"Actually, it's normal. Only by making tea can you enter tens of thousands of homes. Ordering tea is not something that ordinary people can play in ancient times, but in modern times, everyone can do it. You can even draw on it when you just make the foam Yes, it's fun, hehe."

"Then I found out that although this thing is a kind of etiquette in the Song Dynasty, it is almost rich people who have time to play. Ordinary people who have nothing to do here spend a long time playing tea foam."

Lu Yao looked at the tea soup in his hand and thought for a while, "This is a bit like matcha."

"Drinking tea was very popular in the Song Dynasty. For example, the tea culture in South Korea and Japan was passed down by us. After thousands of years of evolution, they gradually formed their own tea ceremony culture."

Li Shuyao shrugged and said:

"Although making tea is also very good, but I think it would be a pity if ordering tea is lost, and it is indeed quite fun."

"By the way, this thing can still fight tea. I'll teach you how to fight tea then."

"Okay, you can play, we don't have time to play with this thing." Lu Yao smiled and shook his head: "But it really tastes good when paired with this teacup, and people at that time were really good at playing. "

"That's right, Song Huizong liked it very much back then, and even wrote "Grand View Tea Theory", which is quite interesting."

Lu Yao almost spit out his tea: "What are you talking about him for, bad luck."

"Haha, although this guy is not very good at governing the country, he is very good at other things besides governing the country. It is a pity that he is an emperor. If he is not an emperor, he might really be famous in history."

Li Shuyao laughed and said:

"Besides, don't think he doesn't know how to govern the country. It's still okay to play with power. All the power of the court is in his hands."

"So, don't say that traitorous ministers are not traitorous ministers, the Northern Song Dynasty was sent to the grave by him. It's a pity that Zhezong's situation is so good."

"Okay, I won't be poor with you anymore, you should teach your little cat well." After drinking the tea, Lu Yao stood up and said, "If you want to draw a great sage, get me something first." ...I'm going to talk to people."

"I know, I know, heh heh, don't you just want to watch some sneaky things, don't worry, wait until I make a small clip, heh heh."

Li Shuyao is going to make The Return of the Great Sage, but she doesn't plan to do exactly what she did before. She plans to make the Return of the Great Sage a little bit integrated with the Wushan Five Elements.

Starting from Wushan Wuxing's most attractive painting style and fighting scenes, fine-tuning the return of the great sage, and making a return of the great sage she prefers.

She estimated that the production time would be almost a year, and it would be just in time for the Lunar New Year file to be released in the following year.

Although it is said that the Lunar New Year files are quite curly in recent years, she still wants to see if she can get those blockbuster movies.

She remembers when the movie came out...

In fact, it’s not much different from Wushan Wuxing, and it didn’t have too much publicity at the beginning, at least it’s not much worse than those blockbuster movies. Basically, it relied on word-of-mouth after it was released, and then it started to promote wildly.

She even vaguely felt that after the release of this movie, domestic views on animation movies were reversed to a certain extent. In the past, everyone always thought that animation was something for children to watch.

After that, there were indeed several good domestic animation movies one after another.

Well, there are a lot of bad ones.

However, there is always a feeling of opening up the situation, and even from then on, there has been a wave of holy enthusiasm again.

Of course, there are naturally many criticisms.

After all, this animation is relatively early, so... Li Shuyao still has a chance to change it, and if more investment is obtained, the picture will be better...

Well, let's start with a fight scene in which the Great Sage wreaks havoc in the Heavenly Palace to open the eyes of those people!
 Last night I dreamed that I had written more than ten chapters in my new book, and then I woke up from the dream... The outline is not finished yet...

(End of this chapter)

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