Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 723 Only 3 episodes?

Chapter 723 Just Three Episodes?
Li Shuyao is very familiar with fighting scenes now, and she plans to create an original fighting scene, using characters from The Return of the Great Sage or something.

Although this is a real fairy fight, it is slightly different from Wushan Wuxing's kind of martial arts and fantasy. The fairy fight must have a lot of fighting skills, and every move must have some special effects.

When mortals fight, they must highlight a detail, and when gods fight, they must highlight a magnificence.

Li Shuyao already had some ideas in his mind, anyway, he highlighted the dazzling one, the magnificent scene, and the shocking one!
After having this thought, the image of the Great Sage fighting Erlang God gradually emerged in Li Shuyao's mind.

After all, in the whole "Journey to the West", this bridge section is also very exciting. In countless film and television dramas related to Havoc in Heaven, Monkey King fighting Erlang God is also a very important part, and it can even be said to be eye-catching. part.

Li Shuyao is not going to follow the original work of "Journey to the West". That routine has been drawn in a special cartoon before, and the drawing is very good. She doesn't think she can surpass other people's classics.

So go ahead with your own ideas.

"Shuping!" Li Shuyao yelled at the top of her voice, and then threw a small dried fish towards the stairs.

Shuping jumped up from downstairs in a jerk, and then caught the falling small dried fish in one gulp.

"Come on, take your brother away." Li Shuyao then threw Fan Sheng Chao Shuping out, and then precisely smashed it right in front of Shuping's eyes...

Well, Fansheng's physical fitness is very good, there is no problem at all for such a slight fall, and he is still alive and kicking when he gets up, he is not as honest as being with Shuping, he is not as honest as being with Li Shuyao, he starts rolling around Shuping, Looks like he's coming to beat me up.

Shuping helplessly gnawed off the dried fish, then picked it up and walked down with the flamboyant fan.

It now has a strong sense of contrast, how much I was looking forward to the birth of this little brat before, how annoying it is now!

The main reason is that after having their own, it seems that no one chooses to have a baby anymore.

After being silent for so long, Brother Gou went out with Xiaohong to make trouble again. Li Shuyao occasionally took care of her parents, but after all, she still had so much work and so on, so she spent relatively less time with her baby.

In this way, it is really like a big sister like a mother.

Good guy, why do you want me to take care of your baby!
I don't have a baby yet, so I'll bring a baby for you.

Shuping often wanted to throw Fansheng in front of Brother Gou, but seeing Brother Gou's extremely oppressive eyes, he couldn't meow every time.

Forget it, bring the baby, let's bring the baby, anyway, this little bastard will grow up in a few months, and there will be a blame man in the family in the future, next time Ma Ma has a baby, let this child take care of it!
In fact, Shuping didn't have much else to do with her baby, the main thing was to fight with it. This guy has shown a very good fighting talent since he opened his eyes.

Ma Ma and Papa don't need it to learn the advanced martial arts, so Shuping, a kitty who has already graduated from the teacher, becomes Fansheng's first teacher.

Anyway, Shuping has been practicing martial arts with Li Shuyao for so long. She has also learned a lot of fighting skills from Brother Gou and Xiaohong, and has also participated in the show, and even lifted the big goose's vaginal legs, so her combat effectiveness is quite good. .

Although not as sophisticated as Gouge and Xiaohong, there are not many cats in this world who can beat Shuping. Maybe it is those beasts that look like cats but are not cats.

It's really not sure who wins and loses in a fight.

Although the beasts in the wild are more ferocious, but Shuping is smart, and the beasts have some injuries to some extent, Shuping is healthy and can display [-]% of her strength.

But... Fansheng looks a bit unintelligent now.

Of course, it is definitely much smarter than ordinary cats, but compared to Gouge, Xiaohong and Shuping, it is a bit stupid.


Once again, Fan Sheng was slapped on the ground by Shu Ping's paw, and immediately jumped up vigorously, challenging Shu Ping again.

Shuping felt that this little brother had to be beaten up quickly when he was relatively young, and he always felt that this guy would be hard to deal with when he grew up. Well, he had to let him have a psychological shadow on him since he was a child, so that even when he grew up, he would Afraid of myself!
Well, it's decided!

There was a rhythmic sound coming from the living room, Fansheng was knocked down by Shuping again and again, and stood up again and again.

Although he was easily defeated every time, but every time Fan was born, he would change his attack method. Although he was very immature, it could be seen that he was really learning continuously in the battle with Shuping.

This is also the reason why Shuping feels that she will not be able to beat this little guy in the future. She has shown such a high fighting desire and fighting talent since she was a child. When she grows up, she will learn the fighting skills of Baba Mama and Mama Mama. It must be very powerful .

Standing on the stairs, Li Shuyao watched Fansheng get knocked down again and again and stood up to resist again and again, and was somewhat touched... This thing can be added to the animation.

Although it is said that the Great Sage is not suitable for this plot, there are still many characters with no strength in the anime. In this way, we can adapt it, add a little tragic color, and finally kill this character...

It's just perfect.

When igniting the emotions of the audience, it also ignites the emotions of the Great Sage.

Sure enough, I still want to make that child a little more sad.

Tsk tsk, Li Shuyao suddenly felt that it would be interesting to abuse the members of the protagonist group in the plot, and it would be cool to abuse the protagonist properly.

Well, there should be no viewers sending blades.

Heh heh, the old lady who dares to send the razor blades should call the police!
Li Shuyao hastened to go back to painting. It is important to find sponsors first. It would be a waste of time for our small studio to complete the production of The Return of the Great Sage. We can find some more people and bring a few more tool people together. The production is also pretty good.

For the next week, Li Shuyao has been preparing for this short film, and Lu Yao is almost counting money...

After strong publicity and excellent quality, Wushan Five Elements has achieved a high volume of broadcasts on all major platforms.

As the first station B, the number of broadcasts has begun to approach 1.5 million.

This makes everyone a little excited. If it can really reach [-] million broadcasts per episode, it will be really awesome. Then, under such circumstances, the third episode will be launched, and then netizens will be a little bit fried :
"What's the situation? Why do I watch all three episodes? [Broken Defense]"

"There are only three episodes in total? Yaoyao hurry up and update! 【This time for sure】"

"Hey, is this about to start? Are you going to start competing with the author for a longer life? [I'm cracked]"

"Scattering flowers at the end~ Seeing that at the end, I have made up a Wushan universe in my brain. [As expected of you]"

"Hahahaha, monsters can also swear."

"Time flies, and Wushan Wuxing has finished broadcasting. It seems that when the first episode was updated, it was still last week. In a blink of an eye, this episode will be over [doge]"

"Finish sprinkle flowers [funny]"

"I've watched it several times,'s over? Damn...I'm going to rely on this anime for the next three months..."

"Stop eating, Yaoyao, hurry up and update Wushan Five Elements."


(End of this chapter)

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