Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 724 Rest and watch the game

Chapter 724 Rest and watch the game

The success of Wushan Five Elements is predictable, after all, the superb quality plus Li Shuyao's popularity and Lu Yao's operation... Well, there are also free operations for some stupid fans, plus huge tap water and official end announcements , the results are explosive.

Li Shuyao left it to Lu Yao to do the English dubbing, and she didn't need to do it herself. Anyway, she didn't plan to translate it herself, so she had to hire a professional to translate it.

It is easy to get famous for anything. It is said that the official is ready to help with translation. After all, this animation is really full of Chinese elements. With some of Li Shuyao’s fame abroad, it is also a kind of promotion. Culture is exported.

We must know that Li Shuyao has a certain influence abroad whether it is in e-sports or music.

Especially in surrounding countries like South Korea and Japan, which are considered to be in the Chinese cultural circle, the promotion of this animation will definitely be smoother.

So it is also possible to cooperate with foreign video sites.

But well...

This has little to do with Li Shuyao.

In the next few days, she concentrated on producing a short story about the Holy Lord of the Great Holy War of less than one minute, and then started to make salty fish. She drew three pictures in the live broadcast. She hurried to update Wushan Wuxing.

How can this work, live broadcasting is the main business, Wushan Five Elements is interested in drawing a little bit, but we can't let the interest delay the main business.

The next two pictures are Brother Xuan's battle with the Beast, and the collection picture of the current Wushan Five Elements. Behind this collection picture is Brother Xuan's back.

That's the back view of Brother Xuan holding the little unicorn and going away, and there are still some wounds on his body from fighting the beast.

She threw these three paintings on the feed of Station B for everyone to draw a lottery... Anyway, the message on the feed has been forwarded more than [-]...

Lu Yao is going to make a batch of sympathetic T-shirts of Wushan Five Elements, customized mouse pads, customized peripherals, etc. These can be used for lottery draws or given to housing managers.

Li Shuyao's housekeepers are very comfortable, and Lu Yao will distribute some peripheral benefits to everyone from time to time. When the Wushan Five Elements' surroundings come out this time, it will definitely be the first wholesale to the housekeepers.

Although these peripherals are not worth much compared to the gifts that the housekeepers usually send, but have you seen a few anchors who send things to big brothers from time to time?

Oh, those small videos, small photos, etc. are not counted... well, those small clothes that are worn are not counted.

So in fact, the eldest brother of Li Shuyao's family is very sticky, and because she never asks for gifts and never PK, so the pressure to get gifts is relatively small.

Swipe some if you have money, and don’t do it if you are short of money.

Li Shuyao never encourages everyone to buy gifts, basically saying that everyone should take care of themselves first.

In fact, recently Li Shuyao was talking with station B about whether she could put merchandise on her live broadcast room, which is a live broadcast room similar to Douyin.

She doesn't bring goods, she can sell her surroundings and so on.

Lu Yao recently set up a Taobao store, so it is good to watch her live broadcast and buy things directly without swiping gifts. Li Shuyao can also share with station B.

Of course, occasionally if you shoot an advertisement or something, you can bring goods.

However, this is still theoretical. In practice, it depends on how Bilibili considers it.

In fact, in recent years, everyone's enthusiasm for gift shopping has dropped a lot, not as hard as it was when the live broadcast first came out.

Because everyone gradually discovered that after I swiped the gift, there was nothing but a fluffy thank you from the host, and the host basically wouldn’t have anything to do with you...

All of a sudden, a few hundred yuan is gone, and it hurts terribly, but a few hundred yuan is not much in the eyes of other anchors.

No matter how I think about it, I feel panicked.

And now Douyin's live broadcast with goods is constantly impacting the live broadcast industry. It is also spending money in live broadcasts. Anyway, people can buy things with live broadcasts, and most of them are at very favorable prices, which makes everyone over there. Consumer enthusiasm is higher.

So she always feels that selling goods in the live broadcast room will be the trend in the future. At least let people see things after spending money, so that everyone will not feel at a loss. Even if it is a game live broadcast or something, you can link it. If you want to buy it Buy it or not.

If this can be achieved, Li Shuyao thinks that it is necessary to recruit people to be responsible for the production of Taobao stores and peripheral products. After all, this thing has already been realized on Douyin, and it is not something completely in the concept.

In addition to Douyin, other live broadcast platform anchors also have goods, but it is not as large as Douyin, and there are ready-made connections in the live broadcast room.

It's just that the first one to eat crabs will usually be sprayed, so even if Li Shuyao is the first to connect, she won't bring the goods early, she just sells some peripherals and so on.

These things are all in the making, and they need to be taken slowly, which is also a direction Li Shuyao plans to pursue in the future. For her now, her main task during this period is to rest.

In fact, the entire studio is currently mainly resting.

After Wushan Wuxing completed a series of work, Li Shuyao asked the studio to take a rest within a month. After all, everyone was quite tired in order to catch up with work, so a vacation should be taken.

In the next period of time, there will be no major projects in the studio, just maintain the daily work.

Hmm... Basically, it's the operation of several anchors and the video of Li Shuyao's classmate...

The album will be released next year, so there is no rush for a short period of time. You have to combine work and rest. Always work inspiration will dry up.

For creators, the lack of inspiration is indeed quite scary.

Li Shuyao also took advantage of this time to watch the competition... right... Although the competitions were held in the morning, she got up early, so she could still catch up with the competition.

There was even a table of hot pot in the morning... Well, her stomach is still relatively strong, right...

Today also happened to be CR's game. In the quarterfinals, CR defeated the European team [-]-[-], and joined another LPL brother who had a difficult [-]-[-] victory over the LCK team in the semi-finals.

This game also happened to be the ticket to the final.

Fang Xuening couldn't get up, so Li Shuyao took four kittens to watch the game live.

"Brothers are here, eat some tomato pot early in the morning, right? Let's not eat too spicy. This tomato pot is just right, sweet and sour, and appetizing."

"Hey, eat hot pot this morning, it will warm up the day, haha."

"Well, let's eat something light in the morning, let's eat less fish and meat, right? Look, the sashimi I prepared was delivered in the morning. Haha, it's corrupt. , It’s a little bit corrupt, haha, but we gave people money, let me tell you, delivery outside the normal delivery time will require extra money.”

"Before 7:10 am and after [-]:[-] pm, you have to pay more for the delivery, and it's a lot of money, so wow, the delivery in the park is also quite expensive."

"Hmm... I'll have a piece this morning, right? I dipped it in wasabi soy sauce, hissed, and I woke up instantly. I felt my brain buzzing and my nose breathed out all of a sudden. Hehe, I feel aww, haha, eating this thing Maybe it’s because it’s a bit too much to eat wasabi directly, haha…”

"Everyone can try it. What is the experience of taking a bite of wasabi just after waking up in the morning? I feel refreshed all day long."

 Now Bilibili has started to try to link under the video, haha, it seems that I still have a little foresight haha.

  In addition...

  When I wrote this, RNG and EDG hadn't played a match yet. I assumed that they both won, but they both's outrageous.

  I have signed new books in 18, 19 and 21, and then won the championship. I haven't released a new book this year... Could it be that...

  Metaphysics, all metaphysics, mainly depends on the strength and state of the players.

(End of this chapter)

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