Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 726 You have to eat without makeup

Chapter 726 You have to eat without makeup

"Wow, poisoning late at night is too hateful."

"It's obviously poisoning in the early morning."

"Oh my god, did I sleep upside down? Why did I turn on the live broadcast and see Yaoyao eating hot pot?"

"Ah, I got up late, and CR has already won a game?"

"Outrageous, every time I come to Yaoyao's live broadcast room, I feel deeply outrageous."

"Yaoyao is still stable."

"Yaoyao didn't sleep or got up early."

"Eating hot pot in the morning, you really like this one."

"By the way, Yaoyao doesn't have any makeup on, she feels completely bare."

"One thing to say, it makes me a little hungry."

"Help, I'm losing weight and I'm so hungry."

"Didn't you read the title, I got up early today, live broadcast without makeup."

"Look at Yaoyao's appetite when eating."

"CR cow... Yaoyao beef beer!"

"I guess everyone here is here to come to see Yaoyao for breakfast."

"Yaoyao is so beautiful, wow, she is so beautiful without makeup."

"I've lived here for more than ten years, and it's the first time I've seen someone who eats hot pot in the morning... and mustard, I'll go, I feel like my nose is ventilated."

"To be honest, I think it's very refreshing to eat like this. I plan to try it tomorrow morning."

"You don't know, I've been eating for more than an hour."

"You don't understand, Yaoyao eats very elegantly, so she doesn't eat much in an hour... Well, it's really delicious."


When the first game was over, it was almost 7 o'clock, and more viewers got up at this time. Many fans saw Li Shuyao's live broadcast as soon as they turned on their phones, and some saw the live broadcast of Li Shuyao in the group. Discuss, send screenshots of the live broadcast and so on.

Others got ready to see how the game was going, and then jumped to Li Shuyao's side after watching it.

Although it is said that she is also watching the game, but how should I put it... The big guy is attracted by the situation of eating.

After all, the final four is a civil war between two LPL teams. Although it is exciting, it is not as exciting as the teams playing outside the competition. On the contrary, watching Li Shuyao eat hot pot this morning is very special.

The four kittens have stopped eating. After all, the kittens don't eat slowly like Li Shuyao. Although Brother Gou has begun to imitate Li Shuyao to a certain extent, his eating instinct is still difficult to change.

If you want to reach Li Shuyao's level, I'm afraid you still have to study for a few years.

Although the kittens usually watch videos with Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, they obviously still can't understand such a complicated mechanism in the game, so generally speaking, they are not interested in the game.

That is to say, Brother Gou squatted far away, and then looked at Li Shuyao thoughtfully, trying to understand what those little people jumping around on the screen represented.

Although it has roughly understood it, it still doesn't understand what's so interesting about this thing.

"Ah... woo... what smells so fragrant... it wakes me up..."

At this moment, student Fang Xuening came out in pajamas with disheveled hair, and then she saw some trembling hairy belly that Li Shuyao had just fished out from the pot:
"Hey guy, am I sleepy? Is it night?"

"You're not sleepy, it's morning now, haha, I'm watching Jingyi's game, oh yes, it's live, so don't come here, hahahaha..."

After dipping in the sauce, Li Shuyao put the hairy belly into her mouth, then looked at Fang Xuening with a smile, full of ridicule!

"Tsk tsk, I usually don't scream, but today I smell it, right? Haha."

Brother Gou also looked up at Fang Xuening and smacked his mouth, as if he had some aftertaste for the delicious food he ate before.

Li Shuyao knows that Fang Xuening is a bit of an idol, she usually puts on some make-up whenever she appears on camera during a live broadcast, and sometimes the make-up will give you two or three hours.

This guy doesn't even want to show up without makeup, let alone sleepy eyes and disheveled hair. In her heart, she can really be said to be the kind of white-haired witch, but because she has followed Li Shuyao's healthy lifestyle and diet for a while, her complexion is still the same. Very ruddy.

As we all know, if there is no beauty, people will become ugly when photogenic under the native camera, except for those who are born photogenic, most of them will be slightly different.

Although Li Shuyao's live broadcast is a bit beautiful, but it's not too high... Well, she also has a little bit of idol baggage.

Well, just a little bit.

She doesn't really want to be on camera without makeup, let alone without washing her face, she doesn't want to see people without washing her face!
This means that this place is too fragrant, and then she was hooked by the fragrance.

And this is home after all...

"Humph!" Fang Xuening pouted at Li Shuyao, and then hurried back into the house. She saw that there were still a lot of ingredients on the table, and there was a pot of porridge next to it, so she quickly changed her clothes, washed her face, etc. , it must be in time!

As for makeup...

In front of delicious food, you can forget about makeup!
Fang Xuening is not the kind of person who would give up eating for the sake of beauty!

"Hahaha." Li Shuyao smiled, then quickly swallowed her hairy belly, and looked back at the porridge in the pot, the temperature should be just right.

When the meeting comes, let's have some porridge first, after all, she may not be able to eat hot pot just after waking up.

Well, drink some orange juice to appetize, right, you should be able to eat it.

She still had great confidence in Fang Xuening.

Li Shuyao didn't feel much, but the barrage suddenly became lively again:

"Wow, there are other women in Yaoyao's family!"

"It's the quiet snow, don't you know?"

"Really living together, I rarely watch live broadcasts."

"Haha, Xue'er is going to die of anger."

"Our family, Xueer, has nothing else. She still has the burden of being an idol. It is absolutely impossible for her to show up without makeup."

"Yaoyao is really spreading hatred everywhere haha."

"But to be honest, who wouldn't be greedy."

"I actually want to drink that pot of porridge. It looks warm. It was frozen for me this morning."

"Envy wow."

"What kind of experience is it to have two beautiful anchors at home?"

"They often hang out with each other, haha."


The old fans naturally know that the two live together, but there are still many new fans who don't know this, so in addition to teasing, there are also old fans explaining to new fans in the barrage.

About 20 minutes later, when Li Shuyao was passionately explaining the situation of the team battle, Fang Xuening jumped out of the room.

It can be seen that she just washed her face, brushed her teeth, changed her clothes, tied her hair behind her back, and didn't wear any makeup, but she still looked quite hydrated...

"Come on, come on, I'm coming to eat." Fang Xuening ran to Li Shuyao's side, then sat down, skillfully picked up the bowl that had been prepared by the side, and poured a bowl of porridge for herself.

It's impossible for Lu Yao to eat here, mainly because she can't get up, and she won't appear on camera, so Li Shuyao only prepared a bowl for Fang Xuening.

Fang Xuening took a spoon to test the temperature, then gave Li Shuyao a thumbs up, and immediately took a big sip...

"Huh...comfortable wow..."

Fang Xuening let out a sigh of relief, and then began to cook hot pot slowly.

Well, live streaming needs to be a little more elegant.

(End of this chapter)

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