Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 727 Advance to the Finals

Chapter 727 Advance to the Finals
"How is the fight? Can you win..."

After having a mouthful of porridge at the bottom, Fang Xuening finally began to pay attention to the protagonist this time—that is, the heated competition played on the big screen.

"It should be about the same. This round should be stable. It should be two to zero after the game." Li Shuyao took a sip of the juice and said, "CR is quite strong this year."

"We can play together when she comes back, haha." Fang Xuening said with a smile, "I feel like she's getting greedy for your crystal trophy, haha, she said that one day she will bring one back."

"Crystal trophy?" Li Shuyao scratched her head. I played with her last year. What trophies do I have that she doesn't...

Oh, there is really one, FMVP, the one from the S game.

Although she didn't win the FMVP at MSI, she won the most important award in the S competition. It's normal for Jingyi to be envious.

What to say...

This year it is indeed Tantai Jingyi who is indeed the team's thigh, and can often directly gain an advantage in the middle lane. You must know that many of the mid laners are now in support, and there are really not too many who directly play the lane to gain an advantage.

And Tantai Jingyi is such a mid laner.

She even ranks No. 1 in the current single kill list in the World Championship, and she can be called a big devil in the middle.

And it’s not only good in lane play, but also in early support and mid-late teamfights. If this state continues, it’s not hopeless to get this this year.

In fact, all CR members are playing very well. Up to now, they have lost a small round in the group stage. In addition, they won last year and this year for nearly two years, and they have formed a certain dominance.

"Let's work hard this year." Li Shuyao pursed her lips and smiled. She didn't say that she would definitely win this year, after all, it was still live.

Generally speaking, people in the e-sports circle are more afraid of tainted milk, and this is mainly due to the two top tiers of tainted milk, a certain tainted milk color and a certain senior colonel.

And there is always a team that never disappoints. Whenever you think he can't do it, he can do it suddenly. Whenever you think he can do it, he will give you a big one.

After this, people don't dare to say with confidence who will definitely win. Even a certain university has withdrawn from the forecasting world, and basically dare not predict other than playing tricks.

For example, in this year's World Championship, apart from the more confident fans of CR, the other teams didn't dare to say anything, even if they won.

Of course, if he won the final championship, it must be a different face.

But that can't be said until later, if the dance is too high now, if it loses by then, it won't be sprayed like a dog.

"Well, I won this game, will it be three to zero?" Fang Xuening was rinsing the tuna meat...

"Hey? Why are you rinsing this meat? This is eaten raw." Li Shuyao stared.

"Who stipulates that this food can only be eaten raw? I just want to eat hot pot..." Fang Xuening dipped the sauce into his mouth after cooking for a while: "Well, it tastes good."

"That's right." Li Shuyao nodded: "As expected of you, you really have two brushes."

After speaking, Li Shuyao also picked up a piece and put it in the pot to rinse it, then dipped it in the sauce and put it in his mouth.


Naturally, it is basically the taste of the sauce. The taste of the fish itself is not very edible, and the taste is not as tender as when it was sashimi. tastes pretty good too.

Maybe...she wasn't the one who liked to eat raw things.

"Well, the third round doesn't seem to be going well."

Fang Xuening was already full, leaning on the beanbag sofa and stroking her belly, causing the barrage to burst into waves of cuteness.

Well, most of the barrage now basically doesn't watch the game very much, and they are all here to watch the two people eat and broadcast:

"It's so delicious, it seems to be eating with them."

"Touch Xue'er's belly, haha."

"Hiss... I really can."

"Hehe, I'm done."

"By the way, does anyone remember how long Yaoyao has been eating?"

"Ah, bluefin tuna, big belly, why do you want to eat it, don't eat it for me!"

"I'm sour, I'm really sour, how much is this table breakfast worth?"

"Sure enough, it's still interesting to eat and broadcast live. I've already drank three bowls of soy milk, and the boss won't sell it to me anymore."

"CR's round seems to be enough."

"Who cares whether CR wins or loses, it's an LPL team anyway, and it's over if it can make it to the finals."


Although the barrage is a bit outrageous, Li Shuyao is still explaining the situation seriously. She is naturally biased towards CR. Everyone knows this, so she is basically analyzing the problems of CR in this round. Where is the opponent's advantage?

In the end, CR advanced to the finals with a score of 3 to 1, achieving the achievement of advancing to the finals in all professional competitions participated in two years.

To be honest, CR's advancement to the finals is indeed what LPL audiences want to see. After all, CR has won too much in the past two years. Basically, all LPL champion fans are concentrated on CR.

Even the small round of CR lost in the group stage was sprayed on the hot search.

It can be said that CR basically has no way out.

This thing is actually a double-edged sword. While bringing you huge benefits, it will also put you under tremendous pressure.

Li Shuyao didn't even dare to imagine, if one day CR really started to go downhill, how much public opinion pressure would be generated at that moment.

If she really wins the World Championship this time, Li Shuyao is ready to persuade Tantai Jingyi to retire.

Retiring at the most glorious time, although it will cause a lot of doubts, but it is actually more of a blessing, which she has experienced.

In fact, many people expressed their understanding at that time, and they got what they should get, and she also had other careers of her own...

However, she may not know that those who comforted her at that time were basically fans. When they heard that Li Shuyao retired, those fans almost opened champagne to celebrate.

"Today's game was very exciting. Our LPL style, haha, the two sides played really passionately. In the end, this CR was superior and won the ticket to the final."

Li Shuyao smiled and looked at the classmate Coffee Dou who was being interviewed on the stage. He also won the MVP of one game today, and his team start was also crucial in the three games he won.

"Let's see when we get to the finals. Haha, let me set a flag. If CR can win the championship this year, let's make a big one. How about I release a song before the new album is released next year."

"The teams from the other half of the lpl also need to work hard. If they can reach the finals, they will be the champions, haha."

"By the way, after they finish their interviews, let's connect to the players in front of us. Let's also do a small interview on the front line of the field, haha."

"Everyone must have something to say in the small interview, haha, it's not that kind of main stage after all, let me tell you, we didn't dare to say anything when we were on the main stage, for fear of saying something wrong, you know."

"Huh? The coffee beans mentioned me?"

Li Shuyao was chatting here when she suddenly heard Coffee Bean mentioning her name...

 I may have to write a lot of materials about the party in the near future, so I may become a beast in the next few days. Please let me know in advance. If I can finish writing, I will write two updates.

(End of this chapter)

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