Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 732 The Final Game

"(╯▽╰) smells so good~~"

It was Li Shuyao who was passionately explaining the game, and then Fang Xuening walked out after smelling the smell again.

This time it was even more fragrant than last time, this time it was the smell of carbohydrates mixed with the smell of protein, and there was also a little fat and a variety of amino acids...

Anyway, these things are mixed together to highlight a fragrance!

The main force is naturally the aroma of porridge. This aroma is too lethal in the morning, unless it is the kind that was not hungry after eating last night, otherwise it is basically unbearable.

For example, Fang Xuening couldn't help it.

Washed up and came out.

Last time, I put on a little makeup at least, but this time I have appeared completely without makeup.

"Are you planning to let yourself go completely?"

There was a small team battle over there, and then it started to operate again. Li Shuyao also looked at Fang Xuening who was starting to prepare her own porridge hot pot.

It is better to have one pot per person, after all, you can cook whatever you like, and the porridge at the end is also your own combination.

So when we ate hot pot with porridge a few times later, Li Shuyao prepared a small pot for everyone to eat, which looked somewhat similar to a small hot pot.

"Hey, never mind, food is the most important thing, this person, you only know the importance of beauty when you are full." Fang Xuening took a sip of rice soup with a small spoon, and then started leisurely Shabu Shrimp.

This has been processed by others, the shrimp brains are still left, the shrimp lines have been removed, leaving only the crystal clear and slightly reddish shrimp meat, which looks very attractive.

So... there is a reason why people are expensive. This thing has been taken care of for you. You can open it and eat it directly.

Well, this shrimp can also be eaten directly as sashimi.

After rinsing in the pot, put it in your mouth. At first, the rice soup is unpretentious and sweet. This taste is thicker and thicker, laying the foundation for the whole. Then there is a touch of surprising freshness, and the rice soup is slightly sticky. The taste makes the shrimp jump more richly in the mouth...

So Fang Xuening once again successfully attracted the attention of the barrage:

"Good guy, is it so delicious?"

"I'm already hungry with this expression of enjoyment."

"By the way, why are there so many live broadcast rooms, only Yaoyao's live broadcast room has two people eating."

"I knew it, I knew Yaoyao and Xue'er would definitely release poison in the morning."

"Fortunately, I was prepared! Watching Yaoyao eat is delicious."

"Actually, I didn't come to see the game, I just came to eat."

"I still need to watch the cr game? Going to sleep and waking up is another victory."

"Is it worth watching the first round of CR? The possibility of being let down by the second to chase the third is greater than the possibility of losing the first round."

"It's true what you said. I remember watching a bronze class two days ago. CR's winning rate in the first round of BO5 in the past two years is [-]%. It's too scary."

"I can't do it anymore. I'll order something outside. I'm starving to death."

"I just said that I can't come to Yaoyao's live broadcast room in the early days! I'll go make a bowl of noodles."


Fang Xuening enjoyed eating somewhat, the main reason is that the ingredients are really good, but the ingredients are only part of it, and the other part is that she was a little bit lost when she just woke up, and she was even a little sleepy at this time, and she really couldn't cheer up Eat so fast.

Then the two of them ate two rounds as soon as they ate... Two pots of rice soup were boiled, and the rice below was almost fused with the rice soup in the pot.

The flavors of various meat, seafood, and vegetables are also incorporated into the rice soup. Anyway... Fang Xuening enjoys it when drinking it, and even drinks it with his eyes closed. It feels like his soul is out of his body.

"Ah... I'm full." Fang Xuening touched her belly, then turned around and patted Li Shuyao who was next to her, and said, "It's your fault, I ate so much in the past two mornings."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Who told you to eat so much, good guy, you can eat endlessly.

But as a result, it is really time-consuming to eat this thing, and I don’t feel hungry and full, and I often feel full after eating.

Well, it seems that we still need to eat less hot pot in the future, it's so delicious that I can't control it.

It's better to eat more barbecue, and a few pieces of meat will be passed by the lake.

"You go ahead and eat, I'll go for a walk." Fang Xuening yawned and rubbed her eyes: "It's two to zero, so I must have won."

"I'm not sure, let's see." Li Shuyao didn't dare to put a flag on herself, but Fang Xuening didn't seem to have any concerns in this regard. Basically, there was no time when what she said was reversed.

So many times she always felt that that ruthless big hand was somewhat partial to Fang Xuening, and she was somewhat confused, shouldn't she be the protagonist?

what is this?
Is it because of white hair?
Simply incomprehensible!
Forget it, you can't argue with others, who let them be the mastermind behind the scenes.

"After winning this set, we have directly won three match points. As we all know, on the stage of the final finals of the S game, there has never been a second to chase a third, but the previous quarterfinals have appeared. But never here in the end."

"So purely from the data point of view, CR's chances of winning are very high. However, we still can't take it lightly. After all, the opponent is also on the edge of a cliff, and he must go all out. Maybe he will come up with some black technology. , so wow, still be cautious wow."

In fact, at this moment, Li Shuyao felt that she had stabilized. With a high probability of [-]-[-], at most [-]-[-], she could win the game. After the opponent lost two games in a row, there was already a problem with her mentality.

Even if it really dragged on to the fifth game, with the intensity of the game, the physical strength of the five opponents must have started to decline by the fifth game. At this time, the advantage of CR will be reflected.

But these naturally cannot be said, now everyone is popular to question first, don’t poison milk, don’t bloat, even if you want to praise, you have to wait until the results come out before you praise, you can’t talk nonsense in advance.


GN really pulled two rounds in a row, and the two sides fought to a [-]-[-] tie.

To be honest, the barrage is a bit panicky at this time.

There is not much difference in the hard power of the two teams, and the state is basically at the best level, so the speed of the opponent's adjustment is very fast.

The two lost rounds were not like a one-off, but the two sides fought back and forth, trying to find each other's flaws. Although they played for more than 40 minutes, the audience was not bored at all. It was a crazy game, and it almost lost in the end.

"It's a pity. It's a pity to lose these two games, but I believe that cr can adjust quickly. Although they lost these two games, the economy has been biting hard. Both sides are working hard to find each other's flaws. Then the wounds were torn, I haven't seen such an intense game for a long time."

"Also, the loss in these two games has something to do with the opponent's taking out black technology. I was somewhat caught off guard. I made a small mistake in the handling of details. This is normal. I will let it go in the fifth game. Just play, don’t need to think about anything, anyway, it’s the last part, no matter what, it’s definitely a holiday after the fight.”

Li Shuyao was still very confident in the fifth game.

Although the opponent seems to be very aggressive in pulling two rounds in a row, but looking at their faces, it is clear that these four rounds have exhausted their physical strength.

Therefore, the state of these people in the fifth game has been declining.

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