Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 733 1 legends

When the players of both sides came back from the waiting area, they could actually see a clear contrast. Although the players on the gn side said that they had rested, their faces were still a little tired. They played the game for more than four hours in a row. It's still that kind of high-intensity duel, and the load is not small for them.

Of course, generally speaking, both sides are similar, big brother, don’t laugh at second brother, I am tired, and you are also tired...

The battle between tired soldiers and tired soldiers is about who can hold their last breath.

But it's different now, your gn is a tired soldier, but my cr is not a tired soldier, especially after cr's end, he played a set of punches slowly under the leadership of Tantai Jingyi...

Then the big guys came to the stage in high spirits.

Even the psychological pressure caused by the two narrow defeats in the previous rounds gradually dissipated in this set of punches. Although it may not be as full as in the first round, the gap between the two is quite obvious.

Listening to the battle song, Li Shuyao also felt a little emotional. Although the battle songs in this world are different from those in the previous life, they are still very shocking.

She didn't really feel anything before, but after playing professionally for a year, she also heard this music on the field, and she felt quite deeply.

"Here it comes, the deciding game between the two sides, let's not eat this game, let's take a good look, this is the most important game of this year, and it is also the last game,"

Li Shuyao was a little excited, and the CR players on the field were also a little excited.

If Li Shuyao was on the court by herself, she might be excited because it was finally over and she could finally go out to play, but she didn't know what they were doing.

"This lineup... looks familiar..."

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, and this time CR actually showed the lineup of last year's champion skins, top laner Sword Fairy, jungler Gunner, mid laner Zuo Yin, ad Aphelios, and support cat.

To say... Actually, this lineup is really not that good.

But when the five skins came out, the audience was still boiling.

This is really the first time, the first time a set of champion skins has been presented on the field.

We must know that heroes who were strong in the past may not be strong in this version, and the skin lineup may not be well matched, even in the year of winning the championship.

After all, this skin is chosen by the players themselves, not directly based on the lineup that won the championship in the last game.

However, this is not without some rationality.

Except for the mid laner Zuo Yin, all other heroes in this version are still good choices, and Zuo Yin is one of Tantai Jingyi's most confident heroes. He even had the title of Tantai Zuo Yin before.

So when this lineup is taken out, it really feels like a combination of sentimentality and practicality.

Not to mention the cheers at the scene, the barrage also boiled together, especially when the official page was released to read the article, the moment the five ink paintings with signatures were drawn, even Li Shuyao felt a little emotional.

Especially looking at the sword girl who held the long sword in her hand and proudly looked down on all beings, and the three letters "yao" in the signature, to be honest, I really miss it a bit.

Some things are like this, when you are in it, you will be tired and bored, but when you really jump out, you will miss it.

Maybe it's because you always see the shortcomings when you are in it, but all you miss after you come out are the advantages.

Or maybe when the human brain is making up the brain, it will always make up those beautiful things.

I don't know if there is a skin bonus. From the beginning of this round, the five cr players seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they launched a crazy suppression during the laning period.

Xiao Ye seemed to have awakened the blood of last year, and she and Jing Yi frantically grabbed it, and even scratched the opponent's top laner.

Crazy online suppression was launched, and an economic advantage of about 10 was obtained in about 4000 minutes.

At this time, no one doubted that cr would not win this game.

Li Shuyao was actually a little silent at this time, she didn't explain as passionately as she did in the previous games, she just stared blankly at the scene of the game.

Fang Xuening heard that there was no sound in the room, but when she came out, she saw Li Shuyao looking up at the big screen with a complicated expression.

What's in it?

Perhaps there are memories, gratification, longing, and nostalgia...

At this time, all the doubts in the barrage are gone, and only confidence is left:

"That morning, Yaoyao looked at Xiaohui galloping on the field with her own skin, and her eyes were full of her appearance back then."

"This CR really smells like last year's CR."

"It's back, it's all back."

"That's right, this is the invincible cr."

"God knows how excited I am to see a full skin lineup."

"I just jumped up in the living room with my wife in my arms."

"CR will win!"

"I believe this cr is bound to win the championship."

"Cr cow beer!"

"Cr Chong Duck!"

"I cry Liao, I really cry Liao."


"Brothers, I was at the scene, and many people cried."

"My voice is hoarse."


I am afraid that only those who have accompanied CR all the way through what it means to the audience of LPL to really understand what CR has been in the past two years.

When there were three lck teams in the semi-finals, when facing the strongest lck in the final, it was cr who stood up again and again and won the final game, scored victories for lpl again and again, and won back one Another glory.

It can be said that at this point, CR has become a legend, a belief.

Even after this World Championship, some people may leave CR, some people may decline in status, and other teams may come from behind, but no matter how the latecomers change, these two full years of absolute dominance are enough to make countless people fascinated.

Li Shuyao did not speak, but called out the voice of explanation. At this moment, she seemed to be an ordinary audience, leaning on the chair and quietly watching the five ninjas who were about to push towards the opponent's crystal, her eyes sparkling.

"Push! Push! Push! It's enough to demolish the tower at this time, don't worry about that pig girl!"

The roar of commentary surrounds the live broadcast room:
"In the face of two consecutive defeats, some people doubted and some people panicked, but when the 5 skins appeared, all doubts and fears disappeared. At this moment, we seemed to see last year's invincible cr standing again. on the stage of the world."

"Yes, compared to last year, this year's CR has not gone smoothly. Yaoyao's retirement is a heavy blow to CR, but fortunately everything has come through. They tell the truth with one victory after another. We, cr is the world's number one team, lpl is the world's number one division, these six people are still the best six people in the world, at this time, I believe that Yaoyao is also sitting in front of the live broadcast and watching the game, I believe that the pair The crazy performance during this period is the best answer to Yaoyao's special training."

"Break it down!"

"Push the tower, push the tower!"

"Wow...we are the champions!"

"Congratulations to cr for winning the League of Legends s12 championship!"

"A successful defending champion! All champions for two consecutive years, what is dominance, this is dominance!"

"Welcome to the dynasty that belongs to cr!"

"CR created their own legend. I believe that no matter when, this glorious period will be celebrated by all LPL audiences."


Listening to the excited words of the commentators, Li Shuyao exhaled lightly, and a relieved smile curled up on the corner of her mouth.

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