Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 74 Live Streaming First Experience

Chapter 74 Live Streaming First Experience

Lu Yao thought about the fact that Li Shuyao would be nervous. This is normal. Everyone is nervous for the first live broadcast. Not everyone can be calm under the gaze of others. Most of the people who can hold the scene are basically battle-tested. Or just born with a big heart.

There are very few people who are born with a big heart. Most people grow up gradually after repeated trials. People are very interesting creatures, because people always represent infinite growth. Even the elderly, who can It is said that there must be no hope, and there are many people who are late bloomers.

Lu Yao knows that Li Shuyao has made a lot of videos, but shooting videos and launching live broadcasts are two different things. Some big ups were very nervous at the beginning of live broadcasting, and some big ups even accepted the direct support of fans because they had not experienced the precipitation in the early stage. Then it floated away...

This person is outspoken when he gets off the ground. Sometimes he doesn’t mean it, but he speaks out on impulse. There is no editing in the live broadcast. The more popular you are, the more people will stare at you. There is a huge rhythm being brought up.

That's basically the end of it.

So Li Shuyao still has a long way to go, and she still has a lot to learn. In this first lesson, Lu Yao first asked her to practice her courage, and then slowly taught her.

"Okay, it's almost done, ready to start the live broadcast." Lu Yao has almost adjusted the equipment: "By the way, Xue Ning, did you announce it before?"

"Not yet." Fang Xuening grinned a little embarrassedly: "I had so much fun just now, I forgot about it..."

For Fang Xuening, this is also the first time for her to make barbecue by herself. She used to watch videos or go out to eat directly, so making barbecue skewers by herself this time is very novel to her.

Then, as soon as she got excited, she forgot...

"It's okay, if you don't make an announcement, not many people will come at first, let Yaoyao get used to it." Lu Yao said with a smile: "We are both Yaoyao, so I am a little uncomfortable."

"Why don't you divide them into big and small Yao?" Tantai Jingyi pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Da Yaoyao is Miss Lu, and Xiao Yaoyao is Li Shuyao, how about it?"

"Okay, okay, haha." Fang Xuening laughed haha.

"Okay, okay, haha..." Lu Yao also laughed haha.

"..." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, feeling tired...

"Ready, let's start." Lu Yao said and started the live broadcast. When it started, there were not many people coming. After all, this is not the time for Fang Xuening's live broadcast, and she did not notify in advance...

Li Shuyao was a little nervous all of a sudden, she didn't even know the potatoes had been chopped off, so she looked at the potatoes in her hand for a while, and looked at the phone in front of her for a while.

She wanted to see it but was a little afraid to watch it, and she didn't dare to speak. In other words, she had a lot of things to say in her mind, but she couldn't say them when she reached her mouth.

Before, she wanted to say, isn’t it just a live broadcast? She hasn’t watched the pig run or eaten pork. She usually watches the live broadcast, and has seen Fang Xuening’s live broadcast, and even walked around in Fang Xuening’s live broadcast room Pass.

But when the camera was pointed at her, she was still a little speechless.

Perhaps it is really like what Lu Yao said, many small anchors were speechless at first, but after a long live broadcast, they gradually began to learn to communicate, and those who did not learn were eliminated.

After a while, the number of people gradually increased, and the barrage also floated up:

"I'll go, Xiaoxuexue even broadcast it secretly, and I caught her!"

"Hey, what's the situation today? Outdoors?"

"Hey, this tent is so cute."

"I seem to have seen my family's Yaoyao. I mean, does Tranquility Xue live in Yaoyao's house?"

"Wait, is that Jingyi who wears strings with Xiaoxuexue? Is it Jingyi from CR?"

"I can see that this is an outdoor barbecue."


Fang Xuening saw a lot of people came in the live broadcast room, and smiled to the live broadcast room with the meat skewers in his hand: "Today we will have a small barbecue party in the backyard of Yaoyao's house, haha, envy."

"We haven't started yet, it's just the preparation stage, now we're going to process the ingredients, and we'll start later."

"Who is next to you? Who are you talking about? You didn't see it." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "It's your little Yaoyao who is cutting meat over there. It's the first time this guy officially Appearing in front of the live broadcast room, I was nervous."

"Who's nervous...I'm just chopping vegetables!" Li Shuyao stared, and then brought over a small pot of chopped meat: "Hey, go ahead and wear it."

"Haha, look, look, she's shy..." Fang Xuening laughed.

Tantai Jingyi smiled and shook her head, then went to the side and brought some iron drills. This time they used all iron drills, which can be recycled. Environmental protection starts from you and me!

"Yaoyao, adjust some sauce and marinate the meat a little bit, it will taste better when it's grilled later." Tantai Jingyi picked her chin.

"Oh... ok." Li Shuyao nodded, brought a bunch of seasonings over, and began to prepare the sauce in a small meat basin, then grabbed the meat with disposable gloves.

"Hohohoho, it looks like Yaoyao knows how to cook."

"This method seems quite skilled."

"A good wife and mother, you are indeed my family's rumor."

"Student Xiaoxuexue, hurry up and learn from other people's rumors."

"I want to go to a barbecue party, it looks so good."

"Is this in my backyard? That's too bad."

"By the way, are you going to sleep outside in a tent tonight?"

"I didn't expect Jingyi to be here, Sanhoe was ecstatic."

"Hey, my favorite e-sports player is having a barbecue with my wife at my favorite anchor's house. Absolutely, three times as happy."

"Jingyi, don't be sad, come back next year."

"We can see Jingyi anywhere, except her own live broadcast room..."


At this time, the major fan groups had already started to tell each other. Li Shuyao's, Fang Xuening's, and Tantai Jingyi's were all notifying each other. Soon there were more bullet screens, and their popularity gradually soared.

What Lu Yao thought was right before, all three of them have a certain amount of traffic, and their popularity will increase soon after the live broadcast...

Lu Yao looked at Li Shuyao, who was much calmer as she was preparing the ingredients.

Lu Yao nodded lightly. It seems that she is gradually able to control this first live broadcast, and her adaptability is also very good.

That's right, after all, she is a singing contestant, and she will definitely perform on stage in the future. Among other things, she may be invited to the New Year's Eve party and New Year's greetings at Station B.

Well, it's possible, not certain. After all, Li Shuyao is still a newcomer at present, but if he signs a contract, the chances are quite high.

With the urine nature of station B, it is possible to directly give you an outdoor performance on the street, but it will not work if you are nervous.

Gradually, Li Shuyao's hands no longer tremble when cutting vegetables, and the sliced ​​potatoes and sweet potatoes are also normal. The set of movements of picking and cutting vegetables is smooth and smooth, and the movements of cutting and marinating meat are also very smooth. Just cooked.

Relatively speaking, the two people wearing strings next to each other have nothing to do with gold...

"I see someone is asking Yaoyao if she can cook. Of course Yaoyao can cook. She cooks for our usual meals." Fang Xuening said while wearing the skewers: "Her cooking skills, It wasn't very good before, but it seems to have worked out recently, and it looks pretty good now, haha, next time I will let her cook for you on a live broadcast."

 Daily Poetry Appreciation:


  A glass of wine with a new word, an old pavilion in the weather last year. When does the sunset go back?

  There is no choice but to let the flowers fall, and it seems that Yan once returned. Small garden fragrant path wandering alone.

  Among the many poets in the Northern Song Dynasty, Yan Shu should be regarded as the most stable one. He didn't have any ups and downs, and he didn't experience any country's demise. He was active in the most stable Song Renzong period and was also a high-ranking official.

  The feeling of time and space interlaced in this poem is wonderful, and it has a sense of pictures when you carefully understand it, and there is a feeling of traveling in time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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