Chapter 75

In terms of interaction, Fang Xuening is mainly interacting with the live broadcast room. After all, this is someone else's live broadcast room. Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi are guest stars, and they rarely communicate with the audience in the live broadcast room.

It's also because they are preparing things now, so both of them have something to do, and passed the slightly embarrassing time in the early stage very smoothly.

Lu Yao would occasionally make a few words to express his presence. Generally speaking, the atmosphere was not too enthusiastic, a little dull, but very stable.

This is a very good start for Li Shuyao who participated in the live broadcast for the first time.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened, and Lu Yao turned on the lights that he had prepared before. In addition to the supplementary lights, there were also some small colorful lights hanging on the tent.

Li Shuyao also moved out a small speaker, and played some music beside it, which was not too loud, and filled some gaps.

Lu Yao has prepared a lot of ingredients. Besides meat and vegetables, there are also some seafood. These things can't be stored for too long, so I'm going to roast them together and eat them today!
Seeing a plate of meat, a plate of vegetable staples, and a plate of seafood on the long table, the four nodded in satisfaction. After two hours of hard work, it was finally time to start!

Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening, and Tantai Jingyi are sitting behind the grill, with the ingredients next to them. The three of them are preparing to grill and live broadcast while facing their mobile phones. An arm stretches out from time to time...

Fang Xuening took a few skewers of squid and prawns and put them on the grill and said happily:

"It's grilling, it's grilling... Today we will have an outdoor barbecue live broadcast. Today is a small gathering for our three sisters and my sister Lu. It's also a small preview for everyone."

After finishing speaking, Fang Xuening glanced at Li Shuyao.

I didn't say before that one is not officially started, it is considered as the preparation stage, and the other is to give Li Shuyao a period of preparation, let her get used to it, don't stutter as soon as she speaks, it seems that the result of the adaptation is still good.

Li Shuyao also took two skewers of meat and baked a bunch of small pancakes on the stove, doing it herself, and having enough food and clothing!

"Well, I'm planning to start a live broadcast after a while. The content of the live broadcast will definitely include music, and there will also be games... tentatively, there will be a part of League of Legends, and there will also be some stand-alone games , The part of the online game, generally speaking, it will be relatively casual, let me tell you first, when the time comes, I will make a notice in my feed."

Tantai Jingyi also took two skewers of meat and grilled them while laughing: "Oh, yes, she said that she is currently a Hanbok diamond, and she will become the master king in minutes. Let's see her level together when she starts the live broadcast."

"Okay, I'll be the top order." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "Wait for me to carry you."

"Tsk tsk, okay, if you become the king, I'll take you to play professionally." Tantai Jingyi smiled.

"It's settled, maybe next year I will be on your CR's big list."

"Blow it and you will."


The three of you started chatting, eating and broadcasting mode one by one, and interacted with the barrage from time to time, answering questions about the barrage and so on.

At first Li Shuyao was quite nervous, but gradually she let go of it completely. There will always be people asking all kinds of questions in the barrage, so for her, she only needs to answer the questions, and she doesn’t need to think about what to do. what.

"Come on, come on, I'll teach you my secret garlic sauce, which is specially made for garlic vermicelli. When the time comes, let's put it directly on top of the oysters and scallops, and roast it directly. Tsk tsk, I said it all Drooling."

Li Shuyao picked up the kitchen knife and began to chop garlic. Fang Xuening originally wanted to remind her that she could use some small machines, but she saw her hand under the light...

Well, it's better not to disturb her at this time, it will be bad if this guy makes a mistake.

Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows when she saw the speed of her hand, she had to say, it was really fast, maybe she really had two brushes, and she was still young...

However, if you want to play professionally now, you have to start from the secondary league. If you are really strong... maybe there will be a player who is mentioned in the first team.

(It is set in the novel, as long as you have stayed in the secondary league, you can mention the top league.)
Tantai Jingyi shook her head with a smile, how could it be possible.

The sky was completely dark, and the bright moon hung in the sky, shining brightly with the stars next to it. Li Shuyao was lying on the chair and silently looking at the sky, and Tantai Jingyi was also lying beside her, but Fang Xuening The guy got a guitar and was playing and singing.

At this moment, Li Shuyao's heart was very peaceful, the sound of playing and singing seemed far away, yet seemed to be right beside her.

"Huh..." Li Shuyao let out a long breath, revealing a sense of relaxation and naturalness from the inside out.

This kind of life is really good.

"The moon and stars are thin, and the crow flies south..." Li Shuyao said with a light smile.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Tantai Jingyi raised her head and looked at Li Shuyao beside her.

"Mate with fish and shrimp and be friends with elk, drive a flat boat with a leaf, hold a bottle of gourd as a family..." Li Shuyao lay on the chair, and suddenly began to recite poems unsteadily: "I mourn the moment of my life, and envy the infinity of the Yangtze River .According to the flying fairy to travel, holding the bright moon to die..."

"Chibi Fu?" Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes.

"Only the cool breeze on the river and the bright moon in the mountains, the ear hears it and becomes the sound, the eye meets it and makes the color, they are inexhaustible, they are the creator's endless treasure!" Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"You haven't memorized everything." Fang Xuening put down the guitar, turned to look at Li Shuyao.

"Haha, never mind. Poems are meant to express ambition. I can recite as much as I want. I will discard any line that doesn't fit my current state of mind. I just like these lines, and I just want to recite these lines." , how free and easy, how natural."

Li Shuyao laughed and jumped up, picked up the guitar that Fang Xuening had put down, held it in her arms and played a few times, and then soft and beautiful melodies came out of the guitar:
"When will the bright moon come? Ask about the wine..."

Li Shuyao softly sang this song, which in her opinion is the most perfect combination of pop music and classical poetry. This song is originally a classic among classics, and this melody is even more ethereal with some pursuit.

It seems that there is a fairy who has crossed time and space and roamed heartily above the faint heavenly palace.

It seems that thoughts are constantly rising into the sky along with the melody and the poems!

lift off...

But people are not immortals who are carefree and carefree. People will have emotions and desires, and there will be sorrows and thoughts of parting. side.

"Nung, moon and new moon……"

Li Shuyao gently strummed the guitar, and took a long breath. This is an infinite imagination of the future and a long remembrance of the past.

Nung, moon and new moon.

This thousand miles spans time and space.

Lu Yao stared blankly at Li Shuyao who was holding the guitar, this... This is another song?

Although it is said that the lyrics were written by Su Shi, I have never heard this song before, so it fits so well!
God, this song is sure to be a hit!
It is not only the well-known fire, but also the fire of cultural inheritance!

 The poems are really beautiful~
(End of this chapter)

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