Chapter 745
Silver coin was still very happy to receive Li Shuyao's call. After the meal was over, he held his phone in a daze: "Wait a minute, what did she just say? Fight with CR?"

"When you were talking to him just now, you laughed like a monkey's ass, and you don't even remember what he said?" Xiaoyou pinched her waist and stared beside her.

"Oh, my wife, don't be angry, I'm talking about work with my colleagues." Yin Coin hurried over to post with Xiaoyou, pregnant girls must not be angry, and they should still have a hippie smile.

"Then tell me, what did they tell you just now?" Xiaoyou said with a smile.

" seems to be want to fight with us. Oh, I am a law-abiding person, how can I fight with others." The silver coins continued to post.

"They clearly said that their old CR will form a team to play against you the night after tomorrow." Xiaoyou said helplessly: "At that time, you have to form a stronger team, so don't let others push you."

"It seems to be the case." Yin Coin nodded: "Fuck, last year's CR?"

"Yes, old CR." Xiaoyou said.

"Hiss... When I said that the old CR felt like the gang who retired, I forgot it was the gang from last year, what the hell... Didn't this gang just win the championship? Li Shuyao is the only one who retired, but this person seems to be more Those who haven't retired are still amazing."

The silver coin smashed his mouth:

"No, I have to find some more powerful players, or we will be blasted."

"Probably not, it shouldn't be so serious if you play an entertainment game." Yin Coin scratched his head: "Could it be that if I was beaten up in the regular season, I would also be beaten up in the entertainment game."

Yin Coin is a little speechless, he is still an active professional player, of course, he is one of the professional players who do a good job in live broadcasting, but he is still a player.

In the past two years, he has met CR in the arena, and he has played against the whole team. The winning rate is not completely zero, but he is the mid laner of the team that was beaten by CR twice in the finals last year. , just transferred this year.

So the fear of being dominated by CR still exists.

But like he said, although his so-called LBL always advertises the official game, it is still far from the official game after all. It is just for the audience to try something new. When there is no game, the quality of the live broadcast is indeed high. .

But compared to the whole CR team...

It seems that no one can beat it.

Not to mention that he is now the most powerful in the world.

Don't think that changing Xiaohui to Yaoyao will make you weaker, on the contrary, you will be stronger. If you don't believe me, go ask Xiaohui if you dare to play against Yaoyao.


CR has just won the championship, if they can really fight against them, then it will really... explode in popularity.

So no matter whether you are being abused or not, you have to accept this!

Moreover, his original intention of doing this is not only for popularity and traffic, but also for newcomers.

"I have to hurry up to form a team." Yinbi realized that this confrontation with the old CR was not only full of traffic and popularity, but also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for newcomers.

Whether it is training yourself or taking the opportunity to become famous, it is a good opportunity. If you can perform well here, I am afraid that you will be noticed immediately.

Among other things, as long as the wind is released, the people who contact him can call from morning to night, and maybe even some club executives will intervene.

Before when Yaoyao was around, some people greeted him and arranged for his team's top laner to meet Li Shuyao, but now the whole CR team is here...

I'm afraid many people can't wait to replace him as a mid laner.

"Go." Xiaoyou nodded. This is a great opportunity and a great challenge for Yincoin, because it will inevitably attract countless eyes. If it is not handled well, it will cause some black spots , I'm afraid it will be hacked on the hot search again.

Silver coin quickly posted the matter in the small group that organized this LBL, and then the group was blown up.

"Damn it? Brother Yinbi, you can do it, and you even got an appointment with the old CR team."

"6666, silver coin brother cow wow."

"I want to play, haha."

"Let me play two, and let me experience what it's like to line up with the world champion."

"Didn't you face the world champion before?"

"Oh, that's past the peak period, and his support is not very good. With the bag of Totoro and coffee beans, the pressure must be high."

"Is it a recreational match or a serious match? No one can beat a serious match."

"It must be an entertainment game, whoever has played seriously."

"I think, in fact, we can experience a few of their serious models. Many of us have no chance to fight against the complete and peak world champion team."

"Really? If CR plays seriously, our teenagers will have to shoot 15 shots. What should we do if we lose confidence in the fight?"

"If you want to play the main force in LPL, you will definitely meet CR. If you dare not play, then why do you want to play?"

"It's true, but at this time, if you let those little substitutes directly touch CR, it's not like you just met the big devil just after leaving the Novice Village. You really have it."

"What did Brother Yinbi say?"

The silver coin thought for a while and typed:

"Yaoyao told me that they might play for a few more days this time. Basically, CR was full for the first two days, and some people might want to take a break later on. They also need to make up time."

"I think if this is the case, we can give newcomers more opportunities to perform on stage, sign up for themselves, and then screen them. If you don't have the courage to come, forget it, and don't sneak in to advertise."


"Don't worry, I've been fighting for so long, I've figured it out a long time ago."


The next day, after Yinbi and Li Shuyao had a good discussion, LBL's official Weibo announced the news... Yes, even though it was said to be working, but they really registered an official Weibo, and they worked on the hour every day It's also very interesting.

In addition, they post battle posters every day, and then announce the lineups of the two sides, not to mention, occasionally they can be popular.

So when the poster of the old CR appeared on LBL's official blog, everyone was a little excited.

This poster is the poster of the 11 people when CR went to S6 last year, and the silver coins are among the five people on the other side, and the others are all to be determined, and then the time is announced.

Originally CR was the focus at this time, and LBL is one of the current top streamers in LPL besides CR. The combination of the two immediately ignited the topic on Weibo:

"Really or not? Silver Coin Cow Beer!"

"Silver coins are brave."

"Isn't this blasted?"

"I'm crying for Liao, the old CR will meet again!"

"Although I can't see Yaoyao playing games anymore, it still feels the same."

"It shouldn't be too serious. If it is really serious, it may not be really interesting to watch, it will be one-sided."

"I hope there will be a serious mode, not all entertainment mode, let's see how big the gap is."

"I feel like I'm looking forward to it all of a sudden. I don't know how many days I can play."

"Haha, I feel that they are blessed with silver coins. Haha, is this an early training match?"

"Will all CR members broadcast live? Happiness came so suddenly."

"Is it such a dreamy lineup? But why are all silver coins waiting to be determined except him?"


 The time span of my dream last night was really huge. I should be an innate creature with a sword, basically the strongest in the world, but my personality is rather eccentric, and I established an ancient force with a certain boss. The position in that force is detached, and many tall buildings that seem to be wonders have been built... Then, after a thousand years, the people of that year have long since died, and I am still here, watching the changes of things and people after a thousand years...

  There are so many gorgeous battles in the dream, the kind of sword energy that penetrates the sky and the earth, and fighting among the towers that are as tall as the clouds, it's really cool...

(End of this chapter)

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