Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 746 Getting ready to fight

Chapter 746 Getting ready to fight

Even after half a month, the lpl audience's enthusiasm for CR still hasn't subsided. During this period of time, CR's official blog is really marketing every day. Today's advertisement and tomorrow's advertisement, there are still many comments below.

People have won for two years, when is it not marketing at this time.

So everyone can accept it, and even hope to do more marketing, give more money to the players, and thank them for bringing so many victories.

This is how competition is like, the winner takes all, you can say whatever you win, and you can cover up all your shortcomings, and the problem of being picked on by others is no longer a problem.

But if you lose, people may accuse you of extravagance after you have a meal.

Don't think that traditional competitive sports will be much better than the emerging e-sports. When you lost with Yingying, there was everything in the bar.

This time the battle between the old CR and LBL is naturally considered by everyone as a marketing. After all, before the start of the World Championship, the popularity of LBL was very high. At that time, many retired combinations appeared, let everyone live together An addiction.

The appearance of these old CRs hit the hearts of many viewers. In the last game of the finals, the full-skinned lineup made many viewers miss the old CRs from last year.

Li Shuyao hadn't broadcast live for the past two days, so at night, basically everyone flooded into the live broadcast room of Silver Coins.

"Oh, it's true that we're going to fight the old CR. Haven't they already announced it, that is, the top laner is Yaoyao, the jungler is Xiaoye, the middle lane is Jingyi, and the bottom lane is Totoro and Coffee Bean. Yes, they originally thought Let Xiao Hui come to our side to place an order, but Xiao Hui won't do it."

While waiting for the team to gather over there, Silver Coin interacted with the audience in the live broadcast room with a somewhat strange accent:
"Haha, why don't you do it? Then you can go on your own. I went to ask myself. I asked Xiao Hui personally. Xiao Hui said he didn't dare to play against Yaoyao...Ahahaha, no, no, it's a chance. Give it to more people, haha..."

Immediately, a series of question marks appeared in the bullet screen:

"666, brother Yinbi is good at offending people, haha."

"Little Hui's current state can't beat Yaoyao, right?"

"Haha, you don't understand, Yaoyao suppresses Xiao Hui's bloodline."

"Xiao Hui must have a shadow on Yaoyao."

"It is said that he was blasted during the World Championships."

"Little Hui also said in the fan group two days ago that it was indeed blasted by Yaoyao in the training match."

"Low EQ: Xiaohui dare not face Yaoyao, high EQ: give the opportunity to more people."

"I don't believe it, unless you let Xiaohui face Yaoyao once!"

"I can tell, it's a little black powder."


Yin Coin had indeed contacted Xiao Hui, after all five people over there were on board, could he come here or something.

As a result, Xiao Hui directly said that he didn't want to line up with Li Shuyao, and then said that he just wanted an OB position, even if there were not enough people at that time, he would not go to line up with Li Shuyao.

So what is it that you don't want to line up, obviously you don't dare to line up.

Yinbi also understands that he has been playing with Li Shuyao for a long time. Of course, Li Shuyao is basically his teammate, and then he can hug his thigh.

Anyway, Li Shuyao is responsible for winning, he is responsible for the effect of the show.

He also asked the players who had played against Yaoyao, no matter how strong or weak they were, they basically used horror to describe them...

Of course, except for entertainment games.

Anyway, as long as it is played seriously, basically every hand can be threaded.

Later, Huang Ren didn't really want to play with Li Shuyao anymore, it was too smooth, and he didn't feel like training himself at all. He didn't think he would be able to have such a good top laner after playing in the LPL.

So he occasionally jumped to the opposite side.

Sure enough, I felt a huge pressure in an instant...

"It's almost like this. Xiao Hui may be in OB, he may appear on our side, or he may appear on the opposite side, but he won't match up with Yaoyao, haha, he said it himself, why am I in the black He, ha ha."

Silver coin said to the barrage with a smile:
"When the time comes when he broadcasts live, why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Our team is not sure. Yes, many people are contacting us now. We may arrange some more players to come up and play."

"Don't worry, it will definitely not be commercialized. We will definitely not accept advertisements or anything. We will definitely review it carefully. The previous incident will definitely not happen again."

What he was talking about was the incident where a female anchor was getting popular. He thought it was a friend who took her to play with her, but she just played an advertisement in the live broadcast room for half an hour. .

This time the heat was almost unprecedented, perhaps second only to the professional league. Someone even from the official came to greet him and told him to be cautious. If he felt that it was not going well, they could help.

This is because everyone regards this as a more formal game.

To be honest, this is actually a bit beyond his original idea. At the beginning, he just thought that there would be no games during the offseason. He relied on his contacts to attract some players to play. Players who don't get a chance to play get to show their faces or something.

Now it's getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, he even felt a little bit of official pressure.

"Come on, come on, let's go..."

The people on both sides have expired, and the silver coins have also started to be traded. Although it is said that CR will be traded in the future, it is still necessary to trade in these two days.

And although he plans to arrange more people to play, he still plans to form a team that they have played for the longest time, and meet CR to see where the gap is.


Soon it was the night when the game officially started. In fact, not only the audience and the silver coin team, but also the CR team were very excited.

The doors of Li Shuyao's and Tantai Jingyi's rooms were both open, and they could hear them even without a headset.

Xiaohong and Shuping squatted behind Li Shuyao, while Brother Gou squatted behind Tantai Jingyi.

Brother Gou and Jingyi are still very emotional. Jingyi has been by her side for the past two days since she came back, talking to her wow wow wow.

Fan Sheng has a bit of a cat-crazy personality now, seeing that there are too many people in the family, he is very lively, running back and forth between the two rooms.

Speaking of which, when Jingyi first came back, Fansheng was still a little skeptical, and almost got into a fight with Jingyi... But under Brother Gou's education, Fansheng immediately expressed his approval of Jingyi, and quickly became familiar with her.


Li Shuyao felt that Fan Sheng was a bit cheeky.

For example, when she turns her head now, she sees this guy running over with his tongue flicking. After seeing her, he meows happily, then turns around and runs away...

"I always feel that this thing looks a bit like a dog, did it have the wrong birth?" Fang Xuening was a little speechless lying on the bed.

"Isn't it normal for Brother Gou's child to look like a dog?" Lu Yao sat beside her and smiled.

"I said, are you two just lying here?" Li Shuyao said helplessly.



"Why else?"

Li Shuyao: "..."

Okay, why is Fansheng so excited today? There are indeed a lot of people, how lively the crowd is. Lu Yao is not busy today, so he just came back.

The main thing is... there are a lot of teams helping with the operation today, so Lu Yao is relieved...

(End of this chapter)

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