Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 747 She Really Changed Many People

Chapter 747 She Really Changed Many People ([-])

After these two days of fermentation, the old CR's fight against LBL has basically spread throughout the circle, not only domestically, but many foreign fans have also paid attention.

After all, the World Championship has already been played, and there are not many games for everyone to watch. At this time, it is really interesting to have a game that is second only to the professional league.

There are many people watching the official commentary cup, not to mention that this level is much higher than the commentary cup.

Moreover, this is the first broadcast of CR's return after winning the championship. Many people have paid attention to it. After doing this, the attention has directly exploded. To a certain extent, it may be higher than the next domestic e-sports competition.

So now, on the surface, this live broadcast is still a game between a few people from the old CR and a few people from the Silver Coin Organization, but in fact it has been taken over by the official.

In addition to the official, the CR club and the major live broadcast platforms involved have also participated...

"So... the game has changed since the start?" Zhen Dahong's wife, Chu Xia, leaned on him and looked at Li Shuyao on the big screen in front of him.

"It doesn't matter if the taste changes. Everyone has a lot of experience, so it won't leak out. Everyone knows what the audience likes to watch, and they won't forcefully add dramas. The live broadcast platform needs popularity and traffic, and the official must maintain stability. , to maintain the image of CR, the CR club has both sides."

Zhen Dahong patted Chu Xia on the shoulder and said proudly:

"Your husband and I got involved in it, hehe, one of those live streaming platforms is ours."

"Really? But I remember that CR's team members and silver coins are not broadcast live on our platform." Chu Xia asked a little puzzled.

"It's true that they're not there, but a few of the silver coin team are with me, and I've got an OB position, so I can still hang around."

Zhen Dahong smiled and said:
"And the overseas version of our platform will also have OB live broadcasts, and then we will meet overseas audiences. How about it, your husband and I are amazing."

"Yes yes yes, it's amazing." Chu Xia gave Zhen Dahong a coquettish look, and she was actually grateful when she saw Li Shuyao on the big screen.

Two years ago, Zhen Dahong and Chu Xia's marriage was actually in crisis. The relationship between the two became more and more dull, and even began to loathe each other.

Relationships need to be managed, and the laziness of both parties will lead to the collapse of the relationship.

They were on the verge of collapse.


It seems that the appearance of Li Shuyao let Zhen Dahong know the value of family, not only took time out to spend time with himself and the children, but also started to manage this relationship again, and even cook by herself, although the taste is hard to describe, but she was still very moved.

The child smiles more every day now, and was successfully admitted to a 985 university a while ago, not the kind that Zhen Dahong spends money on, and the family is particularly harmonious.

Although she didn't know exactly how Zhen Dahong changed his mind, she didn't care much, she just felt very happy now.

No, although there is still a master bedroom and a master bedroom at home, the two have gradually lived together, and the master bedroom is now more of Zhen Dahong's dressing room.

She didn't watch the game very much at first, maybe because she was curious about Li Shuyao, she gradually started to pay attention to Li Shuyao, from the video to the live broadcast.

Perhaps Zhen Dahong didn't even know that his wife was still quietly lurking in Li Shuyao's housing management group.

"It's hard to imagine that such a feast was created spontaneously by so few young people." Zhen Dahong looked at Li Shuyao who was laughing and communicating with his teammates on the screen and sighed.

"Isn't this an official event?" Chu Xia asked.

"No, it's because the momentum is getting bigger and bigger. The officials came out to help because they were afraid that Yaoyao and the others would not be able to hold on. But this is also a good thing for the alliance. It can increase the popularity of games and competitions. They are also happy to see it. It's done."

Zhen Dahong said:
"I don't know how many people are working overtime for them today."

"Then why don't you work overtime?" Chu Xia laughed.

"Isn't there Wang Li? Why did I bring it up to him? Isn't it because he was with Yaoyao from the beginning? He knows Yaoyao very well and is also a fan of Yaoyao. It's a perfect job for him. " Zhen Dahong said with a smile: "I think back then, he fell asleep in the battle song, and it is still a famous scene."

At this time, Wang Li, who was working overtime in the company, suddenly sneezed...

"You, you have to treat Wang Li better. It's thanks to him that the platform's reputation has improved now." Chu Xia laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm good to him. I've dragged him into Yaoyao's house management group. Do you know that they always send us Yaoyao's peripherals? The peripherals in my house are all It was given by someone else, and I would not be willing to give it to Linlin if I asked for it..."

Zhen Dahong was elated when talking about Yaoyao, but he might not know that Chu Xia gave all the things he didn't give to his daughter.

Anyway, Chu Xia didn't need those things, and her daughter seemed to like Li Shuyao very much, so she gave her daughter all the things he sent.

At that time, he was still a little puzzled, after all, this thing was posted in the housing management group, and he even wondered if his daughter had already entered the housing management group... After checking his daughter's financial situation, he thought it should not be.

Then, he soon cast reasonable doubts on Wang Li. With this guy's character, it is entirely possible to give his beloved surroundings to his daughter.

Hmph, it's too late to flatter!
But pinch, his old Zhen still eats this way, so he handed over the task of promoting CR to classmate Wang Li.

Seeing that you like Li Shuyao so much, right? I'll let you take charge of it. How caring. It not only makes you money, but also lets you take charge of the project of your favorite anchor. Tsk tsk, maybe the operation will be completed, and he will be happy, right? , and send you some peripherals or something.

Besides, if there is overtime pay, Lao Zhen is still very generous with the money.

"Look, I'm good to him. Since he gave our daughter a favorite gift, let's let him be in charge of the favorite project. Hey, I'm so kind."

The kind old classmate Zhen patted Chu Xia's hand on his chest, obviously feeling very satisfied with his arrangement. Since he was destined to work overtime, wouldn't it be a joy to work if he joined the class of his favorite anchor.

Chu Xia opened her mouth. According to her understanding...that Wang Li probably doesn't like Li Shuyao very much.

Because she was actually looking for Wang Li to get to know him at the beginning, although what he said was more tactful, but...she always felt that he had resentment towards Li Shuyao.

As for how this resentment came about, she didn't understand.

"It's started, haha, the first game is a serious game, it must be good-looking, haha, I just don't know how long the silver coin side can last, and there are also 5 LPL players over there, the intensity of this round is direct Well, it feels a bit like a training match."

Zhen Dahong laughed and said:

"I guess, many players are gearing up. Now is the transfer period, and they must all want to show themselves, right. I believe the managers and coaching staff of the major teams may also be paying attention."

"Hohohoho... Yaoyao is still Yaoyao, so fierce, haha, the opponent directly pushed home at the second level, this terrifying pressure..."

 The next few chapters fill in the gaps a little bit

(End of this chapter)

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