Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 748 She Really Changed Many People

Chapter 748 She Really Changed Many People ([-])
At this moment, in Daiying, far away, the former Mr. Clown is eating with a smile and a worker in a certain factory. There is about 8 hours later than here, which happens to be the time for lunch.

At this moment, he wasn't wearing any expensive famous brand, and there was even some dirt on his body, which was the trace left by him moving goods with the dock workers for a week.

After actual communication and contact with the workers, he found that there are indeed some workers whose wages are not low and whose work is relatively easy, but that is actually more hype by the media, and most of these workers are locals.

Some low-level workers are still doing hard work with meager salaries.

And many of these people are not natives.

Are foreigners not human?Although there are not as many immigrants in the United Kingdom as in the United States, there are actually quite a few, and there are even some so-called refugees.

These people do not have any guarantee of life, and their life is still very difficult.

Especially in recent years, Daiying has been going downhill. The new prime minister stepped down at the speed of light after a quick operation, and almost collapsed the economy of Daiying.

Such a sudden convulsion will make it even more difficult for the workers at the bottom.

He doesn't think he can save them. Although his family is quite rich, even throwing all his father in is not enough to fill Daiying's hole.

So the only ones who can save them are themselves.

He knew that those workers who were doing relatively idle work with good wages were actually the direction of his efforts.

During this period of time, he has read a lot of books and learned a lot about history. He knows that the reason why these workers can have relatively good living conditions is not because of some people's good intentions, but because of the existence of that behemoth.

Although the behemoth later fell and disappeared by itself, that's not to say the path was wrong.

He looked at the screen playing on the phone and felt a little emotional. As his guide, Li Shuyao was still struggling, so why didn't he not fight.

In this world, it is precisely because of the struggle of countless people that countless miracles have happened.

He doesn't think he can change the world, but he knows that with the joint efforts of countless people like him, they will certainly be able to change the world.

Moreover, he is not fighting alone in this country. Although the number of people does not seem to be as large as the ruling party, he still found an organization!
They also organized a parade amidst the random operations of the previous prime minister and achieved a major victory!
This also strengthened his ideals and beliefs.

Similarly, he also feels that many things should keep pace with the times. The struggle experience of the older generation can be used for reference but cannot be copied. After all, so many years have passed, and some things are no longer in line with the times.

With the core idea unchanged, each era has its own unique way of struggle!

Just like Li Shuyao, his guide.

Although it seems that what she does has nothing to do with our business, but in this era, it is also a way to expand one's influence through the direction of entertainment, so as to achieve the goal.

And she is also very successful now, her name has some popularity even in foreign countries.

Outside of the League of Legends esports community, there are many people who love her music.

Recently, there are three new episodes of anime that have been released, which have benefited him a lot.

Furthermore, her environment is also very different.

"Hey, you like LOL too?" A little brother next to him said with a smile while looking at the screen on Mr. Clown's phone with a box of lunch.

"Of course." Mr. Clown nodded: "I like player Yao very much."

"Wow wow wow wow..." A black guy next to him put on an exaggerated expression, blinked at him, then bumped into him and smiled: "I know her, big, Hehehe..."


Several little brothers got together and laughed hahaha.

Mr. Clown also smiled. After being in contact for so long, he knew that elegance rarely had anything to do with them. Their most common topic was food, money, and at most some games.

At the beginning, he was a little uncomfortable, but gradually he also discovered the simplicity and authenticity of these people.

These are two different worlds. It cannot be said that it is right or wrong, nor can it be said which is better. It is just a different world.

Sometimes he also thinks, what is the goal of his struggle, is it to bring this world closer to that world?

In fact, he was also confused. Is it really good to blindly pull this group of people into that world?

But he gets it when he gives a hamburger to a starving homeless man and gets him to kneel in thanks.

He will never be able to merge the two worlds, but at least he can make life easier for those living in hell and retain some human dignity.

It's like the country where his leader Li Shuyao lives. I heard that there are no people who are absolutely poor. What a great country this is.

Only in such a country can we cultivate outstanding talents like his leader Li Shuyao.

Seeing that everyone was very interested in Li Shuyao, Mr. Clown also put his mobile phone in the center, and everyone watched the live broadcast while eating.

Although at the beginning everyone was looking at Li Shuyao in the lower right corner, but soon everyone was attracted by the wonderful game operation.

After all, although beautiful women are good-looking, it's not interesting to stare at them all the time. The ever-changing game is still beautiful.

"Yao's strength is so strong. It's a pity to retire. I won't be able to see her in the World Championship."


"I'm looking forward to Yao and Bills playing against each other on the world stage."

"Are you a Bills fan?"

"NO! I want to see how he was beaten violently, hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I looked at his noodle haircut and wanted to punch him."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Mr. Clown laughed and laughed with the group of little buddies, not minding each other's spitting, nor everyone's vulgar language.

Maybe two years ago, he couldn't imagine that he would have such a messy day, but his heart is very peaceful now, he is no longer as restless as before, no longer wearing a clown mask to scare people everywhere, he is doing it for himself ideals.

He is no longer anxious and troubled by the extravagant life every day, he feels that his soul is transforming.

This may sound hypocritical, but it is a true portrayal of him.

He can't choose his family, and it's even more impossible for him to sever ties with his family because of something pure or impure. He loves his family very much and is grateful for the life his family brought him.

But he has loftier ideals, he feels that this does not conflict with his family, even if everything fails, he can go home, which is precisely the reason why he is willing to pursue his ideals.

He has studied that period of history, and he feels that it is admirable for the predecessors to overcome difficulties because they have no retreat, but when they have everything, some people will soon become corrupt and corrupt, which will lead to the final failure.

This is not the failure of the predecessors, but the failure of the era, which failed to achieve the highest ideal.

Perhaps only people who are full of food and have no worries about the ideal can consider implementing it.

This is the law of this era, and it is also the law of the future.

He felt that he could write down his thoughts and experiences as a reference for those who came after him.

Even if it cannot be realized in his generation, it will eventually be realized in the future.

"Wow wow wow wow, Yao five kills..."



(End of this chapter)

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