Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 749 She Really Changed Many People

Chapter 749 She Really Changed Many People ([-])
"I'm back." Ding Jiantuan closed the door, opened his arms and hugged the little girl who rushed into his arms, and then lifted her up at once: "Look what Dad bought for you?"

Ding Jiantuan reached for his pocket, and took out a delicate car from his pocket.

"Wow, it's a car." The little girl waved her hands happily, her big eyes smiling into two crescent moons.

"Come on, give dad a kiss." Ding Jiantuan turned around and brought his cheek closer.

"Huh... um... Dad's beard pricks people." The little girl covered her mouth with a look of disgust.

"Hahaha, let's go play." Ding Jiantuan handed the car in his hand to the little girl and put her down.

"Oh, my little red car, your friend little blue car is here." The little girl ran back to her house holding the car, and then Ding Jiantuan looked at his wife Fang Qi who was smiling gently at him.

"I'm back." Fang Qi smiled.

"Well, I'm back." Ding Jiantuan nodded with a smile.

"Go and eat quickly. The meal is still hot. The girl was hungry before, so let her eat first." Fang Qi said while holding Ding Jiantuan's hand.

"You don't have to wait for me, just eat normally, and work a little more these days, just do a little more." Ding Jiantuan came to the restaurant with a smile.

There are two dishes on the table, and the dishes are also covered with plates, trying to keep some temperature. There are also two empty bowls, and there is a mobile phone next to it, and Li Shuyao's live broadcast is running on the mobile phone.

"Go and wash your hands, I'll serve you a meal." Fang Qi smiled and patted Ding Jiantuan, then picked up the bowl and turned to serve the meal.

Ding Jiantuan nodded with a smile, and washed his hands in the sink next to the kitchen.

Seeing Li Shuyao's stable appearance now, Ding Jiantuan is very satisfied, and he is also very satisfied with his current life.

After saving the world, the hero returns to normal life, the world is still the same, and the fireworks in this world still exist.

Now that the world is at peace, he will naturally keep his mouth shut and will not talk about Li Shuyao's identity anymore.

This is not good for Li Shuyao, but also bad for herself, if the irritating people come out to do evil again, it will be bad.

Moreover, people in the world don't always understand heroes. The experience of the mental hospital and the police station had a very significant impact on his life. His original wife divorced him and left with their children. Some difficulties.

The double blow of family and work was very heavy. He was very depressed at one time. He was pessimistic and self-deprecating. After the hero saved the world, he couldn't live by himself.

Although he had already made some preparations in his heart when he decided to take that step, it still made him very uncomfortable when it actually happened.

After all, he is no longer young.

When the movie-like plot faded away, the remaining daily necessities made him a little suffocated.

He is no longer so jumpy, and he is no longer in the second grade, he has become calm and silent.

At this time, his current wife appeared.

She is not rich and powerful, nor does she have any iron rice bowl, she is just a hard-working rural girl who does an ordinary job in the city. She used to be one of the few college students in the village, and she also had an enviable marriage.

But later the facts told her that everything was illusory, and her husband's derailment also hit her hard.

After the divorce, she got a house and a car. Her friends envied her money and freedom, but she knew that what she wanted was the warmth of her family. If it wasn't for the little girl and her parents, she would have committed suicide thought.

Maybe you will be angry at her for not living up to expectations, but people are different.

Two people who were equally frustrated met, and they licked each other's wounds, she found his focus and tenderness, and he saw her sensitivity and fragility.

They formed a new family. He gave her and the little girl all his love. Now the 5-year-old little girl has also forgotten her former scumbag father and enjoys the overflowing fatherly love that Ding Jiantuan brought her.

Perhaps because of the ups and downs in life, he cherishes his family very much now, even though this little girl is not his own, he still treats her as his own daughter.

He is now working as an online car-hailing driver himself. It took a lot of trouble to apply for the qualification at the beginning, and he finally got it after providing certificates from many hospitals and police stations.

Sometimes it is always after losing that you realize how precious everything you once had is.

So he cherishes his current job and family very much. He has paid so much for this world, so it is time for him to live in peace.

Maybe he is the only one in the whole world who thinks like this, maybe no one can understand how much courage he needed to take that step at that time, how contradictory he was in his heart, maybe many people think he is a pervert who breaks into private houses in broad daylight.

But no one could understand his fear at that time, and no one could know the fear in his heart when he saw Li Shuyao transform from skinny to perfect body in just a few hours three years ago...

Are you noble?

Maybe, after all, I really went in with the heart of death at that time.

Are you ridiculous?

Maybe, in the eyes of many, many people, I am not only ridiculous but also abnormal.

But nothing matters.

Sitting on a chair in the restaurant, looking at his gentle wife opposite, Ding Jiantuan felt very satisfied. The two often watched Li Shuyao's live broadcast while eating.

In the beginning, he watched the live broadcast to keep an eye on Li Shuyao. After all, he had already been blacklisted by that park, and it was impossible for him to enter again, so the only place where he could observe her was the live broadcast room.

Then watch and watch...

I really watched it day by day.

Fang Qi is a fan of Li Shuyao herself. She likes Li Shuyao's music. In those difficult years, she thought of committing suicide many times. It was those music that soothed her heart time and time again.

In many cases, letting go is a process of reconciliation with yourself, which has nothing to do with outsiders, and outsiders can't understand it. Only you can understand yourself.

And who can say that the combination of the two has nothing to do with Li Shuyao.

"Husband, let's go on a trip when the girl is on winter vacation." Fang Qi said while eating.

"Okay, where do you want to go?" Ding Jiantuan nodded: "But where do you work?"

"I've already resigned," Fang Qi said.

"It's okay, I earn a lot in a month now, when I save money, let's go out and play together during the winter vacation." Ding Jiantuan laughed.

Ding Jiantuan did not ask why he resigned, nor did Fang Qi.

Because Ding Jiantuan understands, most of it is because of him.

In fact, there were a lot of gossip about his marriage to her, especially some people in her work unit, who had already gossiped about her divorce, and then hired someone who had been in a mental hospital and police station to continue gossiping about her remarriage.

It doesn't matter if you quit your job or change your environment.

"I think, when we come back from our trip, we'll open a supermarket by ourselves." Fang Qi said with a smile, "I'll figure it out today, it should be enough."

"Okay, then you will get the money for opening the store, and I will get the money for traveling." Ding Jiantuan knew that he had no money himself, but Fang Qi had a lot of money.

Otherwise, the people in her unit would not feel that they are not worthy of her.

With the sound of Li Shuyao's live broadcast, the two of them ate very happily.

The two of them didn't know much about the game League, but... watching Li Shuyao's live broadcast had become a habit of the two of them.

 Well, let's give these people an ending

(End of this chapter)

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