Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 750 She Really Changed Many People

Chapter 750 She Really Changed Many People ([-])
"Let me tell you this wave, Brother Yao must be telling Xiaoye, 'You go up and up, it's okay, I reap and I reap. Concentrate, if you don't repeat what you say, your words may be ignored, so many important instructions are repeated repeatedly."

Xiao Hui looked at the OB's picture and smiled at the camera:

"Haha, right, that's what you see in the live broadcast over there, right? Haha, that's what I said, and in this wave, brother Yao must have said 'You go up, you are afraid of a hammer, go up and fuck him ', huh? Isn’t it, haha, oh yes, she is live broadcasting, so we must pay attention to this effect, haha.”

"Line against brother Yao? Don't be ridiculous, I won't go, I've been tired for a year, why don't you let me have a good rest, why should I go up to seek abuse."

"I'm sure I can't beat him. I'll go. You don't think Brother Yao is weak, do you? You can go to any player or streamer who has played against Brother Yao and see who dares to say that she is weak. You really want to see her." It’s no big deal if it’s lively, but I’m the one who gets hammered.”

Xiaohui smacked his mouth:

"I was hammered for a long time in the world championship. I don't want to continue to be hammered. Anyway, she is our coach now. Hehe, we will talk about it in the spring next year. If the laning drops by then, I will find brother Yao to train... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuu

Speaking of which, Xiao Hui was originally an ordinary professional player in the secondary league. Let alone the World Championship, being able to play the main force in the LPL is already an enviable thing.

Even being able to play as a substitute in the LPL has made many players in the secondary leagues envious.

I don't know how many secondary league players have spent their entire careers in the secondary leagues and then turned away without any attention.

Otherwise, why gambling in the secondary leagues is rampant is because they can't see the future... Of course, the team managers of some secondary leagues also played a big role in it.

After all, e-sports is currently a youth hobby. For many teenagers, it would be miserable if they can't make money after delaying their studies. That's why those people took advantage of it.

Not everyone can firmly believe that they can enter the LPL and make a name for themselves.

In this way, many people naturally chose to participate in it for the sake of temporary interests.

There was a rookie with a promising future in the LPL before who completely ruined his career because he participated in match-fixing in the secondary league.

Naturally, Xiao Hui didn't participate in those things. CR's management is very formal, and the teams in the secondary league are also very standardized, so they won't touch those things.

If there is no Li Shuyao, maybe he is like many ordinary players, trying hard to be a substitute first in lpl, then find an opportunity to play the main force in a weak team, then play in the league, at most enter the playoffs, and then play three or five Retire after a year and become an anchor or transfer to a coach or something.

But now he is a world champion, a grand slam player, and has 200 million popularity in the live broadcast, which was unimaginable before.

He knew in his heart that he had to thank Li Shuyao for his current achievements.

Thank her for giving him the chance to play last year, thank her for training him all the time, and thank her for bringing a scientific schedule and martial arts training to stabilize the overall state of the team.

Of course, what I am most grateful for is actually her retirement.

Li Shuyao's retirement last year shocked the entire e-sports circle, but he was the one who benefited the most.

If Li Shuyao doesn't retire, he will either transfer or be pushed on the bench until she retires.


"The effect of today's program is good. The live data of several team members are very good." Shen Zongyue patted Chow Mein on the shoulder: "By the way, why don't you go home on vacation, why are you still here?"

"I'm on the plane tomorrow." Fried Noodles said with a smile, "I've been packing up here for the past two days, and those gangs are running so fast, we need to see if there are any loopholes."

"Don't worry, we still have staff here." Shen Zongyue stretched.

"Some things still need to be kept secret." Fried Noodles said with a smile: "If you can reduce some loopholes, reduce some."

"You are such a guy." Shen Zongyue pointed at the fried noodles with a smile: "You really will be a failure if you don't become an agent."

"I can't be that thing, haha."

The two laughed for a while and were soon attracted by the content of the live broadcast.

"This is the third team exchanged by the silver coin." Shen Zongyue smacked his lips and said, "How is it? Is there anyone who feels good?"

"The support from the last team is good, and he has a good idea." Chao Mian said with a smile: "If you want to make money, you can buy coffee beans as a substitute, and then sell them."

"Hmm... Succession is unlikely, I'm a bit old." Shen Zongyue nodded.

"Top lane... Actually, nothing can be seen here. They are all crushed, which is a bit miserable." Fried Noodles sighed: "The top laners who can match up with Yaoyao are actually the main players in the LPL. These teenagers are even worse."

"Little Hui doesn't even dare to play against her." Shen Zongyue smiled, and then sighed with some regret: "If she doesn't leave, I even have the confidence to win the three consecutive championships."

"Give up, there is no three consecutive championships in e-sports." Fried Noodles said with a smile, "With these two years of honor, you can enjoy it secretly. It's enough for you to eat for a lifetime."

"It's all thanks to you. If you hadn't insisted on it at the time, I wouldn't have been able to persist." Shen Zongyue said with a smile: "The higher-ups still respect your thoughts as the head coach."

"Then they hated me for half a year." Fried Noodles said with a smile: "If I hadn't won the MSI championship, they might have let me go last year."

"That can't be, there wasn't a league championship before."

"It doesn't feel like enough."

"I think you are drifting away."


"A talented player like Yaoyao may only emerge once in ten years." Shen Zongyue sighed.

"It's possible that in my whole life, I'll only meet someone like her." Chow Mian slapped his lips, "Speaking of which, I'm really lucky to be her coach."

"You don't have to be so modest. When she first came here, although she said she was very capable, she didn't understand many details. You taught me by hand." Shen Zongyue laughed.

"Then she's a quick learner." Chao Nian said, "Without her and the things she brought, I'm afraid we wouldn't have had a good time in the past two years."

"Yeah, it was really difficult during the time of breaking up and reorganizing the year before last." Shen Zongyue couldn't help shaking his head thinking about what he was like back then: "Last year, everything was really pressed up. If it really didn't work out, maybe we brothers Everyone has to pack up and leave."

"Thinking about how bold it was back then, if we didn't make a name for ourselves, wouldn't we both have to go to work in an electronics factory? Hahaha..."

"That's not the case, I can go to another company to apply for a management position anyway." Shen Zongyue said with a smile: "Maybe they will be merciful and let me go to another department of CR to be a sales manager or whatever. "

"I'm afraid I won't kick you out at that time. I happen to have a classmate in college who works as a workshop director in an electronics factory. We can join him."

"Fuck you, I won't go."


(End of this chapter)

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