Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 752 New Year's Song

Chapter 752 New Year's Song
In the next few days, in order to make up for the time, the CR players launched a high-intensity matchup with the Silver Coin team... Should I say it or not, the effect is there. I heard that some of them have performed well in this game. The more outstanding players have received attention.

Now is the transfer period. Clubs without money are thinking about how to sell at a high price and buy at a low price, and still maintain their combat effectiveness. The rich clubs are waving banknotes to build their own galaxy warships.

Of course, no one’s money comes from strong winds, so you still have to be cautious. People need to understand your true strength, and only when they really think you are strong will they spend money to buy you.

And how can you play your worth?

The best way is naturally to show your value in the game, so the domestic e-sports competition that will start soon is also called the battle of worth...

But not everyone is eligible to play.

Then this is indeed a very good opportunity.

After all, even if you can't meet such a strong opponent in the national e-sports competition, there are almost no teams that can survive a few tricks under CR.

Not to mention, I really found a few good seedlings. Although it is said that there are not many who got a bargain from Li Shuyao's men, there are also some who have gained advantages in other ways.

And even if they were beaten violently by Li Shuyao, the performance of each top laner is different.

In the beginning, each team wanted to see if they could find a top laner who could beat Li Shuyao... Then everyone began to look for a top laner who could perform well under Li Shuyao's onslaught.

Now there is a purpose.

Although it may not be possible to play the game directly, it is also good to be a substitute.

So two days after the live broadcast, the silver coins received piles of applications, all of whom wanted to come up to play a dozen, and even forced silver coins to form a team to try out first.

It's the same as team selection.

However, the popularity in the past few days is indeed very high. Every day when the broadcast starts, there will be a hot search, which has continued the popularity of the World Championship.

Generally speaking, after the end of the World Championship every year, the popularity will drop like a cliff. If there is no competition, everyone can only pay attention to the news of the transfer period and play riddles with those so-called industry insiders.

This is also a way to maintain the popularity. People who buy it don’t say anything, just wait for the official announcement on the last day, and before the official announcement, everyone will guess who will go where...

After a week of continuous live broadcast, this show finally ended. Firstly, CR and the others have almost made up for the time, and secondly, everyone will feel a little bit tired of this thing after a long time.

Well, the most important thing is that everyone is a little tired, and the silver coins are getting beaten up every day...

If it was his original teammate, then he would definitely not be afraid, and he could even fight back and forth. Even the peak CR would not easily crush his team, and he could still win some victories.

But these teammates... It's really hard to describe. Some people really want to express themselves, but the result is counterproductive. Anyway, his side is a mess, and CR's side was quite serious at first, but later it actually started to have some fun.

After a week, everyone will be broadcasting live separately, Yin Coin will continue to be his leader, and Li Shuyao will continue to broadcast while making the return of the great sage.

The production progress is very fast.

Or how to say ten years of original work, 2 minutes of plagiarism, even if Li Shuyao has integrated the style of the return of the Great Sage and the Wushan Five Elements to a certain extent, adding some more complicated fighting scenes to it, but the overall need for her to recreate is actually Not too much.

Lu Yao also saw that Li Shuyao's production was so fast, so he decided to advance the release time to next year's summer vacation.

This year's All-Stars officially invited Li Shuyao, but she was too lazy to go abroad, so she didn't go.

Afterwards, CR also invited her to the LPL year-end awards... She is currently a member of the coaching staff.

But she was busy painting the return of the Great Sage, so she didn't plan to go.

She still has to be the director, how to edit, where to play what kind of music has to be done by herself... Anyway, this thing is really busy for her, she has already made up her mind, and she will not do it after this time. In the future, whoever wants to do it, she will just copy and copy songs to make money!
Before Jingyi went to participate in the LPL year-end celebration, Li Shuyao took Jingyi and Fang Xuening to Hangzhou in a caravan, fulfilling Jingyi's little dream of traveling in a caravan.

Uh... The reason why it is a small dream is because this guy is not suitable for the life of traveling in an RV, and he is the kind of person who is uncomfortable without playing games all day...

So I had no choice but to go to Hangzhou for a while, didn't eat anything, and then came back after staying for two days.

As the New Year's Eve approaches, Li Shuyao is basically at home by herself, and Jingyi has returned to her hometown. She has won a lot of bonuses this year, but I don't know if she is planning to buy a house again.

Well, it’s not easy to keep a set for yourself.

Fang Xuening is planning to go out for a while to make a small profit, participate in some New Year's Eve parties or something, make a small profit before the New Year and then go home and give out red envelopes...

In addition to being busy with the work of the studio, Lu Yao is also busy with the new anchors that the studio has hired. The current studio is still operating very well, so Lu Yao plans to expand the scale a little bit.

After all, Li Shuyao couldn't rely on Li Shuyao alone.

Lu Yao still has a lot of choices. After all, Li Shuyao knows too much, so no matter whether it is music or the anchor of the alliance, he can catch her popularity.

As long as the anchor's own quality is good, connecting with Li Shuyao can attract a lot of traffic.

Of course, Lu Yao must be screened, and can't be accepted casually, she still has a good eye for seeing people.

And on the first day of the new year, that is, New Year's Day, Li Shuyao's new song was also released online.

Seeing that it was almost 11:50, Li Shuyao quietly moved down from the bed.

Fang Xuening has already fallen asleep next to her. In the past two days, she has been performing everywhere. She flew to seven places in three days, and she even flew to Dunhuang to perform.

If you want to make money, you must be tired, so after coming back tonight, I basically ate something and fell asleep.

She didn't intend to disturb Fang Xuening, so she carried her tablet to the balcony on the second floor.

The release of this new song actually didn't require Lu Yao and the others to talk about it. Wasn't it written for CR? The club put a lot of effort into publicizing it, and started building momentum half a month in advance.

Then the owner of an unknown live broadcast platform also followed suit.

The unknown platform owner felt a little embarrassed for Li Shuyao and Lu Yao, and every time she posted something, they would help stir up the popularity for free.

In order to thank Lu Yao, he also gave others, and he was very happy when he signed the copyright of Li Shuyao's songs with the platform.

Uh, Lu Yao has already found out that the boss is in the fan group, maybe the boss thought he didn't find out.

Although it is said that several companies are promoting it, after all, they are posting songs by themselves, and Lu Yao is too embarrassed to rest, so he is busy there.

Li Shuyao nestled in the lazy sofa, holding a tablet in front of her, and checked the time, it was 12 o'clock.

After exiting and re-entering to refresh, an extra video appeared on my channel.

The cover of the video is the picture of CR winning the championship this year and holding the trophy. If you look carefully, in the back, there is also a photo of the trophy winning last year.

(End of this chapter)

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